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Mern V

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Everything posted by Mern V

  1. Bygod, this brought me to tears. You have an exceptional heart, and an exceptional way with words to prove it. Thank you for writing that. ❤️
  2. And tomorrow, we'll be one more day closer! I do know what you mean about government bureaucracy. It's TRUE. I suppose in the grand scheme of things, it will be worth the wait. Just hold a wee bit longer, aye?
  3. I want your spirit! LOL. Thanks for being so positive. I kind of needed that today! ❤️
  4. Ahh, of course. Thanks! PD = Feb 4, 2022. "Actively being reviewed" = June 17, 2022. Now the timeline says, "Your case is taking longer than expected". It's been that way for about 2 weeks now. Oh great -- just when you thought the world couldn't get more upside down. I hear you - I broke down and visited my husband in December (after 8 months) , but only stayed for 10 days. I'm going to visit again (leaving Wednesday) but I'm terrified of the risk. I'm just wrought with anxiety and it's increasing everyday. Hang in there.
  5. You are so right. Reeaaally trying to stay strong. Life has been on hold for awhile now, I'm just feeling frustrated. Sorry, what is "PD"?
  6. Is anyone else getting heavily depressed? 2022 was the longest year of my life. I honestly thought I'd be crossing the border by now.
  7. Good to know they accepted this. We need to use our assets when it comes time to file the I-864. Real estate (in the US) being one of them. I understand the appraisal, but what document did you use to show that you have no mortgage outstanding? The only thing we have is a spreadsheet from the Title company (can't remember what it's called) but it doesn't really indicate that the house was paid for outright (that I can tell).
  8. I am planning a 2nd visit to my husband (for 3 weeks) next week. (It will be our 20th wedding anniversary). Last time I went was early December. Last time, I brought all my "official ties" type of documents with me to show the CBP officer (land border, I was driving across to take a flight out of Detroit) and all he asked for was to see my return ticket. Lawyer advised that I offer no information outside of what is asked of me. The CBP officer DID ask who I was visiting and I simply said, "Family and friends" -- which was the truth. I was terrified of being probed further, but nothing else came of it. THIS time I will bring all the same documents (bank account info, letter from my employer + latest pay stub, past I-94 info indicating my return to Canada AND of course return flight and shuttle information). If you have anything like, that, bring it all with you, it doesn't hurt! I'm always nervous dealing with border officials, it can be nerve wracking. But my lawyer advised just tell the truth if asked, and if you have a good record of returning generally you should be ok. And yes, agree with everyone who say it's *always* a risk. I went for months thinking I could go without visiting but the wait has been too long, I really miss my husband! Good luck to you and yours!
  9. Yep. the timeline got progressively shorter, until I was down to "1 week" at the beginning to mid January. Then it changed to "Your case is taking longer than expected". Of course I had a freak out. Then upon googling, realized I am not alone, I think they are just really backed up. As I said in another thread, everything pointed to "10 1/2 months" as an average processing time (Nebraska) but that seems to have shot up to 12 1/2 months. It's frustrating.
  10. I'm sorry you're going through this, too! It's a very lonely time, and I feel everyday like I'm in limbo, "waiting" for my life to start again. (We've been married 20 years, and have been apart since last April when he left for a job in Fla). I hope you're right, that we're close -- and sending good energy you're not far behind!! Thanks for the tips on Emma, I will try that now!
  11. I don't see where there is a live chat feature? I clicked on the "Ask Emma" function but I just get canned responses to my question. My receipt is from Nebraska, and everything I'm reading says "10 1/2 months" on average. Well now I'm WAY off -- it's been 12 months and 2 days. My husband is in Florida while I wait in the cold and dark recesses of Ontario Canada. It's killing me. Everyday I want to cry.
  12. Hi, They are behind. My husband filed my I-130 petition on Feb 4, 2022. Received a notice that they started "actively reviewing" on June 17 2022. My current "timeline" on the portal now says that our case is "taking longer than expected". It's been over a year now, still no I-130 approval. I have heard of others in the same situation.
  13. Ahh yes, I absolutely read that part, I guess my interpretation of "considerable hardship" was lacking, but the definition you provided makes it clear. Gotcha.
  14. Thank you, I appreciate your response. We were chomping at the bit to buy a house, sooo. Too late on keeping it all "liquid" lol. We *do* still have substantial savings on both sides of the border, my assumption is that we can tally up our savings here in Canada along with what's in his bank accounts south of the border? I did refer to the I-864 instructions, which read: "You may include the net value of your home as an asset. The net value of the home is the appraised value of the home, minus the sum of any and all loans secured by a mortgage, trust deed, or other lien on the home." Since there will be no mortgage, (cash purchase) I think it's only in our favour to use it as an asset. (?) His work income is pretty low right now, that's why I'm really trying to get ducks in a row with this! Thanks again!
  15. I'll add that I find it incredibly strange that we talk about "his" and "my" assets - since we've been married 20 years and everything we have is joint. I get that for "immigration" purposes this is how it's supposed to be, but our banking and everything else we own has been in both our names. Even "my" current Canadian bank accounts still have his name jointly on them.
  16. His income alone right now would probably not meet the threshold.
  17. I am quite clear on the difference between a contractor and an employee. Please re-read my post. *I* am the self-employed contractor. Not my husband. He has a "job" and is an "employee" of a company in the States. My question pertains to INTENDING IMMIGRANT income. That's me. I'm carrying over my work as a contractor for various libraries in the States, which I have been doing for the past year -- on THIS side of the border -- as a foreign contractor. You're not clear when you talk about primary residence. I'm currently renting in Canada, so that's a moot point. My husband's primary residence will be the house he is purchasing in the States. According to the I-864 instructions he can absolutely use the value of this house towards his assets.
  18. So that won't apply really, since I won't file a US return, as I'm not living in the US. Liquid assets would be our best bet, then. My husband has been a stay at home dad for the last 16 years and has only secured a job since moving to the US in May. Probably not going to meet the income threshold.
  19. Happy New Year everyone. I am the intending immigrant and will be using my income source and assets when my husband files the I-864. I am currently transitioning jobs from my full time work based here in Ontario (I work at a public library) to be an independent contractor for a few special libraries in the States. (I know I can't use income from my current full-time work as it won't continue). I have been doing the independent contract work for the past year on a part time basis but plan to make it full time after I cross. My question is, what do I need to prove my current contracting work and income on the I-864? I have a W-8 (Foreign contractor) from the company I started with in the past year. I also have invoices and receipts of monies earned. Additionally, it will show up on my 2022 tax return as "additional income". I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row and gathering documentation/proof. Thank you!
  20. I do have a good travel history, but I did notice on my I-94 record online that some returns over the past years were not documented and that kind of freaks me out. (Luckily my last return a few weeks ago WAS there!) I have heard horror stories of people getting sent back for previously overstaying when in fact, that wasn't even the case, it was just a glitch in the system. Needless to say, I am wary.
  21. 😁 Thank you for the reply! I'm a librarian and a Virgo so I'm all about the details, over which I can obsess to the point of madness. So even in that "next step" phase I'm ok to get on a plane? Our 20 year anniversary is in Feb 2023. Ideally I would have liked to be LIVING THERE WITH HIM but I guess that's not going to be the case now, lol.
  22. Hello, I'm new here. My husband (US citizen) filed I-130 on my behalf in Feb 2022, and we're still waiting for approval. I still hold strong ties here (kept job, bank accounts, etc., and my dual citizen daughter is still living with me on this side of the border). I did have an approved GC many years ago but abandoned it when we returned to Canada. That was over 15 years ago, so now I'm in the process of doing this all over again from THIS side of the border. (Original GC was done as an AOS from a TN-1 "visa".) Anyway. I have dutifully remained in Canada while this whole thing is pending. He left in May 2022 and we've been separated since then. I did go visit just before Christmas (for 2 weeks) and have since returned. (I have checked my I-94 online to ensure that I'm documented as coming back). I checked my "estimated processing time" online and I'm down to about 4 weeks. Question: Would another visit be cutting it too close with this kind of timeline? Even if it gets approved within that time, I'm still going to have to wait for NVC, interview, etc., next steps which will take a few months after the I-130 process, correct? Or should I just hold tight? This has been the longest year of my life.
  23. Hi, just joining and saw this thread. My husband filed I-130 for me (Canadian) on Feb 4. "Actively reviewing" notice was on June 17. I just checked "estimated processing time" again today and we are down to 4 weeks. This has been the longest year of our lives. We will be married 20 years in Feb 2023, my biggest wish is to be able to celebrate our anniversary together!
  24. I'm a Canadian awaiting i-130 approval, residing in Ontario Canada, currently. My husband is a US citizen, we filed in Feb 2022. Within a few months of filing he secured a job and moved back to the States in May 2022. We've been apart since then, although I did fly down for 2 weeks before Christmas for a visit. Everything my lawyer tells me, and everything I've read says to stay put until you get approval to go. Yes, a visit is ok, but I would absolutely make sure you get proof of return to the home country, and that you don't overstay. It's a long wait (only a few months for us! but it feels like eons) ... but I feel like we're in the homestretch now, so it will have been worth it!
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