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  1. This 94 year old ex president has just been indicted …prosecutors seeking a 25 year prison sentence ..😂 All this in a country ranked 2nd most corrupt government in EU. The top-performing countries in Western Europe and the EU were Denmark (90), Finland (87), and Norway (84), while the lowest-ranked were Hungary (42), Romania (46), and Bulgaria (45). https://www.romania-insider.com/transparency-international-corruption-eu-romania-2023 Romanian prosecutors Friday issued a fresh indictment against former president Ion Iliescu for crimes against humanity in a deadly 1990 crackdown on protesters, the latest of several proceedings against him. Four people were killed in June 1990 after Iliescu allegedly called in thousands of miners to help police put down the demonstration, just months after the execution of the communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. https://www.newagebd.net/post/europe/233697/romania-indicts-ex-president-again-over-1990-crackdown
  2. BOGOTA (Reuters) -U.S. car maker General Motors will close its manufacturing operations in Colombia and Ecuador, the company said in a statement on Friday, as part of its shift towards producing next-generation vehicles. Manufacturing will cease at company's Colmotores plant in Colombia from Friday, it said, while operations will halt at its factory in Ecuador at the end of August. In Colombia, the company is seeking permission from the labor ministry to lay off 850 workers, a spokesperson said. Its Colombia manufacturing plant was operating at 9% capacity, General Motors said, while its Ecuadorean operation was at 13% capacity. The plant's closure comes amid a 14-year low of sales of new vehicles in 2023 versus 2022 in Colombia, according to a report released by two industry groups in January. Despite https://finance.yahoo.com/news/general-motors-shut-manufacturing-operations-154453360.html Autoworkers at Volkswagen in Chattanooga just voted overwhelmingly to join the UAW. On May 13 – 17, Mercedes workers in Alabama have their union election. Non-union autoworkers across the South are getting ready to stand up and join them. https://uaw.org
  3. Tier 1 is a call center human with limited access who seem to create their own script ..often blarney rich . Tier 2 are actual USCIS officers . A service request is opened when they identify an issue that requires follow up action and resolution . Remember, you are calling not to just get a How Y’all Doing Status Update ..rather to ask for help in getting action and if possible an expedite due to hardship
  4. You will have problems …even without the convictions rising to the equivalent of a US “ criminal threat” and notwithstanding the short 4 month sentencing nor post conviction relief. ‘I would even guess they could assert a Reason To Believe …xyz. inadmissibility . https://jnslp.com/2022/03/12/turning-us-vetting-capabilities-and-international-information-sharing-to-counter-foreign-white-supremacist-terror-threats/ https://newssafety.org/news/enhanced-criminal-law-protection-for-journalists-in-sweden-a-step-in-the-right-direction-3177/ “Threats and violence aimed at journalists is also targeting democracy and society as a whole, it is therefore a step in the right direction that the proposal suggests enhanced criminal law protection concerning these crimes”, says Cilla Benkö https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/u-s-rolls-out-visa-restriction-policy-on-people-who-misuse-spyware-to-target-journalists-activists U.S. rolls out visa restriction policy on people who misuse spyware to target journalists, activists
  5. Link to New York Transcripts released daily https://ww2.nycourts.gov/press/index.shtml
  6. ….SCOTUS slow motion dodgeball Legal expert: July ruling will ‘practically close’ window for trial by election It was clear from questioning that Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and other justices are concerned that the lower court was “a little too sweeping in saying there was no immunity, period,” said Randall D. Eliason, a former federal prosecutor and George Washington University law professor. The word of the day is “tautology.” A noun, “tautology” is the unnecessary repetition of an idea, statement or word. A tautological phrase is one in which the same thing is said twice using different words. In logic, “tautology” refers to a statement that is true by virtue of its logical form alone. “Redundant” is a common synonym. Here is an example of a tautological phrase from Merriam-Webster: “A beginner who has just started.” In the legal context, when someone calls an argument “tautological,” generally they mean it uses circular reasoning — the proposed solution to a problem leads back to the same dilemma. It came up several times in today’s oral argument. First, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. said it was “tautological” for the special counsel to argue that safeguards on criminal prosecution would prevent difficult questions about presidential immunity, because in his view that means the criminal justice system still has to answer those questions. Later, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said it was a “tautology” to say, as Trump’s attorneys do, that a president can only be prosecuted for official acts after impeachment and simultaneously that laws only apply to the president’s official conduct if there is a “clear statement” from Congress saying they do. “That would pass the Senate from impeaching him for high crimes or misdemeanors, because that means that he’s not subject to the law at all,” she said. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson also used the word to describe the “clear statement” idea. She called it “completely tautological,” arguing that in trying to avoid one question — whether president’s are immune from prosecution — it created a similar but broader problem of figuring out which statutes require such a “clear statement.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/25/supreme-court-trump-immunity-case/
  7. https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/foia/National_Engagement-VAWA_I-360_Self-Petition-T_Visa_and_U_Visa-Q%26A.pdf Go to your Congressman and ask for expedite on current C 09 filing plus any answers on I-131 denial for removal See link for inquiry contact w Vermont as well
  8. He has prima facia and it grants EAD. C 31 won’t happen til approval and C 09 in limbo for jurisdiction since their system shows removal ( I-131 denial)
  9. It sounds as if NTA was not filed with the court ..but the I-131 denial wording shows I-485 underlying apps treated as if . Ideally Once VAWA approved , you will need to Motion Court to terminate then notify USCIS to resume I-485. ..BUT I would file with the Court to Terminate Now based on prima facia ..before possible administration change . ..just to create record , even if filing bounces around
  10. You should apply for EAD based on C 14 ( deferred action ) based on the prima facia ..
  11. Well banks will blow hot air ..for sure😂..but I see a big win for consumers..given the negative impact these rejection cause. I am not aware of any institutional scale scams faking USCIS security…plus the handful of banks/credit cos have had since 2015 to authenticate USCIS. They are a bit self interested since the no charge back provision…and immigrant consumers too vulnerable to make noise…let’s see
  12. You will need to pay the new increased fees. The previous filing will not preserve anything and will be treated as a rejection… The problem with banks /credit cards rejecting payment has been significant….am wondering if consumers will unite for a class action lawsuit soon .
  13. Look over the Receipt Notice for the I-485 your attorney submitted along with the I-360. If it shows you paid the $1,225 then this I-765 (C 09) will be ok. If , however, attorney did a fee waiver …this work permit will be rejected.
  14. If she already presented a permission letter from the other parent at her interview, then she can just carry that letter . Is the other parent cooperating or is he MIA? https://www.usa.gov/travel-documents-children Children traveling to the U.S. All children, including infants, must have their own travel documents such as a passport or document from a Trusted Traveler Program to enter the U.S. If you travel or are going to travel with a child, consider taking the following documents: If the child is traveling with only one of their custodial parents, they must have a letter of consent, preferably in English and notarized, from the other parent or signed by both parents. The letter should say "I acknowledge that my son/daughter is traveling outside the country with [the name of the adult] with my permission." If one parent has sole custody of the child, a copy of the custody document can take the place of the other parent's letter. Parents who frequently cross the border by land with a minor must always carry a letter of permission from the other parent
  15. Companion piece and article cited Inside the Off-the-Record Calls Held by Anti-Trump Legal Pundits Some of the country’s most prominent legal commentators are holding off-the-record sessions to hash out the latest twists and turns in Donald Trump’s legal saga. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/23/anti-trump-legal-pundits-calls-00153300
  16. If I recall correctly, the mechanism prior to 2009. Matter of Wang , had been to file new I-130 ( post divorce ) BUT stake claim to old priority date …that was effectively curtailed . https://myattorneyusa.com/recapturing-priority-dates-for-family-sponsored-immigrant-visa-applications Initially, there was a question of how broadly INA § 203(h)(3) would be applied, especially with regard to petition beneficiaries in the second preference category [minor children of LPRs and adult sons and daughters of LPRs]. Ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court settled the matter for now in Scialabba v. Cuellar de Osorio, No. 12-930, 573 U.S. __, 2014 WL 2560467 [PDF version], by upholding the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) decision in Matter of Wang, 25 I&N Dec. 28 (BIA 2009) [PDF version]. Matter of Wang interpreted INA § 203(h)(3) narrowly, holding that the priority date may only be retained if the second preference visa petition is filed by the same petitioner.4 That is, where the petition “can be seamlessly converted from one family preference category to another without the need for a new sponsor Furthermore, since petition beneficiaries under the F2B category may not marry without invalidating the F2B petition, being able to recapture the priority date may not simply be a matter of convenience, but a matter of when the petition beneficiary may be able to marry and start a family.
  17. SCOTUS hears immigration case today Oral Argument - Audio Dept. of State v. Munoz Docket Number: 23-334 Date Argued: 04/23/24 Play Audio: Media Formats: MP3 Download Transcript (PDF) View https://casetext.com/case/munoz-v-united-states-dept-of-state-2
  18. Your point is valid…see if you can find some recently litigated cases in the various circuits. ..I am not current Off the top of my head, I know if a beneficiary married then later divorced they were able to get F 2B visa ….all disclosed at NVC and interview…so no funny business. I know it DID , but don’t know what position consulates take now
  19. Put each case in a separate envelope then place both envelopes in one priority medium flat rate USPS box…most efficient way to ship On box write w a sharpie Family of Two Do Not Separate. ‘Keep a complete copy of filing
  20. You will need I-864 for each of them and sealed I-693 Medical Exam
  21. Do a Cover Letter titled Supplemental Filing for I-129 F , list the enclosed evidence along with copy of receipt notice. Excellent odds to avoid RFE
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