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    luckytxn reacted to BishopM in TEXAS Likely To LEAD Nation In Economic Growth   
    I have to agree with Paul. I grew up in TX. And, like alot of younger people just out of college (this was a bit back) I couldn't wait to get out of TX for the reasons which BY has stated: stereotypes and all the 'lore'.
    However, after being out of TX for 15 years, I have to admit that I am quite impressed with TX now that I have a 'new set of eyes' to view the state. Particulary, I'm very impressed with Fort Worth and their revitalization. I can live where I want and at this moment I don't live in TX. However, if I ever move again and still have the freedom to live where I want, I would seriously consider moving to Ft Worth.
    15 years ago you never would have heard me say that! Texas is the BEST!
  2. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from milimelo in Arizona Immigration Laws   
    Fully support and think all states should have laws also. The Feds are unable to enforce the laws and are overwhelmed trying to stem the flow. In fact they have announced they are only going after dangerous illegals so they have forced us to fend for ourselves.
  3. Like
    luckytxn reacted to I AM NOT THAT GUY in Texas has a budget deficit and it's proportionally bigger than California's!   
    Well, sorta. It's more Gaia worship, turning all the kids into eco-terrorists.
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    luckytxn reacted to Obama 2012 in Texas has a budget deficit and it's proportionally bigger than California's!   
    psssst, Texas has the best roads in the country. Though Cali is a close 2nd..... our emergency services are top notch, etc. as well. but you keep thinking otherwise.
    Your state had to make deep cuts and raise fees out the #######, so don't forget that either....
  5. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Gary and Alla in GOP Rep. Bachus: 'Sarah Palin cost us control of the Senate'   
    One thing worse than poor losers like DEMS (LOSERS!!!!!!!!!) is a poor winner. No happiness in Mudville.
  6. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from tmma in Texas has a budget deficit and it's proportionally bigger than California's!   
    Texas will never need to be bailed out so don't get your hopes up. Texas has never needed a bailout ever. (except when the U.S. brought us into the union) Texas will also never secede. We did that once but we were defeated in a war and forced to come back. We decided since we have to be part of the U.S. then we might as well rule it and make everyones life happy as can be.
  7. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Obama 2012 in Senator Paul rejects Republican doctrine, says cuts in military spending are necessary   
    what's funny, is when Ron Paul says this people get all upset/angry..... When Rand says it, it's ok.
    either way, he's right.
  8. Like
    luckytxn reacted to lostinblue in Mass Recalls & Government Investigation Can't Keep TOYOTA Down...   
    Having bought 2 toyota's during the last 12 months I will say we are pleased. No more union government motors for me. Just wait until the chinese start selling autos here. The union boys will be begging for a $12/hr factory job.
  9. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Obama 2012 in Lifeline at risk for 2 million jobless   
    ebay, amazon, craigslists, aucitons, McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Target, local retail establishments, etc.... ---- GET A JOB. There's plenty of ways to do it.
    No sympathy to a lot of the bums who have been milking the system the past 2 years.
  10. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Gary and Alla in Rick Perry wants states to opt-out of Social Security   
    I think there will not be 40 million in poverty if it is not economically feasible to be in poverty.
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    luckytxn got a reaction from JeanneVictoria in Arizona Immigration Laws   
    Fully support and think all states should have laws also. The Feds are unable to enforce the laws and are overwhelmed trying to stem the flow. In fact they have announced they are only going after dangerous illegals so they have forced us to fend for ourselves.
  13. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from Obama 2012 in Iranian woman to be hanged Wednesday: rights group   
    The United states has no reason to butt into this matter. We ALSO execute many murderers here and make no mistake about it this is not just because she committed adultery but she arranged her husbands murder.
  14. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Henykat in The Best part of Election 2010   
    Hell, I'm trying to get you to leave, why would I want you here.
  15. Like
    luckytxn reacted to mawilson in The People sent a message to Washington D.C.   
    I do not vote for Republicans or Democrats. A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
  16. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Mr. Big Dog in Blue Dog Coalition Crushed By GOP Wave Election   
    I don't buy into that assessment at all. Blue Dogs are typically representing more conservative constituencies and would necessarily be at odds with the more progressive crowd. However, for progressives to claim that they were "collateral damage" yesterday is dishonest at best.
    The Democrats want to pride themselves as a big tent party and chastize the GOP for leaving the middle and focusing on the right end of the spectrum too much. When Progressives now come out and say that they want to polarize on the far left of political spectrum then their tent will necessarily shrink. As much as some want to pretend that you can build majorities on the fringes, I don't see there being much evidence to support any such thing.
    Bottom line is that the crowds aren't that big on either end of the spectrum. The majority typically swings to either side of the center - though not far from it.
  17. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from tmma in Divided states of America   
    Luckily the rest of the world is pretty much insignificant and their opinions all taken together don't mean squat.
  18. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in so much for hope and change   
    Guess some don't realize that the president just signs a bill handed to him or vetos it. He can try to ask for things and congress will listen but it is congress that makes and passes a budget.
  19. Like
    luckytxn reacted to SMR in CNN Only Took Hours To Play Race Card.....   
    It should only be of interest if you think it makes a difference whether people are black or white. If you chose to judge people based on the content of their character and not by the color of their skin, that means it doesn't make a difference to you what color their skin is, which means you couldn't care less how many people with certain colors of skin are in the senate.
    In short, blacks are not underrepresented in the senate. Everyone is represented by the senators from their state. I don't know why you seem to think that white senators don't represent black people or vice versa. It's as ridiculous as suggesting a person with black hair can't represent blondes.
    Naturally, acknowledging people have different skin colors is not racist. It's a fact of life.
    But when you start counting and grouping people based on skin color, that is racist. That is exactly what the article did. Why, when there are dozens of issues, scores of physical features, and hundreds of representatives, did CNN chose to break the house down by skin color? No other reason other than the fact that they are stuck on racism. The physical features of the members of the house and senate are irrelevant to their ability to effectively govern the country.
  20. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Obama 2012 in What Will Democrats Do To Screw Over The American People (and Republicans) During The "Lame Duck Session?"   
    Obama for not working with the Republicans
    After all, Clinton worked with a Republican house/senate and managed to balance the budget! If Obama is so great, he could do it too!
  21. Like
    luckytxn reacted to I AM NOT THAT GUY in What Will Democrats Do To Screw Over The American People (and Republicans) During The "Lame Duck Session?"   
    Okay. Only for the last four wonderful years.
    The Australians.
  22. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Scott & Lai in California Disappoints America.....   
    We didn't need Prop. 19 - clearly much of the state was smoking something yesterday as it was.
    Next time I might vote for all far-left socialists in CA... I think the only way California voters will wake up and boot the people who are ruining the state is if California is completely crushed into a third-world powder, ready to be dumped on to the ash-heap of history... most people in this state just don't get it, and won't unless the people they keep voting for have full freedom to push their policies to their logical conclusion.
  23. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Gary and Alla in CNN Only Took Hours To Play Race Card.....   
    This is what happens when the Blacks ALLOW the Dems to shove them around and put them in their little Gerrymandered boxes.
    Blacks in congress have no real power. That was the plan. The Dems promote this idea that "only a black person can represent black people" and Gerrymander these little "reservations" which is, exactly, what they are. This relieves white politicians of the responsibility to care for black issues. After all, "those people" have their own representatives and the white politicians do not need the vote of "those people". Obama was elected by WHITE people, not black people. ALL of the blacks could have voted for McCain and Obama would STILL win.
    The Dems PUT the blacks in the back of the bus, their bus, and then crashed the bus! And someone is suprised?
    But Alabama elected its first black representative, a Democrat, against the trend and Republicans elected 3 blacks. So who is a racist?
    when blacks decide that they are through being used by the Dems they will advance in this country. Amazing that the Hispanics who have far less representation in government have far more power becasue they have few (if any) Hispanic Gerrymandered districts. The WHITE politicians that run the show NEED Hispanic votes and respond to Hispanic concerns.
    For the most part, white politicians do not need black votes. Dems made sure of that.
    The DEMs are the party of slavery, the party of segregation, the party of the KKK. They did NOT change, they merely wised up. They found ways to oppress blacks while appearing to "help" them. Kind of like how we "helped" the native Americans by putting them on the reservation. I wonder when we will have "black casinos"?
  24. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from TBoneTX in The Best part of Election 2010   
    Not brilliant at all but with pretty two party system then we are going to get two ideas butting up against each other. You also know that historically that mid terms have always produced this exact outcome we had today. There was a lot of venom in the last administration back then also. No one (And here on this very forum also) didn't want to try to debate but also then wanted to spout venom and horrible stuff. I remember many times someone would just place a horrible pic here and many would laugh and of course we had the famous dancing or thumbs up. No debate but venom. Well it works both ways. Now the same ones that didn't want to debate but spout the venom back then want to debate and so on now but are disheartened to see the same actions they themselves enjoyed doing back then. Hard to believe that they didn't see their actions as having consequences but apparently they did.
  25. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from TBoneTX in Divided states of America   
    Luckily the rest of the world is pretty much insignificant and their opinions all taken together don't mean squat.
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