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    luckytxn reacted to mawilson in California Disappoints America.....   
    Yes, we can. We just gotta keep pushing. #### the Feds.
  2. Like
    luckytxn reacted to spookyturtle in Why are people here so irrational about the election?   
    I don't talk the talk, you do. You're not a wealthy person, obviously. Wealthy people don't go online and brag about what they have. And wealthy people who are good businessmen cut their losses and move on. Wealthy people don't live in self imposed misery when they can change their situation on a moments notice. This is the internet, you can be whatever you want to be.
  3. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in Full text of Rand Paul’s victory speech   
    Do as you want. You are good at putting in barney cartoons then so be it and do it. No sweat off my balls. If you think it is being called names then so be that also. You Socialists are done in the house. Y'all lost big time. I like it but know in the long run it just means we get a little less deficit. We are still having our brave heroes dying on foreign soil needlessly. We are spread everywhere all over the globe to ensure that other countries can have their protection. These countries spend a lot less then they need to on their own military because of us and that means we subsidize their Socialism and allows them to accrue more wealth then they would have done so without us there. We can stop this and have this for ourselves but we have allowed these two parties to unleash the dogs of war in perpetual hostility for really no gain for ourselves that makes real sense.
    Now you Socialist want to tax the hell out of the most productive part of our economy to feed the least productive. This is biting the hand that feeds us. It squelches innovation and pretty much leads us to less individual freedoms.
  4. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in Full text of Rand Paul’s victory speech   
    Exactly. It can and should be done but I honestly don't think they will do anything of the sort. The GOP is nothing but Socialist lite. They will maintain the Fed at the same levels at the least. We will continue to have huge deficits and have our Armed forces flung worldwide and frittering our wealth away away from our own shores.
    The GOP is part of the problem. We do not need this huge Federal apparatus people but they have brainwashed everyone that they not only need it but it is a necessary thing and the bigger the better.
    The best thing would be for them to default and wake up the world to how we have been their ATM and we are broke. We can get out of all this but we will not. Rand Pauls father is maybe the exact person we need but everyone couldn't handle it.
  5. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Henykat in Divided states of America   
    It always has been...simply because of jealousy...now crawl back under your bridge and get your filthy hand out of my wallet
  6. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Obama 2012 in Barney Frank's seat is in jeopardy   
    it's MA, a state that re-elected a murderer time and time again. Obviously you have to be pretty brain dead to take the same beating with dirty rats like Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank....
  7. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in Jury Duty Bites!   
    We can ask for a jury of our peers or a judge to decide. We have a choice we can believe in and not what some screwed up European thinks is good for us here.
  8. Like
    luckytxn reacted to thongd4me in Nov. 2 Call from Japanese Prime Minister to Obama   
    I wish you every success in holding your annual erection!
  9. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from mawilson in Jury Duty Bites!   
    We can ask for a jury of our peers or a judge to decide. We have a choice we can believe in and not what some screwed up European thinks is good for us here.
  10. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Jury Duty Bites!   
    We can ask for a jury of our peers or a judge to decide. We have a choice we can believe in and not what some screwed up European thinks is good for us here.
  11. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from TBoneTX in Jury Duty Bites!   
    We can ask for a jury of our peers or a judge to decide. We have a choice we can believe in and not what some screwed up European thinks is good for us here.
  12. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from JohnSmith2007 in Republicans could win 78 House seats   
    No. I lived through Carter and he is for sure the worst in at least my lifetime. We had a misery index that became the standard of how horrible it was to be alive during his tenure. He survived one term thank God.
  13. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from in Republicans could win 78 House seats   
    No. I lived through Carter and he is for sure the worst in at least my lifetime. We had a misery index that became the standard of how horrible it was to be alive during his tenure. He survived one term thank God.
  14. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from TBoneTX in Republicans could win 78 House seats   
    No. I lived through Carter and he is for sure the worst in at least my lifetime. We had a misery index that became the standard of how horrible it was to be alive during his tenure. He survived one term thank God.
  15. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Pooky in Tea Party Brews in Israel, Prompted by Concerns About Obama   
    No, the Israelis are concerned that the US expects only them to keep their word and will give the Palestinians a free pass on their unkept promises.
    And just a comment. The people are Israeli. Your tone and word usage come across as distinctly anti-Semitic.
  16. Like
    luckytxn reacted to lostinblue in What government stimulus stimulates   
    It might come as no surprise that the Obama-Reid-Pelosi stimulus bills have been colossal failures. What might surprise you, however, is that sound economics demonstrates no other outcome is possible.
    In a free market, consumer spending patterns determine the array of goods and services produced. Changes in consumer preferences cause changes in relative prices, which in turn give rise to profit opportunities. Businesses take advantage of these opportunities by cutting back the production of relatively lower-priced goods in favor of relatively higher-priced goods consumers now prefer. Competition hastens the adjustment process, promotes efficiency, and drives down prices.
    Stripped to its essentials, the market can be thought of as the process in which producers, guided by price changes, continually adjust the allocation of resources in order to supply the mix of goods and services that best satisfies consumer demands.
    In February 2009, Congress passed, and President Obama signed into law, the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” (ARRA): an $862B “stimulus” bill ostensibly crafted to rescue America from recession. The bill authorized about $500B of new spending through 2012.
    “Cash for Clunkers” (CARS), was a government-funded rebate program that offered up to $4,500 to buyers who traded in older vehicles for new ones. During the summer of 2009, nearly 700,000 eligible cars and trucks were traded in, at a cost to taxpayers of just over $3 billion.
    In August of 2010, Congress authorized another $26B in new spending to stimulate the hiring of teachers and administrators.
    How do these kinds of spending programs affect the economy? What exactly do they stimulate?
    Vote buying and influence peddling
    When government announces $500B in new spending, unions, corporations and other special interests will try to secure a slice of the pork by increasing their lobbying expenditures and political contributions. The bigger the stimulus, the more money will be spent buying influence and the less will be available for investing.
    In union-dominated industries, unions will attempt to capture stimulus dollars directly because they are better positioned than corporations to reap the lion’s share of the haul.
    The transfer of wealth from ordinary citizens to special interests
    In 2008, unions gave about $75 million to federal candidates and parties, with about 92% of it going to Democrats. Although unions make up only about 12% of U.S. workers, roughly half of all stimulus spending authorized under Obama will flow through union-controlled entities.
    Unions extract above-market wages by restricting the labor supply. The rise in labor costs chokes production and raises prices. Stimulus-induced increases in union compensation come at the expense of non-union labor, in the form of lower wages, and consumers, in the higher prices they must pay for union-manufactured goods. Union members enjoy million dollar pensions not because they’re more productive, but because they provide money and votes to politicians who pass stimulus bills.[1]
    Wealth is transferred to other special interests and favored constituencies in similar fashion, and with equal effect: society becomes less productive as more and more resources are allocated by government instead of markets.
    Goods and services nobody wants
    There’s a reason why so few solar panels and wind turbines were manufactured before government started subsidizing them–they’re economically wasteful. (The same might be said of $100k puppet theaters.) Despite this, the ARRA allocates billions in spending for these and other, equally wasteful initiatives.
    Stimulus spending undermines the market process by shifting the focus of production away from goods and services consumers actually demand to stuff Obama, Reid, and Pelosi cherish, like electric cars, or are paid to protect, like union-controlled public education. In a free market, the profit motive serves as a powerful incentive for businesses to produce goods that are more highly valued than the resources used to produce them. Stimulus spending encourages the opposite.
    The free market has made production possible on a scale once thought unimaginable. Stimulus programs, on the other hand, promote cronyism over competition, stagnation over progress, and waste over efficiency. The only thing they truly stimulate is our gradual impoverishment.
    And, more importantly, to politicians who craft pro-union legislation.
  17. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Gary and Alla in The Country is up for grabs   
    That's because government CANNOT make things better for most people. Only people DEPENDENT on government, people CONTROLLED by government can have better or worse lives based on which party is elected. The rest of us can make our own lives better or worse all by ourselves.
  18. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Gary and Alla in Sheila Jackson Lee wants DOJ to monitor tea partiers at polls   
    True. what would happen if a sitting Republican President and former Republican President tried to get a black guy to give up his seat so they could defeat an Hispanic guy and give the job to the white guy! Can you even imagine? Can you even try to imagine?
  19. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Obama 2012 in Just Another Day on the Texas Border   
    bring the troops home and line them on the border.
    Time to start taking care of 'real' threats to National Security instead of made-up ones overseas.
  20. Like
    luckytxn reacted to ^_^ in Top U.S. brands favored by Democrats and Republicans   
    Walmart isn't shopping. Walmart is slow death.
  21. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Ban Hammer in Blowing Bubbles   
    i thought this was gonna be the one about the gal being fired for blowing bubbles, and bubbles turning out to be a circus clown.
  22. Like
    luckytxn reacted to TBoneTX in Key Tax Breaks at Risk as Panel Looks at Cuts   
    The unmitigated gall and arrogance of this. It's not the Government's money. Period.
  23. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from TBoneTX in Question about a tenant breaking 1 year lease agreement AND wants his deposit back!   
    I have rental property and have gone through this. A lease is a binding contract the tenant must pay the full rent to the end of the lease. Now they can ask to be let out of the lease early but must give you a certain amount of notice. They will be liable though for the expenses that you incur to find another tenant and the new tenant will have to go through the screening process that you choose to do. After a successful tenant has agreed to rent and move in then the old tenant has to move out and the abode is cleaned and ready for the new tenant and the new tenant moves in under the new lease. Then and only then give up the deposit minus the deductions that cost you. If no new tenant can be found then the old tenant has to keep paying the rent.
    Also you do not have to let them out of the lease at all and the tenant is bound by the lease but you will have to sue them but that is not hard to do as I have done it myself several times successfully. One tenant has even tried to sue me and lost. Of course this is in the state of Texas and the laws may be different where you live. Texas is very strong on contracts.
    I always ask for and receive the first and last month and a deposit upfront. I have someone that does a background check and checks all references. The prospective tenant pays for it of course.
  24. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from Kathryn41 in Question about a tenant breaking 1 year lease agreement AND wants his deposit back!   
    I have rental property and have gone through this. A lease is a binding contract the tenant must pay the full rent to the end of the lease. Now they can ask to be let out of the lease early but must give you a certain amount of notice. They will be liable though for the expenses that you incur to find another tenant and the new tenant will have to go through the screening process that you choose to do. After a successful tenant has agreed to rent and move in then the old tenant has to move out and the abode is cleaned and ready for the new tenant and the new tenant moves in under the new lease. Then and only then give up the deposit minus the deductions that cost you. If no new tenant can be found then the old tenant has to keep paying the rent.
    Also you do not have to let them out of the lease at all and the tenant is bound by the lease but you will have to sue them but that is not hard to do as I have done it myself several times successfully. One tenant has even tried to sue me and lost. Of course this is in the state of Texas and the laws may be different where you live. Texas is very strong on contracts.
    I always ask for and receive the first and last month and a deposit upfront. I have someone that does a background check and checks all references. The prospective tenant pays for it of course.
  25. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from JeanneVictoria in Teleprompter to make its debut in Parliament when Obama speaks   
    Famous for his oratory? Being able to repeat what is written and in front of oneself is not great oratory. Surprise the moron doesn't stammer and seem like the idiot he is when trying to speak with a teleprompter........wait he does.
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