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    Susita reacted to Trompe le Monde in Is anybody else's spouse like this?   
    I am going to hazard to guess that Nina was trying to explain the attitude of the OP, not his wife.
    But all the American women thank you for giving us another opportunity to be very thankful that you married a Ukrainian.
  2. Like
    Susita reacted to Nica_In_Love in Is anybody else's spouse like this?   
    I gotta say I was laughing at the "king of the house" phrase as well. I find it funny that some of the best chefs in the world are men, but how ridiculous since cooking is a woman's job, isn't it?! *Sarcasm* At home, my husband and I share the duties, just like Austramerican has mentioned. There isn't any chore that is just mine or just my husband's, everything is shared even snow shoveling, which some people leave for the men to do. When he cooks, I do the dishes, and when I cook he does the dishes, and so forth. My father is also an excellent cook, his mother always taught all of her sons to cook and do their own things. She did this because she wanted them to be able to take care of themselves; "You never know who you're going to end up with" she used to say.
    Anyway, in relation to the OP, I don't know what's going on with him and his wife. There are always 3 sides of a story, so hopefully he'll come back and give us an update. Granted, I don't think the wife is right in limiting his food but there must a reason for her doing it.
  3. Like
    Susita reacted to Austramerican in Is anybody else's spouse like this?   
    I'm not married yet, but I lived with Ben for a year before he had to go back to Australia for us to file the K-1. I LIKE cooking so I did a lot of the cooking, I grew up not exactly well off and I was always taught never to waste food also. I had 4 siblings so basically when I learned how to cook it was for many people, though I was never FORCED to learn how to cook, I just enjoy it.
    BTW, for all the "man is the king of the house" and "cooking and cleaning is womens work" types, my dad is man enough to make the money AND cook and clean, he cooked most of the time in our house growing up! HE wanted to because he enjoys it, my mom and him shared the duties and he was never ashamed or scoffed at it as women's work because thats what a REAL man does! It's supposed to be a partnership, and while in my house I don't expect my man to cook and clean if I am the housewife (which I won't be til we have kids), he is man enough to do the laundry, dishes and take out the trash when we were living together, and I didn't even ask him to, he just wants to because we are a team and support each other.
    He's even taking it upon himself to learn how to cook meals because he appreciates all the delicious meals I made for him and wants to return the favor <3 And thats the way it should be, if he acted like Mr King of his castle all the time and just took it for granted that cooking was my job it would take all the joy out of cooking and quite frankly he would have to make his own meals But fortunately we are a team as it should be!
    Your house can be how you like as long as you are both happy, but that's not to say that everyone should live like you.
    As far as this guy, that sucks. She is not being fair. However, having a serious sit down talk with her about how it makes you feel and how you feel it is unacceptable is a lot better to do than holding it all inside until you explode. Also asking her what prompts this behavior and that you feel it is hurting the marriage is a convo that totally needs to happen asap. Obviously you married her for a reason, its time to man up and have a conversation as husband and wife, but more importantly, as adults. Not talking or just mentioning it passively is not going to help, you need to have a straight up one on one convo, both of you are married to each other so there should be some mutual respect between you, and love. Ideally if she understands how important to you it is and if you can understand that she can't change asap (she needs to be willing to compromise at least) then you two can be on the road to healing. Good luck.
  4. Like
    Susita reacted to Nina~ in Is anybody else's spouse like this?   
    Meh, those are all cultural traits common in any developing country and not just RUB. Throwing a "feast" for guests is a status symbol there to show that they have plenty. They dont do it because they think you are some kind of American king, but because they don't want you to leave their place and tell other that they poor. Food is cheap & affordable in developed (Western) countries, so it is not really a big deal when it comes to entertaining. Again, it is the same about wasting food.. People who grew up poor have a harder time throwing away food. Not really typical of Ukraine.
  5. Like
    Susita reacted to in While temperatures rise, denialists reach lower   
    It's really an embarrassment to society for people like you (and me too) to be critiquing what scientists with PhDs in hard sciences have unanimously come to accept about climate change.
    Do you deny that there is gravity? That the earth is 4.55 billion years old? That the dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago? That we share a common ancestor with an ape!
  6. Like
    Susita reacted to in While temperatures rise, denialists reach lower   
    I don't care. Steven does.
    But I am not SO IGNORANT to believe I know more than a professional scientist that has dedicated his life to obsessing over the theory.
    Do you deny gravity? Evolution?
    The right wing propaganda machine has indoctrinated you (and millions like you) into believing that it is a hoax.

  7. Like
    Susita reacted to in Janet Howell, Virginia State Senator, Attaches Rectal Exam Amendment To Anti-Abortion Bill   
    Janet Howell, Virginia State Senator, Attaches Rectal Exam Amendment To Anti-Abortion Bill
    To protest a bill that would require women to undergo an ultrasound before having an abortion, Virginia State Sen. Janet Howell (D-Fairfax) on Monday attached an amendment that would require men to have a rectal exam and a cardiac stress test before obtaining a prescription for erectile dysfunction medication.
    "We need some gender equity here," she told HuffPost. "The Virginia senate is about to pass a bill that will require a woman to have totally unnecessary medical procedure at their cost and inconvenience. If we're going to do that to women, why not do that to men?"
    The Republican-controlled senate narrowly rejected the amendment Monday by a vote of 21 to 19, but passed the mandatory ultrasound bill in a voice vote. A similar bill in Texas, which physicians say has caused a "bureaucratic nightmare," is currently being challenged in court.
    Howell said she is not surprised her amendment failed.
    "This is more of a message type of an amendment, so I was pleased to get 19 votes," she said.
    She pointed out that there are only seven women in the Virginia senate, and six of them voted in favor of her amendment, along with 13 male senators. Sen. Jill Vogel (R-Fauquier County), the sponsor of the mandatory ultrasound bill, voted against it.
    “I do believe that erectile dysfunction in this context is different from pregnancy,” she said on the senate floor.
    The Senate will formally vote on the mandatory ultrasound bill on Tuesday.
  8. Like
    Susita reacted to Kathryn41 in Is anybody else's spouse like this?   
    She may have grown up in a household where food was indeed scarce and good things were put away for special occasions because otherwise you would not have them when the special occasion arrived. It is a type of Hoarder's mentality caused by a fear of there not being enough when it is really needed. This may be imprinted from her parents who behaved the same way.
    One other approach you may try is through nutrition - you might see if there is a nutritionist available for consultation through a local hospital or something. You will need to figure out the amount of calories a man of your size, age and activity level needs to maintain good health, then figure out the caloric content of the food you do get (there are books available to help you figure it out). Then, with the help of the nutritionist, you can show her that you are not getting enough calories to meet your nutritional needs and this will have a negative impact on your health which may end up causing you to need hospitalization or medical treatment. It is a lot cheaper to prevent medical illnesses than it is to treat them afterwards. Men do generally have a higher caloric need than women and she may not realize that this isn't an issue of 'greed' like she may think, but of basic nutrition.
    Alternatively, perhaps you need to buy some easily snacked on foods that you can stash - fruit, crackers, packaged and canned foods that can be kept without refrigeration - and then raid your stash when you are hungry.
    ( I generally make enough food for 3 portions - 2 for us to eat for dinner and 1 that my husband can then take to work for lunch the following day).
  9. Like
    Susita reacted to one...two...tree in Clean energy is a wedge issue that favors Democrats   
    The American people have spoken and they want clean energy. They also want the rich to pay more taxes. Sucks to be on the wrong side of an argument during an election year.
  10. Like
    Susita reacted to one...two...tree in Clean energy is a wedge issue that favors Democrats   
    Just fighting the good fight by spreading the truth and squashing the truth haters and science denialists.
  11. Like
    Susita reacted to Mr. Big Dog in Tennessee Tea Party Wants Slavery Removed From School Textbooks To Make Founding Fathers Look Good   
    Sorry but that's not what they're taught. At least not in school. At home, maybe, but not in the public school system. I know some young black kids that happen to attend public school and they aren't taught what you're claiming they're taught there at all. They're taught that achievement matters. And they're doing quite well. One went off to college on a full scholarship. Not because she's black but because she finished in the top 0.1% of her class. Now how did that happen if all she was taught was excuses for lack of achievement in the public school system?
  12. Like
    Susita reacted to Usui Takumi in Food stamps a necessary lifeline   
    or profit margins would simply be wider...
  13. Like
    Susita reacted to Usui Takumi in Food stamps a necessary lifeline   
    To summarize this thread:
    Government creates program to help people, then.....
    a percentage of people take advantage of the program in a fraudulent way, so....
    lets just cancel the program all together.
    This has been an example of VJ logic.
  14. Like
    Susita reacted to Mr. Big Dog in Tennessee Tea Party Wants Slavery Removed From School Textbooks To Make Founding Fathers Look Good   
    I think we're saying to them: Hey kids, this is how this country was actually formed and built, this is what really, actually happened (no matter what Michele Bachmann wants you to believe) and this is how this great nation evolved over time. All of this falls into historical context and I think it can be demonstrated that this nation has been on the forefront of many positive developments throughout its existence. What would be wrong with that? Too much truth?
  15. Like
    Susita reacted to Mr. Big Dog in Tennessee Tea Party Wants Slavery Removed From School Textbooks To Make Founding Fathers Look Good   
    Well, the topic is American history so I'd speculate that it would focus on what happened in America in the past. Pure speculation, of course.
  16. Like
    Susita got a reaction from Amby in Invisible, Quiet and Deadly   
    Clinton had the charisma necessary to woo Kim Jong-Il into doing what he wanted. We call that "swagger."
    I have to say, everytime I hear stories like this, I'm super impressed by the skill and mission-impossibleness of our special forces.
  17. Like
    Susita reacted to TBoneTX in Thanks Charles!   
    The "de T-Bone" part is the chief variable here, si man. I'll never out-figure their name system, no man. It's easiest to yell "Amigo!" or "Amiga!", si man or ma'am. Fortunately, Mrs. T-B. took my gringo name, whee man, so she has first-middle-last. Unfortunately, she goes by the middle name, so old habits die hard, uff man.
  18. Like
    Susita reacted to El Cachalote in Airline prices to South America   
    Well all,
    The wife's visa's be approved. She's leaving Lima for Iquitos to spend time with her parents...for about a month.
    So...I've that much time to book a flight (more or less) and right now...tickets to Lima, Peru (from Wash.DC) are hovering around $1500!
    This is incredible and ridiculous.
    All the mess with Iran and the pipeline may be contributing to this...but it's off-peak now.
    You would think the airlines would have some deals!
  19. Like
    Susita reacted to Deputy Purple in Invisible, Quiet and Deadly   
    Or the "We blew the Sh!t out of the facility that contains our Stealth Drone and the facilities that were used to hijack it" post....
  20. Like
    Susita reacted to slim in Invisible, Quiet and Deadly   
    Tell that to Clinton.
  21. Like
    Susita reacted to slim in Invisible, Quiet and Deadly   
    I'm still waiting on the "we got our guy out of Iran" post.
  22. Like
    Susita reacted to Mr. Big Dog in Invisible, Quiet and Deadly   
  23. Like
    Susita reacted to PalestineMyHeart in ‘Israel to Give Obama 12 Hours Notice on Attacking Iran’   
    Panetta said:
    It's so much more effective (in both American taxpayer money and in American lives) to use diplomacy and business and political incentives rather than try to brute-force the world.
    Not to mention that the last thing Obama wants is for the U.S. to get sucked into yet another war in the Middle East - and his reason has nothing to do with Iran or Israel.
  24. Like
    Susita reacted to PalestineMyHeart in ‘Israel to Give Obama 12 Hours Notice on Attacking Iran’   
    Maybe they're looking for more fishermen in need of rescuing.
  25. Like
    Susita got a reaction from yachachiq12 in Fraude en las vacunas en Lima   
    Desafortunadamente, esto pasa mucho en Lima. Siempre hay que estar preparado. Felizmente, mis amigos me advertieron que los Drs. de la embajada cobran un montón y piden muchas vacunas... y con anticipación mi esposo sacó sus carnets de vacunación y se hizo algunas vacunas necesarias ANTES en la clínica local. Cuando fue a la Clínica Angloamericana, llevó sus carnets como prueba de haberse hecho las vacunas y no podía insistir la Dra.
    Solo dejo esta información para la gente que aún no ha tenido su cita médica.
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