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Ryan H

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    Ryan H got a reaction from Randy & Nana in Whats next after marriage in China?   
    Even if you use a service, you will still have to gather information yourself and send it to them (I believe they will assemble it for you).
    People have to decide what they feel is best for them in regards to hiring an attorney or using a service agency for their case. What works for one couple does not always work for another.
    My two cents is this, if one feels they can handle the process on their own, they don't need to spend extra money for a lawyer or service agency. On the flip side, if they feel overwhelmed and are totally uncomfortable with the process or if their case is a complex one, then legal or agency assistance may be something for them to consider. Ultimately the person making the call will know what the best call is.
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    Ryan H reacted to pushbrk in Getting married under VWP while K1 is pending???   
    Correct, however, if there is a denial, there's no appeal when adjusting from VWP. Did the lawyer mention that not only the marriage but also the AOS filing must occur BEFORE your 90 days is up? Did the lawyer address the additional risk resulting from having already declared your immigrant intent with an I-129F petition and letters of intent to marry? Four months into the process, I would just follow through with the K1 if it were me.
  3. Like
    Ryan H reacted to JoannaV in CR-1 Spouse Visa Exact Expiration date   
    The visa is normally valid for 6 months. If your medical expires sooner, then the visa will probably expire sooner too.
  4. Like
    Ryan H reacted to pushbrk in Travel shortly after entrance   
    This is an immigration forum. The OP didn't ask for advice about financial planning or family priorities. All that is needed to enter the USA is the I-551 stamp (endorsement) of the visa. The other considerations are personal, not immigration related.
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    Ryan H reacted to Otto in Getting married under VWP while K1 is pending???   
    If its advice on how you can circumvent US Immigration Law - you won't find that here on VJ (ask your attorney).
    What is your life-goal here? To be married sooner than perhaps originally planned? Or to simply not be away from your loved one? If its the latter, there is nothing that says you can't visit the US while the petition is being processed - you just can't stay over your allowed expiration date.
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    Ryan H reacted to Inky in Getting married under VWP while K1 is pending???   
    You already filed the K-1 and have a NOA1?
    If so its not advisable to marry and try to AOS from VWP, with a pending K-1.
    Most lawyers want money and don't really care about what happens to the people involved.
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    Ryan H reacted to JimVaPhuong in Will this candidate have a chance at a legal status?   
    Au contraire! Though this is primarily a self-help website, when someone has a difficult immigration situation then the people on this forum regularly advise the counsel of a good immigration attorney. This is sound advice!
    I would suggest one additional proviso: Be a very proactive client. Tell your attorney everything - and I mean everything - about your situation. A lawyer's guidance can change dramatically based on tiny but critical tidbits of information. It also infuriates them if they get hit with a surprise that their client knew all along. In addition, educate yourself as much as possible about the relevant laws. At every step of the way, you should know exactly what you're attorney is doing and why they are doing it. If something doesn't seem right then confront them on it, and make sure you agree with them before they proceed. Also, insist on reviewing any document or form they plan to submit before they submit it. You know the facts about your case better than they do, so you must help insure they get the details right.
    Finally, expect that an attorney is going to blow a little smoke up your tailpipe. An attorney will frequently try to give you hope when there is none because, frankly, a client in trouble is their best source of revenue.
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    Ryan H reacted to Casprd in Will this candidate have a chance at a legal status?   
    So the friend really is you. As with so many others who are in an illegal status, you're spending a lot of time and energy trying to convince everyone on VJ why your activities should be forgiven. But we are not the ones you have to convince. US immigrations is who you have to convince and as you have been told countless times, the fact that you claimed to be a US citizen numerous times since the age of 18, you now face a lifetime ban. Sorry if that is not what you want to hear, but that is a fact and you can't change it. At this point you have two choices. Return to your home country and try to make a life there or continue to live here illegally an hope you don't get caught. Personally I hope you return to your home. People doing things like what you are doing are what makes it so much harder for the rest of us who follow the rules and do things legally.
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    Ryan H reacted to JimVaPhuong in Will this candidate have a chance at a legal status?   
    INA 216(a)(6)©(ii):

    (I) IN GENERAL- Any alien who falsely represents, or has falsely represented, himself or herself to be a citizen of the United States for any purpose or benefit under this Act (including section 274A ) or any other Federal or State law is inadmissible.
    There is a narrow exception for someone who lived in the US prior to age 16, and both parents were US citizens, and the alien reasonably believed they were also a citizen.
    The ban associated with a violation of this section of the law is not limited, nor is any waiver possible. Someone found to have violated this section is inadmissible forever. If your friend is ever caught then he will be deported, and he will never be permitted to return to the US. Of all of the immigration violations someone could commit, this definitely ranks among the most egregious.
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    Ryan H reacted to Harpa Timsah in Will this candidate have a chance at a legal status?   
    I am assuming this person is you, because you have so much information on what sort of applications were forged. Starve to death and not work? "Not purposefully?" You lied, or your friend, and are not supposed to be here. It's illegal, and we respect the law in this country.
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    Ryan H reacted to Minted7 in got DS-230 back during interview?   
    Have an update! We emailed Montreal yesterday and the lady who conducted our interview called this morning and said she made a mistake and she's sorry, and she needs us to scan and email the 4 pages DS230 to her.She assured my hubby that he is approved and nothing is wrong with his paperwork. So we did that and just 1hr ago she emailed back, said thank you for doing this your visa has been printed out and its going in the mail tommorow!! yay !
    Thankyou vj family!
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    Ryan H reacted to JD63 in filing I-129f with K-1 visa in Thailand   
    and establishing a domicile in the US. I'd work on getting those ducks in a row, and as Penguin stated, getting your income established and filing tax returns if needed, for the affidavit of support.
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    Ryan H reacted to Penguin_ie in filing I-129f with K-1 visa in Thailand   
    You still have to mail it to the USA, only spousal visas can be filed DCF.
    Be sure to plan for the affidavit of support later in the process as you have been living abroad.
  14. Like
    Ryan H reacted to pushbrk in photos as evidence of meeting....   
    You've already filed the petition. The CO is not concerned about evidence of meeting. USCIS will adjudicate that based on primary evidence. Photos are secondary evidence of meeting. For USCIS or the Consulate, I recommend printing multiple photos per page, in color, on plain white paper. You may then add any date or other information you think may be helpful. If the photos are not already showing an interior date, that's fine.
  15. Like
    Ryan H reacted to K1visa125 in K1 refused, now they want me to come to Vietnam   
    Here is the latest....
    I went to Vietnam and went with my fiance to the interview 2 weeks ago. We waited about an hour in the room with about 50 other people when they finally called her number. I didn't go to the window with her, but sat near the interview area so the interviewer could see me and call me up to ask any questions. I could hear most of the interview and he asked my fiance about me and our relationship, what I did for a living, etc. She showed him pictures of our engagement party along with all the other paperwork and evidence we submitted and in only 10 or so minutes, he gave her the pick paper. She was APPROVED for her visa which she picked up one week later. Unbelievable, it seemed to happen so fast and easy. He didn't even talk to me, but definitely saw me sitting there. She thinks me being there made all the difference.
    She is coming here this Sunday and it will be the beginning of our life together here in the US.
    Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement.
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    Ryan H reacted to pushbrk in K1 refused, now they want me to come to Vietnam   
    A virgin who says they are a virgin and their partner corroborates that the couple doesn't yet have a sexual relationship would answer all those questions correctly, right?
  17. Like
    Ryan H got a reaction from TBoneTX in applying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan   
    Congratulations on your engagement. Since your fiance is from Pakistan and given the current state of affairs, my opinion is that it is more likely than not that your case will go to AP after the interview. There is nothing you can do to prevent that. I'll say it again, it's not a certainty but it's a probability.
    Don't worry about the big file, the file I just sent in was very large. If you want to ensure that a CO will see evidence of your relationship that you want them to see, it's best to put it in with the petition that you submit to USCIS. More often than not, CO's will not ask for or take any evidence you bring to the interview. By putting this kind of evidence in at the beginning (front-loading), it's part of the file that CO's will look at prior to the interview.
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    Ryan H reacted to Little_My in Possibility of more than 1 K1 for the same Fiance?   
    I tend to agree with most of the previous posters. Maybe there is sometimes a tone of accusation present in these forums that for the OP can seem very offensive, but it's important to keep in mind that these are emotional issues for all of us, and feelings run in the surface when people are separated from their loved ones for extensive periods of time.
    As said, K1 is not a "try it and see if you like it"-visa. Could you technically get away with what you suggested in your original post? Sure, you possibly could. To me though, it just doesn't make sense. First of all, it is a huge waste of money - you would be paying duplicate fees, either to apply for the K1 twice, or first get the K1, then later on go for a spousal visa if you two decided to marry outside the US. Second, there is the chance of red flags after she would come here as a K1 and leave without going through the marriage and AOS plans. Do you really want to risk that?
    I can understand that it is frustrating and difficult that she cannot get a tourist visa - and might also seem unfair, which in a way it is. She doesn't really have the chance many of us others have to come here as a tourist or VWP and spend a few weeks - months in the US to get a taste of it, before making a life changing decision. But, it is what it is, and you just have to make the most of the situation with the possibilities you have.
    Have you two considered marrying abroad, in the Philippines, and applying for a CR1 visa for her? That way she would get the spousal CR1 visa while being in the Philippines for the whole process - she would become a legal permanent resident immediately upon entry, meaning she could start working / studying / doing whatever here once she arrives, and the first GC is for 2 years, during which she could still go back to the Philippines and even spend several months there if she wanted. After that 2 years, she could then either decide to apply for removal of conditions and get then 10 yr GC if you two still wanted to stay in the US, or, if she at that point was sure US is not for her, and you want to move your lives to the Philippines, she can give up her GC. Also, keep in mind that once she has been here for 3 years as a permanent resident and your wife, she can apply for citizenship, which will give you much more freedoms in terms of where to live, traveling abroad, or even re-locating abroad for a period of time.
    Two years flies by. It is not that long of a period - and as I said, she would not have to be only in the US for that two years, she could visit home while living here with you.
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    Ryan H reacted to Steph1988 in Possibility of more than 1 K1 for the same Fiance?   
    People like you and also fake couples is why the system is so backed up! If they left it to just the real couples wanting to immigrat their foreign spouse here maybe people wouldnt have to suffer months of waiting! Food for thought. If your intent is to go to her country why waste time and money to do a visa for her to come here...it makes no sense what so ever
    Also why dont you add a note to you petition that this is for a vaction as it seems see how fast your petition gets denied! I rest my case
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    Ryan H reacted to Steph1988 in Possibility of more than 1 K1 for the same Fiance?   
    Well your intensions are not to immigrate her here it seems? What you seem to wanna do is have her come here, marry then decide if you wanna live in america or not? I am sorry but you are suppose to get married on the k-1 you make a promise to, any other intensions is visa fraud in my eyes. And i never said you didnt love your fiancee, i said it was wrong what you were wanting to do. And i never said it was a competition as to whos more worthy for a visa. People who truly want their spouses here to live and be with them and be a family are all worthy in my eyes
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    Ryan H reacted to Steph1988 in Possibility of more than 1 K1 for the same Fiance?   
    I think the k1 and other family based visas need to be left for the people who truly want to immigrate their loved ones here. Not just to see if your loved one wants to stay here or not. get a visitor visa then if thats the case. People wait months to have their petitions approved so they can finally live in the usa with their partner! I am one of them! SO please save it for the folks that want to immigrate here for family based reasons, and not just for a vaction to check out the united states.
  22. Like
    Ryan H reacted to AmyWrites in Donald Trump's Labels: 'Made in China'   
    He's the type who will say anything to cause others to talk about him.
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    Ryan H reacted to Tim/Mav in Newbie questions   
    Other Memeber double check my advice here, but All Forms need to Translated and In English. Right down to the birth certificate, letter of intent, 325, everything. Don't matter who fills them out but has to be signed and dated by him/her. Paying Child Support is not an Issue. All Immediate family members (sons/daughter) are to be included on the application whether you are seeking a Visa for them for now or later.
  24. Like
    Ryan H reacted to JimVaPhuong in Devastated   
    Bummer. Sorry about your situation.
    The visa has been issued. You can't withdraw the petition now. He can use the visa to come to the US, if he chooses to do so. However, you are not obligated to marry him or help him adjust status. If he comes to the US and doesn't marry you then he won't be eligible for a green card, and his status will expire in 90 days. He'll either have to leave the US or remain without lawful status. Because he has a K1 visa, he can only adjust status by marriage with the K1 visa petitioner, which means you. There would be no other practical way for him to get a green card.
  25. Like
    Ryan H reacted to xxxwabbiexxx in Devastated   
    First of all I'm really sad to be reading your post, its just awful and I'm really sorry!!
    Second, DO NOT MARRY HIM!!!! I don't know you but you deserve SO much better!!!! and there is SO much better out there!!!!
    Let me get this right he has the visa in his passport and yet he's still in D.R.??? IS HE FOR REAL?? I'll be over the second I have that visa in my hand and the next second I'll be in my fiance's arms!!! Call the USCIS and get them to void his visa or whatever they can do so that when he tries to enter the US he can't.
    Does he understand the conditions of the K1 visa?? or does he think that he has a proper immigration visa??
    If he can't put the effort in now after going through the whole process then he won't put any effort into your marriage!!!
    Please don't get upset by this, but could he possibly be using you?? What is his life like in D.R.??
    I hope you have the strengh to do the right thing but yourself, not by him x!!!!!!
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