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Everything posted by Lemonslice

  1. Have you thought about moving to him, or a third country, were he could continue to use what works for him? Chronic pain is no fun
  2. In some countries, it's impossible to change the name in your passport to your married name. Not sure about Malaysia though. OP might want to analyze if it's worth the hassle of having mismatched documents, or if it's easier to keep her documents in her name.
  3. In most states, a longer marriage might mean alimony being granted for a longer duration too. Please tell your friend that he needs to check in with lawyers before making big decisions (marriage, separation, divorce, USCIS applications, tax avoidance, whatever else is happening in his life); he does not seem to understand how the law of the land works.
  4. Might even be able to find availability closer. Next county, next large city, find a friend who gets registered as a celebrant...
  5. Your profile shows K1, which forms are you currently filing?
  6. This thread discussed a similar issue. @jan22's answers are worth your attention.
  7. I can't remember how long you have to provide info. 2015 was 9 years ago, if the instructions require 10 years, are you including what you're spouse did prior to this position/employer?
  8. This recent thread might also be of interest: .... Since you're planning to come and visit soon, why not get married then? Or your fiancé might also want to fly to you and get married with your family. Immigration isn't fast, easy, or cheap, no matter which path you take. However, the K1 comes with extra hurdles, and much less protection for you, the immigrant. Don't rush into your decision. Best of luck.
  9. Since "they" can make it fine without a SSN, why are you so worried? Be as resourceful as they are, you'll find assistance and answers. Best of luck!
  10. Not working for 9-12 months will probably decrease your income much more than $1500...
  11. And that's not even taking into account all the K1 immigrants who are out of status/unable to adjust status because they didn't expect being unable to pay for it/their spouse is not cooperating/all other kind of nightmarish situations.
  12. You might want to see if you are eligible for a TN visa (it mostly depends on your profession). If so, you can do both, TN now, while the CR1 process is going on, with the interview in Montreal when that happens. I see zero benefit for you picking the fiancé visa path.
  13. Self-employed individuals need to file tax if they made $400, are you sure you don't need to file? https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/self-employed-individuals-tax-center
  14. It was a legitimate question. Here is the same information, in another format/as seen by airlines: https://www.emirates.com/ca/english/before-you-fly/visa-passport-information/visa-passport-information-results/?widgetheader=visa&nationality=ng&destination=us&transit=gb
  15. You might want to check in the regional forum for recent experiences https://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/96-mexico-latin-south-america/
  16. Since you've been researching a lot, and that I'm curious, what difference would it make stating "not legally free to marry" versus what they wrote "The information obtained at the consular interview indicates that there is good and sufficient cause for the petition approval to be revoked. POLYGAMOUS MARRIAGE NOT LEGALLY RECOGNIZED UNDER INA" "? Please come back and let us know how things go.
  17. Second quote from Elon: "How can you establish that the was a legal marriage, the legal means you know it happened and there is evidence that it happened. I can see if there was marriage certificate or some other documents that was submitted during non immigrate visas but a sworn statement on DS 160 and in front of officer alone do not make marriage legal. Legal according to what jurisdiction? " .......... In their letter, there's nothing saying she got married in Rwanda, in which country, or by proxy. If the marriage was valid (in the eyes of USCIS) where it happened, then she's married (I understand she did not, but how will you get evidence of that?). Again, best of luck to you and your family.
  18. Do not call them, go in person. Your local postmaster will tell you how to address/fix the delivery problems.
  19. The reciprocity schedule details what is needed, depending on the country and province, if applicable. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country.html
  20. For the N-400 evidence, others members will be able to assist you better. I only studied because I think it is important to know those things about my country of residence, I have no plan of becoming a citizen.
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