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Posts posted by LIFE'SJOURNEY

  1. i read tons of person accounts trying to find out exactly what happens at the physical and no one mentioned it

    it was marijuana the doctor called him and told exactly what it was

    Generally those who fail the medical don't come back and report it to the board, so you don see many cases here on VJ. But this is a know fact by those who have been here on VJ for 5 years or more. Some countries claim they are not tested, but that is a myth they just wasn't part of the group that came back negative.

    It use to be a 3 year ban, but 2 years ago the government shorten it to 1. So celebrate the fact that you'll only have to wait a year instead of 3.

  2. People do get through this but they had to prove to the US government that over a year period of time they had not used any drugs.

    Where did you get the information that he could re-apply after a year period of time, if the embassy told him this than that is the case for him. This would be the case if his medical showed illegal drug substance in his urine or blood. That would also be the case if he admitted that he has used illegal drugs in his adult life.

    Going thru the next process you'll will have 3 issues to overcome, one that your relationship is still valid, and two that the Beneficiary has taken steps to discontinue his use of illegal drugs. The third would be that your income could qualify for a household of 4 individuals.

  3. People do get through this but they had to prove to the US government that over a year period of time they had not used any drugs.

    Where did you get the information that he could re-apply after a year period of time, if the embassy told him this than that is the case for him. This would be the case if his medical showed illegal drug substance in his urine or blood. That would also be the case if he admitted that he has used illegal drugs in his adult life.

    Going thru the next process you'll will have 3 issues to overcome, one that your relationship is still valid, and two that the Beneficiary has taken steps to discontinue his use of illegal drugs. The third would be that your income could qualify for a household of 3 individuals.

  4. Start taking picture now, but pictres are not the only evidence they will look at. Hint: pictures can be photoshop, so they are not the final evidence.

    Now, if your husband has been coming to JA since 2009, you'll should have hotel receipts, emails, maybe some mail receipt through the postal service, letters from friends who can atest to the relationship. His passport should show all of his entry stamps to JA.

    If you make the age difference a concern then the CO will pick up on that concern.

  5. I have seen many USC children residing in Jamaica, therefore I don't know where or how you are obtaining the information you are referencing. That's why I highly suggest you talk to a lawyer in Jamaica before you proceed any futhure.

    Not even sure why you'll feel the adoption way is the only answer.

    BTW have you and your child spent any long period of time in Jamaica outside of the normal vacation time?

  6. ? Don't you feel that if a case got dismissed because they didn't have enough time (We are talking 3 months! That's long enough!) would look more like I am innocent than guilty?

    Then I want to ask you: What is the best thing that can happen to someone who is falsely accused?

    I am NOT inventing it, the DA CAN drag the case and use ALL 90 days and then the case gets automatically dismissed without a trial. I urged my attorney so many times to force the DA to have a case, but my attorney told me there was nothing they could do, the DA HAS THE RIGHT to use all 90 days to then have the case dismissed. He DOESN'T HAVE TO DROP THE CHARGES. So, I end up with a dismissed case on my records, when I NEVER had a trial! IF this ISN'T corruption, what is?

    Look right now I assisting a good friend with the same issue, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, charges were dismissed. He missed his time to leave by 30 days, US will not issue him another visa, maybe in another 5 o 10 years if he tries again. BTW it has been almost 3 years since he left the US.

    He was more inoccent than you, he had just arrived at the location where the crime happen 2 hours before, didn't know any of the people invovle.

  7. I have charges, NOT convictions. I was falsely accused. I can prove it. I NEVER had the chance to DEFEND myself. I'm planning on fighting for the Family Court one since I CAN fight that one. The two criminal cases I never could which is totally corrupt!

    As if the fact that I was arrested or had a dismissed case meant I was guilty of anything. If I was guilty the DA would have been ready, believe me, and then I would've been convicted. If that was the case, I wouldn't be on this forum, It would be NORMAL that it would prove to be used against me when trying to apply for another visa.

    BUT, I am NOT guilty.

    I don't understand your logic.

    This is the logic that will be used, there was enough evidence to bring charges agains you, yes you may have been found not guilty, but you were charged. USCIS uses a different set of logic than the crimminal courts. Do everyone agrees with this, no but it is what it is. Again, as I stated you have two set of charges, fighting and explaining one may have been easy but to try and fight 2 seperate charges that will be a hard one to tow.

  8. I just found this article http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/jun/17/court-rules-aliens-who-overstay-can-remain-to-appe/

    "Voluntary agreements give foreign visitors who overstay their visas time to challenge their deportation if their circumstances show a need to remain". Well aren't the circumstances in my case showing a need to remain, as in I had to go to court?

    Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/jun/17/court-rules-aliens-who-overstay-can-remain-to-appe/#ixzz2NcMJykbo

    No, this isn't going to work, you are luckly that ICE hasn't detained you yet. Your legal issues are due to you being charged, not due to you being the victim of a crime.

  9. What I don't understand is how someone with all of this book knowledge wouldn't have thought to contact immigration about their problem of a possible overstay due to legal issues and ask to have their visa extended or issue another type of visa.

    Yes, your legal problems will cause you issues in the future when you are trying to obtain another type of visa to the US. While you were waiting around for yor crimminal case to be resolved you should have been intouch wih immigraion.

    Now since all of this is water over the bridge, you can only look a what to do to move forward.

  10. Hi, I have a question. Is CBP different than USCIS?

    Because I see that there is a process for requesting info from USCIS and another different for CBP.

    If I approach my local USCIS office with info pass to provide thsi info, will it be sufficient and CBP will have the same updated info?


    Yes CBP is different than USCIS. NO, you need to approach CBP, at your local airport. This maybe hard, since they only see you by appt. Just have a certified copy with you the next time you leave out of the country.

    What CBP saw in their system was that your finger print showed up on the FBI check list.

  11. No exactly true, he will be questioned about this at every POE, what you need to have is a certified copy of the final court dspostion. If you have that in hand, then they will look a it and send you on your way, but until BP document that they have seen a certified copy of the court final ruling, you will be taken into secondary every time.

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