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Everything posted by Pooky

  1. I never took Mark Cuban as a fool before his latest pronouncements. Sleepy Joe is indeed a traditional politician. On the world stage and in domestic politics, that makes him predictable, which keeps the political class and world leaders comfortable that things will continue along a path that can be relied upon. DJT is not a traditional politician. He is a disruptor, working in a transactional world. That takes away the predictability and prevents an adversary preempting his moves. In the current, finance and trade-heavy world market, the transactional has the advantage over the traditional. For all the bleating over oil sanctions against Russia, their income is still booming. When DJT sank oil prices below $0 a barrel, Vlad the Imputint was terrified as their major source of revenue evaporated. Everyone bleated about the compensatory measures needed to mitigate the trade tariffs imposed against China. No-one noticed the imbalance in the return tariffs from the Chinese, who understood they were going to take a kicking. No-one mentioned the repatriation of manufacturing by other nations (I was in Japan at the time and it was big news there) out of China, knocking their domestic growth down by between 2 and 3% even as the measures were ramping up. Cuban, as a businessman, should be in a prime position to note things like this. It lessens my opinion of him that he doesn’t.
  2. Doesn’t skipping take longer than driving? 🤔
  3. All of them did. In a unanimous opinion, SCOTUS agreed that Democrats and Never-Trumpers, in their bid to preserve Democracy and prevent the presumed wannabe Dictator from even getting on the primary ballot, were, in fact, acting in a pseudo-dictatorial manner themselves and attempting to destroy Democracy. ☠️ Oh, the irony.
  4. Because on the Western side, there are no roads, spaces for roads, or even things like trails and whatnot. There are trees. And undergrowth. And Meese. And Bears. Maine is also the only state in the U.S. with a land border ton only one other U.S. state - New Hampshire.
  5. If I had to choose an actual State, it would have to be Maine. Lived there for a while, the people are great, the pace of life suits me (after a stint working in Manhattan), the food is good, you can go swimming in the Atlantic last week in August and first week in September and not get frostbite and it’s still mainly too cold for Great White Sharks. The only downside is that I never found where they hid the Red October. 🤔
  6. Happiest state in the U.S.? Inebriation Closely followed by … Obliviousness
  7. The rumour is that Mitch McMuddle chose November because it’s going to take him that long to physically reach the exit.
  8. Nowhere near as many as know that they’re on Biden’s enemies list.
  9. And yet the last poll I saw had her beating Joe Biden by 16 percentage points!! in a comparative matchup. Meanwhile DJT only held a 2 point advantage. There may come a day when the GOP asks itself whether it was wants to get at least some of what it wants, or risk getting nothing, even if Trump is reelected.
  10. Apples and chalk. General labourers can be unskilled, but they don’t earn anywhere near the money a skilled trade does and that’s where we have issues. Plumbers, electricians, carpenter, masons, Ironworkers, etc., all require specialist training. Apprenticeships and on-the job training provide the skills without the debt and set you up with a career and good money for life. That’s where this country is short. But the mantra is to get a college degree, not to work in the field, in the trades, especially for females. Cheap labour cannot answer this shortfall, no matter how many illegal economic migrants we let pour through our open Southern Border.
  11. But the vast majority of these illegal economic migrants are unskilled. We need plumbers, electricians, carpenters, masons, etc.
  12. Take Fani out of the picture and the likelihood is that her whole office will be removed. At that point, it may be more practical to drop the whole case. Because it will fail in its main aim of prosecuting him before the election.
  13. You have a fixation with Donald Trump that is wholly unhealthy and probably bad for your acne. My issue with universities is that they create an unrealistic expectation in their prospective students and the mantra that you must get a college education to get ahead is destroying the work ethic this country used to possess. We are some 650,000 skilled tradesmen short in the construction industry in this country. Rather than incurring a mountain of debt and struggling to find employment with a modern arts degree that is not worth the paper it’s printed on, a trades apprenticeship can leave you debt-free and earning well upward of $80K annually, with secure employment and good job prospects. Where is the encouragement to pursue a career in the skilled trades? The drive to get a college degree is about money for the colleges, money and indoctrination. The efforts to pay off college debt by this administration are a blatant attempt to buy votes, with taxpayer money. it’s just one big scam right now. Education has got nothing to do with it.
  14. And transmitted all the intelligence gathered back to Beijing. It’s embarrassing and the CCP must be in hysterics about getting away with it again, if indeed it is Chinese. Strange that we haven’t seen any photos of it yet. 🤔
  15. The problem for Democrats is that, regardless of his personal attributes. his policies, for the most part, were sound and very much pro-America. That is why he is attractive to the GOP base and, more and more, the independent voters. Even minorities are looking his way, because the can see the Democrats do not have their best interests at heart. Your babble about bigotry, racism, self-righteous intolerance and aversion to change is just that … babble. Joe Biden is far more of a racist than Donald Trump will ever be. His past pronouncements and voting history lay that out plain as day. The Democrat Party is as racist as they come. Minorities have one use and one use only … to elect and re-elect Democrats to Congress. So they lie, over-promise and do just enough to convince them that this time will be better. But it never is. For a man you claim to have a divisive message, Donald Trump was particularly bad at discriminating against people. Rather it was the Democrats and the media that stoked division. The Occupy movement, BLM, Antifa are all Democrat-affiliated, all designed to divide the country, sow dissent and discontent. As far a bipartisan coalition, Dingy Harry Reid (may his soul rot in Vegas) and Nancy Pelosi have seen to it that the Democrat Party will never again engage in substantive bipartisan politics. Oh, they’ll do enough round the fringes to make it appear that way, but nothing will get done. The idea of opposing a President Trump with a bipartisan coalition is pure delusion. It will never happen, because shared power is not enough. It has to be all or nothing. You may despise Donald Trump and hate all that you believe that he stands for, but he never was and never will never be as bad as as another Democrat administration with the current crop of degenerate political hacks. This administration, and the Obama regime it is attempting to replicate, weaponised the Alphabet agencies to persecute and prosecute whoever they saw as their opponents. The prosecutions of Donald Trump in 2023 and 2024 are such blatant election interference that more and more of the electorate are coming to see it for what it is. Trying to turn this country into more of a state-controlled hegemony may be what finally leads to the restitution of sanity and decency in Washington And for all his business dealings, Donald Trump never sold out his country. The Biden family business did that for years. Perhaps soon, the Washington machine will run out of ways to cover for them.
  16. His opponents have to give a name to their enemy. If they can make it seem as if he is someone to be ridiculed, or feared, or that can cause a person embarrassment by being associated with him, then that is what they will do. His opponents know that attacking him on policy is not going to be effective, because the comparison with the incumbent does them few, if any, favours. So they go after his character, where they know there is more chance of success. Calling him Supreme Leader sounds a lot like calling him a dictator (but the idea of having Rocky and Bullwinkle taking him on is flat-out hilarious). The irony is that the incumbent is operating far more like a dictator, although in his case more of a puppet figurehead controlled by a shadow politburo. The media have an important part to play in bringing the narrative to life. Rather like the Russia Collusion hoax, which, although fake a hell, has embedded itself in the psyche of many liberals, leftists and loonies, the more it is said, the more it is believed, much along the lines of the Nazi Big Lie. Apart from a few outlets, most media in the country leans left to a degree, some a little, some a lot. If they can control the message, the can control the electorate is the belief. What disturbs them most is that America appears to be waking up. Despite the outwardly positive economic signs, there is the underlying knowledge that the economy sucks, unfettered immigration is a ticking timebomb, America’s global standing is appearing weaker by the day and the incumbent is a doddering, incompetent, corrupt old man that they need to protect and preserve at all costs. Because the alternative is a second term for Donald Trump. This time he knows what he’s up against and what he needs to do to the entrenched careerists in Washington and the Alphabet Gang to ensure that his second term does not resemble his first. And that terrifies them.
  17. Not as many as are laughing at Joe Biden. But you’d never hear about that because one side controls the narrative and the other gets buried in the margins. What is unfortunate is that those laughing the loudest are the Chinese, the Russians and the Iranians (North Koreans have no sense of humour). And they don’t do it on TV comedy shows, they do it in back rooms at BRICS gatherings. None of it gets reported, as it goes against “The Narrative”.
  18. Kill the oil price cap and enforce sanctions on the movement of Russian oil. This administration is tacitly allowing Russia to fund its war by not doing so. Again, it’s Ol’ Joe not wanting to see an oil price spike in an election year, and the Russians are gleefully exploiting that weakness.
  19. He isn’t my supreme leader. I remain a UK citizen and laugh at the depths Americans plumb to find their presidential candidates. I liken it to the last 2 clowns in the clown car. 🤡
  20. Similar reason why there are no more punitive sanctions against Iran. If Ol’ Joe clamps down on Iran’s source of revenue, oil, prices will go up, just before an election, which is bad, bad, very bad. So he would rather appear weak and stay in power, than do the right thing and make the world a safer place.
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