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Posts posted by Lover_Boy

  1. 19 hours ago, smore said:

    Thanks for your story. I agree that back in the day these dating sites seemed to work much better, there was just not alot of scammers on them. I just do not recall so much BS and scammers on main stream dating sites and I was actually able to go on dates and meet women who became long term girlfriends. Now days it seems its impossible on any of these sites and I have heard that Filipino Cupid is just like all the sites full of fakes.


    It does sound like a valid and interesting idea to just go take a vacation there, alone would be difficult, if I had a friend or group of friends to go with, esp other friends who might be single and seeking to date that would help out, sorta having a wing man, and also someone who might know the country, be able to help navigate. Does sound risky, scary, just going there and trying to mingle and find someone, that sorta thing just does not work much anymore here in the USA just meeting someone in the grocery store, now days everyones heads are in technology and some app or site they try and meet on, problem is there are 1000s of sites so who is on what site. But yes it would be amazing to be able to meet someone in person and build that connection. Again would be great to know others who are seeking to do the same thing and get together for a trip to the Philippines.


    So what is the "Handcuff" thing?

    Handcuff at the airport is a term my buddy uses for guys flying to Philippines first time, some will have a chick meet them at the airport and they will not let him go out get out of their sites.  I was taught to fly to about 3 different airports once you arrive and chat/meet a few chicks at each area and then decide what you would like to explore.



  2. On 6/19/2023 at 11:55 PM, Boiler said:

    1 in 3 in the US, I do not keep count but would expect it is a lot higher than that on VJ. Or perhaps it is just those I notice?

    I have about dozen couple that are Fil-Am we associate with, go on trips, etc. None of them married a woman with child.  3 of them the pinay married the man who already had child.


    In general in Philippines if you have child out of wedlock you are shunned, especially by the men from Philippines.

  3. 18 hours ago, smore said:

    I agree there are certainly many women in USA who are seeking to better there situation and only care about your bank account and what you can do for them, certainly dated that type in my past.


    I have heard that term "God Fearing Man" and I like that, I like that Philippines want a 'God Fearing Man", I like that a woman is seeking a man who is not some playboy as I am not that type, I am a loyal guy, my faith has brought me up that way to have values and morals. I like that the culture is like back in the 1950s, even know that was long before my time we all have probably heard and learned about those days from our parents, relatives, history, etc and  I wish things were like they were back then. People has morals. That is was really draws me to a Philippines woman is they have those old school morals and values.

    Yes that is the way they are raised with old school morals


    Like my wife is from Middle class family, with 4 sisters and all have  4 year degrees, my wife is Registered Nurse in USA and Philippines, she was 22 year old when I met her 2 years out of college and she was still a virgin.  Pretty common in PHilippines from what I have seen.  


    I suggest to do you due diligence on Philippine, the culture and society in the Philippines, it will put you with a marked advantage.  Personal suggestion, look for partner that come from good home and educated, dont waste time on partners with : Kids, No education, Come from broken home, or poor.

  4. 5 hours ago, Boiler said:

    The typical case on here is a single mother with children. Not very 1950.

    1950 also is in Philippines with traditional roles in marriage, In Philippines my wife father was the worker and bread winner and his wife was the housewife, I would consider their economic bracket to be middle toward upper middle class her father has and Electrical Engineering degree and works for US based hydro electrical company and lives in fairly nice home


    For example my wife each morning cooks me breakfast, lays out my clothes to wear for the day, I asked her why she does this she said because it is what her mother did and she learned this that way.  Me and my wife have 1950 values, I am head of household and the provider, my wife is Registered Nurse in both Philippines and in the state we live in, She did work a few months at a local hospital but I found it to be better deal for her to stay home and be a housewife and if I need some help with my business she can do some projects.   I believe she enjoys this much more than having to work, like right now my wife is in the Philippines visiting her family so she has the freedom to travel at will.

  5. 6 hours ago, SalishSea said:

    If women from these countries are specifically seeking American men, you might ask yourself why. 

    Philippines love America,  This goes back to Douglas MacArthur liberating the Philippines when they were attacked on Dec 8th the day after Pearl Harbor and Philippines was under US Control, just like Hawaii.  Japan invaded and took over Philippines and was very brutal to the Citizens and Philippines is also the largest US Surrender to date by the US Military.   MacArthur finally returned and liberated the Philippines which makes him a National Hero just like on he scale we pay tribute to  George Washington in USA.  Almost every large city in Philippines had a MacArthur HIghway.


    English is the business language in Philippines and everything is in English all street signs all business documents, etc.  You see everyone in Philippines wearing Tshirts with US flag on it or Dickeys T-Shirts.  You get treated very well in Phiilippines if you are an American, period male or female.  I will from time to time and it's kinda rare to see like a US mother and daughter in Philippines like at a spa or parlor and you will see them being asked to take a pictures with the locals.


    Me myself in the province it is common for a local to want to take a picture with me, it just comes with the territory of being an American, It really makes you appreciate and realize how lucky you are to be born in the USA.



  6. Just now, Boiler said:

    The typical case on here is a single mother with children. Not very 1950.

    Abortion is illegal, and getting birth control is and was discouraged if a unmarried female went to doctor to get like a depo shot.


    There is no such thing as child support in Philippines.  USA has many more singles mothers than the Philippines by population, You didn't know that?



  7. 3 minutes ago, SalishSea said:

    I'm sure the typical US salaries don't hurt, either 😉

    I only have extensive dating experience in the USA and Philippines


    It seem as if in USA partners are looking for someone who makes bank


    In Philippines most woman only want a 'God Fearing Man", who doesn't smoke, drink or gamble and isn't a playboy (Guy who has alot of side chicks). Money doesn't seem to be that important, they are more about "True Love".  Got to remember in PHilippines the culture and morals are more like in the 1950 in the USA.  

  8. 46 minutes ago, SalishSea said:

    If women from these countries are specifically seeking American men, you might ask yourself why. 

    What I figured out is American Men are considered "Exotic" in Asia, all of Asia.


    You don't see many American in Philippines, most foreigners are from China or Korea. 


    Here I come walking into a place being 6'2", long nose, green eyes and a macho body and I stun the locals, considering the average male in Philippines is about 5'4" and weighs about 130 lbs.

  9. 2 hours ago, smore said:

    Here I am in a world full of fakes, scams, BS. I have had my share of american women relationships but they all turn out to be toxic, issues, problems, selfish with no values or morals. Wouldn't it be wonderful to find happiness, find love. Joining dating sites seems to be a joke, a scam, and full of fake profiles and its getting worse every day.


    How does one go about finding a TRUE relationship? Not some online chat buddy, but someone you can connect with, plan to meet, and than start the process to be together.


    How did many of you find your love? Your girlfriend, your wife?


    Dating sites in general all seem to be a scam with so many fake profiles now days, and specific Philippines, Filipino or Asian dating sites seem to be everywhere now days, but seem very fake, sketchy and a scam. Not sure why so many fakes and scams and its getting worse and worse, what a wonderful world we live in where we just keep trying to screw each other over.


    So any advise on where to find a TRUE relationship? Keep in mind I am in my 40s, I work, I have responsibilities so I cannot just go vacationing for weeks at a time and gallivanting around the world to find someone. And I am not lurking around on social media responding to random women like I have heard some guys do hoping to win the lottery and she is single and into you. But I will/would/could make the time getting to know someone as we do in the technical age now by messages, chatting, etc until comfortable to plan to meet.


    To bad the old school method does not work, hey I know a friend, my wife has a sister, a friend, etc, but maybe thats not such an impossible idea. So maybe you or your girlfriend, wife, knows someone who is seeking a great relationship?


    Please this is a serious topic, please no BS, rude posts.

    My first trip I went over there with a relative to see a house he was having built, I didn't know jack about the Philippines.  I meet alot of girls in person, never did the internet dating stuff and this was 15 years ago.


    I got a pretty good feel for the culture, and on my next trip I went solo and got on dating site called Filipino Cupid if I remember correct.  I chatted with many girls, back then there were not that many scammers on there, Now of day I have no clue what is on the Asian Dating site.


    But I met about 15 girls in person that I was interested in from all my chats over a couple of trips back then, probably chatted with close to 100 girls, for me  I met lots of gf and my wife. 


    I still have one girls that I dated and was serious with from 10 years ago that I still court and date when I return to the Philippines.


    Bottom line I would just fly to Philippines or Columbia and get there and then start looking for connections, Don't be one of those guys who chat with a girl for few months and you fly all the way to Philippines only to have her meet you at the airport and "Handcuff" you.  


    Get to understand the culture in Philippines you will be ahead of the game.

  10. 5 hours ago, AKteacher said:

    I like Tanduay 1854 when I can find it. About PHP400/bottle



    or Tanduay Superior, about PHP 280/bottle



    I haven't really drank rum less in a Pina Colada


    What do you mix it with?


    I usually just buy a bottle of Johnny Walker Black at the bar/club and mix it with Coke Zero.

  11. On 6/17/2023 at 9:20 PM, Jason and May said:

    I was going to say, I was just there December to January, and AirAsia didn't let me board our domestic flight at first because I didn't have a mask. My wife held our place in line and I ran across the street and bought one.


    My wife is still in Manila and has the impression masks are mandatory in some places. I'm headed back next month, and I'll pack some masks just in case. 


    It seems like there are so many different places requiring or not requiring.... 

    For the OP, if you don't get a definitive answer, I'd recommend just throwing a few in your carry on just in case. That way you're good to go either way. 

    I don't want to look like an idiot wearing a facemask.


    I finally got hold of CebuPac rep and mask are still required on all their flights, it is even on their website, she directed me to where to find it.   As in typical Philippines style at first the rep on facebook said it was no required since their was some Presidential proclamation about not having to wear a mask, I pushed the issue more since I told them my wife is in Philippines and flew twice recently on CebuPac and was required to wear a mask.


    Then after few more exchanges the rep came back and gave me a link where it says masks are still required on all flights


    So I wll move onto PAL and find out their policy



  12. 11 hours ago, yotajeeper said:

    I have a situation regarding my girlfriend's visa

    Background: Last year, my girlfriend visited the US multiple times on a tourist visa, she never stayed beyond six months during any visit (5 and half months each time) . Unfortunately, upon her most recent arrival, her tourist visa was cancelled at the airport due to her frequent visits last year and suspicion of working here ( she was using her aunt's phone and on there it has aunt's work text exchange, i guess they used that against her and thinking it was my gf's) . she was denied entry and sent back same day. on her passport visa page they wrote down cancelled visa and stamped a application of withdraw, WD. immigration officer did states she was not banned and she can reapply visa after 6months. 


    Now, I'm trying to figure out the best course of action to bring her to the US to live with me permanently. I've been doing some research and came across two options: the CR1 or K1.  Both seem to have their pros and cons, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the decision.

    Given our situation, I'm not sure which visa route would be the most appropriate and beneficial for us. I would love to hear from anyone who has had experience with either visa or who has faced a similar situation. What factors should I consider when making this decision? Are there any potential complications or advantages that I should be aware of? 


    Additionally, if anyone has gone through the CR1 or K1 visa process recently, I would appreciate any advice or tips you can provide. Is there anything specific we should prepare for, any important documentation or requirements that we might overlook?

    our ultimate goal is get her here as soon as possible so we can start our life together. 
    She is currently in PH. 

    Thank you

    Philippines has way too many 'rules' about marriage

    As you will see most if not all giving opinions not nothing about them, I spent 3 years in Philippines


    I would never do a "utah online marriage" throw that thought out the door


    If you have time to burn then look at the CR1, if you don't want to travel to Philippines do the K1


    They both have there advantages and disadvantages, you find the one that works best for you.



  13. 10 hours ago, Daphne . said:

    Paging @Crazy Cat for his awesome overview! 

    I would do the CR1 if I were you! 

    CR1 is not a wise choice for the Philippines, I would 100% disagree with you


    Either way he would have to take a trip to Philippine, and if he did traditional marriage it could be a long stay


    Utah Marriage has many loopholes as well, like having the marriage not recognized in the Philippines, or if he wants to apply for a residence in Philippines in the future the Online marriage may not work.


    Best to do K1 and he can just chill out at home and wait for the process to take place. 

  14. 6 hours ago, flyboyof3 said:

    Since there is no divorce in the Philippines, if a person comes from the Philippines to America and lives or works here etc, can they file for a divorce here. 

    Muslims can get divorce in Philippines and from what I understand it's very easy.


    If someone takes up legal residence in USA depending on state yes they can file for divorce


    It may/could be easier to fly to Guam and file for divorce there since I think you only have to be there like a day and if both parties agree.

  15. 3 hours ago, David&Glaiza said:

    Okay, so maybe I have been asking the wrong question here.  I am in a situation where I have decided to move to the Philippines instead of bringing my fiance here to the US. (My fiance is ecstatic!) I had asked how to go about a Recognition of Foreign Divorce in the Philippines so I can marry there again. I was married 10 years ago in Philippines. I was sent a link for the information by a fellow VJ member. 


    Here's the first paragraph of the Philippine law: 



    There is no divorce in the Philippines, but when a divorce is validly obtained abroad and initiated by the foreign spouse, the Filipino spouse shall have the capacity to remarry under Philippine law. 


    So as I read this the law does not pertain to me as I DID NOT INITIATE THE DIVORCE NOR AM I THE FILIPINO SPOUSE.  So then am I free to marry in the Philippines as long as I can present an original divorce decree obtained in Hawaii USA to the Philippine authorities? In reading the Philippines law (above) the very first paragraph seems to not apply to me in me in this situation.  MY FILIPINA FILED FOR DIVORCE AGAINST ME so I didn't initiate the divorce and obviously I am not the Filipino spouse.


    Your assistance in the matter will be greatly appreciated.


    Mahalo, David

    You are free to marry in Philippines, it really didn't matter whom filed since you are an American


    For her she is still legally married in the eyes of Philippines laws, thus she is subject to adultery charges if she gets a boyfriend in Philippines

  16. 3 hours ago, jskibo said:

    Same company makes a $3 bottle of rum too 

    I noticed liquor is still dirt cheap in Philippines.


    Marlboro Cig used to be like 40 peso a pack and Philippines brands were like 20 peso for a 20 pack, I see they have put a sin tax on them and went sky high



    14 hours ago, flicks1998 said:

    The general consensus in the SE Asia region has been longer and harder handovers drinking local vs. imported liquor.  In my younger days, I found that generally to be true in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.  I rarely drink now so cannot speak for any of the newer stuff that has come out. 

    That was my concern the quality and the hangover, I guess it Philippines quality

  17. On 6/5/2023 at 9:27 AM, chxakx said:

    I agree. Some private cars you can rent for 3, 6, or 12 hours. So that would be really worth it. You can stop to get something to eat or to the restroom whenever you want.


    ABC hotel is great! Location is perfect, close to all the good stuff like Clark, SM Clark (huge mall - lots of restaurants). There is also a VFW nearby, if you are interested in that — not walking distance but can ride a jeepney (might be a challenge since you are too tall) or Grab. If you will bring cash, there are lots of money exchange places close to the hotel as well. Rooms are nice, clean, and AC works great (lol). It was about 6 years ago when I was there though so the rooftop didn’t really have anything. I looked it up just now and reviews say ABC has a rooftop bar. Aqua Beach Club is the one that has rooftop pools and great party scene! I honestly forgot if there’s a way directly from the hotel to Aqua but it is very close to each other. You can also just walk from the hotel to the walking street, as you probably already know. We enjoyed the waterpark — we bought tickets thru Klook, saved money (not much in $ really but I’m all about the deals lol). 

    I am under the impression the Aqua Club on the rooftop is included if you stay, other wise 500 peso admission fee. The rooms look very modern and they have US Food there, as in beef and US style pizza, the place looks like a rocking good place and very cheap for the rooms, only about $125 for what appears to be 5 starish hotel rooms with hot tubs and bars inside the rooms.



  18. On 6/5/2023 at 5:40 AM, dle3452 said:

    I was just going to ask for any advice on applying for a spouse tourist visa.  There is a drop down screen asking what type of tourist visa I am applying for, spouse was listed, when i tapped it, it asked for my USCIS account number, I didnt have it at the time, I have it now, further down it asked for her passport information, we just got that today also.  So I'm ready to apply for it unless i get advice from here that its not advisable. 

    IF you are living in Philippines you could try to do a DCF (Direct Consular Filing) at the US Embassy off Roxas Blvd.   They can issue them on a emergency basis, Just a few years ago they did them (Non Emergency) daily and was a quick process to get visa to USA for a spouse, a matter of a few weeks.


    What is a emergency basis? You will have to figure that one out on your own.  Do you have any medical conditions that requires to get back to USA for treatment or surgery?

  19. 11 hours ago, top_secret said:

    P3200 Manila to AC seems fairly normal-ish these days.  Maybe you could get slightly less but not by much.  Verify that includes NLEX toll and if are they taking the Skyway in Manila.


    In Angeles the new blue meter taxis seem more or less ok and have their own hailing app.  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bluetaxi.customer.app   That's not an unconditional endorsement but I haven't personally got a rigged meter or had to argue with a driver so far.

    Good Call


    I sent me message and it now 3500 peso for tolls and taking skyway


    Any other charges he may try to incur on me?

  20. 19 hours ago, chxakx said:

    From my personal experience, 3200 php sounds about right. I haven’t lived there in over three years so not sure what the normal prices are now. I’m from San Fernando/Angeles and they even used to charge more than 3200. Sometimes it takes longer than 1.75h because of the traffic. 


    If you take a bus, it does not stop at multiple terminals to pick up passengers. Sorry, don’t really know the price from the closest terminal to US embassy to Angeles. Just to give you an idea, prices from Clark to NAIA range from 400-430 pesos with Genesis bus. It’s usually from point A to point B, unless the route suggests otherwise. There were some routes where I had to stop in Dau (also in Pampanga) then final stop in Angeles. When I visited home last year, the Angeles terminal was moved to a different location, where there are not a lot of jeepneys but there are tricycles (and they usually charge a lot). I am not sure if they still do drop offs there. You can also use Grab from Dau to your destination, if you think that’s a better option for you.


    Hope this helps! Again, haven’t lived there in over three years and only visited last year so things probably changed recently. Hopefully someone who just left or is still there responds. Enjoy your trip!



    I don't do trikes, I am too tall.  Yea I figured if I had to use Grab in Manila it  would be at least 300 peso to a terminal, and once I get to Angeles City another 300 for transport cost, it will be 3 of us traveling so private car sounds like a better deal since I can go door to door.


    This will be my first trip to area.  What do you know about the ABC Hotel? I hear it off the charts with the rooftop pool and party scene?  I want to go to the water park in Pampanga area, it looks great.  And I want to experience Walking Street.  Plus they seem to have a lot of American dishes there I can eat like real pizza with no quick melt cheese or sugar red sauce and lots of imported beef burgers and steaks.

  21. 12 hours ago, RO_AH said:

    As others said, the price is fair. Of course the bus is cheaper, but what's a few pesos when it comes to a loved one?

    Transportation is for me, I just don't want to be taken advantage of.


    I used US Embassy as a point of reference I will either be in Makati area or maybe still in Ermita area

  22. On 6/3/2023 at 8:19 AM, Bugs said:

    Hello, I am a U.S./Phil dual citizen.  For the past several years, we have been sending regular monthly remittances (150 USD / 7,500 PHP) to family in the Philippines.


    However, at the end of the year we will be sending a large sum (17,000 USD / 900,000 PHP), to help cover the cost of home construction.


    I know about the U.S. gift tax (we will be under that trigger at 17,000 USD).  But are there any taxes due to the Philippines on this that we are unaware of?  If so, how is it enforced?

    Nothing due to US or Philippines taxing authority, I would suggest doing wire transfer.

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