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Posts posted by PZibran325

  1. 3 minutes ago, EB_Stuck said:

    You have indicated your intent to over-stay pre-emptively. Also you have admitted to be working in USA on B1/B2 visa. All of these would compose grounds for inadmissibility; possibly 10 year ban and denial of any future VISAs.  Consular officers often check out these forms. If I were you, I would consult a lawyer! Good luck, you will need it,

    Okay right I hadn't read the whole thing now I get what's going on and although not a lawyer, I'd advise against it.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Anna13 said:

    Hey everyone ! I know this has been a brrrrutal process and I am hoping @deep2ca is a domino effect for the rest if us. I did want to jump on here to give anyone who is travelling to the USA on a B1 Vistor Visa from Canada advice and a possible loop whole to stay longer while we await for our process. I travelled to LA in April and am granted 6 months with the vistors visa, but long behold there is an option to request for an extension for a B1 visa! https://www.uscis.gov/visit-the-united-states/extend-your-stay It is a I-539 form and  get this, even if they do not approve the extension you are allowed to wait up to 240 days for the decision even if it passes your 6 month expiry date. That said it  is recommended to apply 45 days before your expiry date . Right now it is taking about 5-6 months for them to process 1-539 forms so I plan to submit my form in a week 2 months before my B-1 expiries and wait an extended time before they make a decision. 


    It may not be for everyone but just wanted to share my plan in hopes it may be useful info to anyone else out there. I could not have stuck this thru without doing these long haul visits. Since I work from home it is practical and so if anyone else is on the same boat it may be some food for thought. Stay strong everyone!

    Maybe I am missing something but isn't a B1 for business purposes?

  3. On 6/29/2022 at 8:42 AM, herecomestherain said:

    Thanks. It improved my mental health a lot just knowing we have a plan.


    We decided on July because we are both becoming more and more upset. We just want this done with so that we can move on with our lives. We’ve been waiting almost 2 years.

    I see. Well let us know how the lawsuit goes. I hope you get positive results. Though we shouldn't have to take the government to court just to be reunited with our spouses. But unfortunately, this is what some of us will have to do. I have followed your advice and set a deadline for end of October, meanwhile I have started saving up a pot of money for this purpose, just in case. I hope I won't have to use it because it is going to cause me to go into debt a little even with trying to save up but I can't be without my husband, we have already waited 3 years and I am unwilling to wait anymore.



  4. On 6/23/2022 at 7:53 AM, LAMA9 said:

    Hi @Mary184 I just DM'd you the link to the video recording.  While I don't believe anyone here is going with these particular lawyers or participating in a group WOM suit, there is still some valuable information in here regarding how WOM suits work.  Let me know if you have any trouble accessing it.  

    I'd be grateful for this recording as well. Please do share it with me too.

  5. On 6/23/2022 at 7:07 PM, herecomestherain said:

    Unfortunately it is illegal to do work in the U.S. remotely without a visa, regardless of where the actual employer is located.


    If you are caught you could face a 10 year ban. 

    I looked into it myself but I was disappointed when I found out. :(


    Not my business but I really feel for you and your family. You must be going through so much and I think everyone in this forum would agree that one of the worst parts of this whole situation is the “not knowing”. 

    For everyone, especially newbies, I think setting a limit on how long you are willing to wait for AP to resolve will go a long way for your mental health.

    For example, we decided we wanted an answer by the end of July. Once we decided on the date to file WoM, it felt like I took back a little bit of control of my life.


    Set a date way in the future and put money aside for WoM weekly or monthly. The WoM was 5.5K USD. If the day comes and nothing has changed, you will have money set aside for it. If AP resolves on its own, you have nest egg.

    This is a brilliant idea, What made you all decide on the end of July?

  6. 7 minutes ago, mmt26 said:

    My interview was recent June 8 - and last time I crossed the border in March they asked us who is sponsoring who and we told them we are pending interview in Montreal..it was a quick 2 mins. I am just so frustrated and do not want my summer ruined..I want my baby to enjoy the summer with the cousins and family lol

    same boat as you, we were interviewed on June 8th as well

  7. 1 minute ago, mmt26 said:

    Hey everyone, I am new here…wondering if requesting my passport will slow AP? I want to visit the US with my US citizen partner and 6 month US citizen baby (who was born in Canada) how long will it take the embassy to return my passport? I just do not want to complicate things and be troubled at the border..I do have a letter from my canadian job and all..

    Hi we haven't tried this but it seems like that a number of people in AP have requested their passports and entered the US with no issues. I'll let those that have done it respond with any additional details, but I just wanted to let you know it is possible and not entirely inconvenient.

  8. 11 minutes ago, From_CAN_2_US said:

    Really? When I lived in Canada, my US citizen husband visited me often - multiple times a year for up to one month each time. He worked remotely for his US employer without any supervisor being there and not working on Canadian assignments… he was questioned about it at the border and answered honestly and was not stopped.


    I also reading this being allowed on a Canadian federal website (although I don’t remember where off the top of my head just now).


    How did you come across this rule? Did your company tell you?

    Yes, it is an employer issue not a Canadian or US immigration issue. So this rule is specific to my employer which is why I said that there are exceptions to what you were suggesting, some companies/industries have security protocols that do not permit even US citizens to work remotely from outside of the US except under certain specific circumstances.

  9. 6 minutes ago, From_CAN_2_US said:

    Yes, that is not allowed apparently…


    The other way around though - a US citizen working in Canada while here on a visit for their US employer is allowed…

    There are exceptions to US citizen working remotely for their US employer while visiting Canada as well. For my work, I am allowed to work remotely from anywhere in the US, however I cannot work remotely on foreign soil (even Canada) unless my supervisor happens to be with me in the same location and we are on Canadian soil for a work assignment, If that makes sense. The only reason I know, because I wanted to take advantage of this option while waiting on hubby's visa so we could at least be together. Turns out I'm blocked there too.

  10. On 4/6/2022 at 3:54 PM, BatmanFlow said:

    isnt it ironic that the DS 5535 is used to extreme vet individuals before they let them enter USA....but here we are, can get our passport back and enter USA for 6 months without much issue while we wait for them to process our DS5535 and do their extreme vetting.


    Ah, what great immigration system

    When you put it that way it sounds even more messed up 😄

  11. Just now, ice-qube said:

    Yes. The principle of it. I am angry that i would have to do such a thing. I have followed the letter and spirit of the law throughout the whole process, and the principle is that I should not be forced into this situation, when my wife, a US citizen, and I are owed a decision about my application by the government. That’s a lot of money, and just the thought of it infuriates me.

    I can’t say I fault you for thinking that way, I totally get that. This isn’t how it should be for people who actually did things by the book as opposed to entering the country illegally. It is infuriating for sure, but at the same time with the amount of time you’ve been waiting and this been apart I’d venture maybe at this point being together might be more important than the principle and so would shelling out that amount of money. Although it is an insane ask but if it means being together after being apart for such an excruciatingly long time - maybe it’s worth it?

  12. On 3/17/2022 at 9:47 AM, mam521 said:

    CO3 is like the bobbing bird Homer used to push the Y key over and over and over so he could go to Moe's.  Same old ctrl+c, ctrl+p, over and over.  

    color me deceasedddd BAHAHAAHA. I had to reply to this one. Is it weird that I'm going through the whole thread? As if that's going to help progress our AP. I dunno how everyone is being patient, a few days in and I'm losing my mind already. GIVE ME MY HUSBAND NOW!!!!😭

  13. On 3/8/2022 at 3:40 PM, ice-qube said:

    Well here we are at the end of another day with no updates again. 12 days to go on medical, tomorrow will be 11 days to go. I am really upset. My wife just dismisses it and admonished me for "obsessing", and well, maybe I am, yes. I can't seem to help it. This is very demoralizing for me.

    seems like I am more obsessive about it than my husband is. Although I know he misses me, but he only obsessed about it until about 2 days ago, whereas I've been continuously reading this thread etc. And maybe I shouldn't be so stressed about it since our interview was merely a few days ago, and some of my fellow petitioners and their applicants have been waiting for what seems like forever. But I can't help how I feel 

  14. My husband's interview was on Jun 08, 2022. He was so shocked when he was handed a 221 g refusal. Because everything had gone so so well during the interview until the end when the officer handed him a 221 g refusal, telling him that his documents were fully complete and he wished he could approve my husband's visa today but he can't. Further informing my husband to expect an email within 48 hours and not delay in responding. This past Thursday, we received an email for his 15 year travel history, 15 year employment history, spouse's names, siblings names (i.e. the ds 5535). We responded the same day, but for some of the responses we just indicated that the information was already in the DS-260. We received a response on Friday asking us to provide all information including everything that was already within the DS-260. So we resent our email with all responses included. Now we are waiting.


    The kicker here is I, as the petitioner, had already request an expedite during the previous two stages because my father passed away last year and I needed my husband's emotional support to take care of my mother. And two days before the interview, one of my brother's passed away. So pretty much I have been struggling with my own emotions as well as trying to take care of my mother, I feel physically and emotionally exhausted and I really thought all we needed to do was get through this interview and I'd finally have my support system with me. My heart sank when I found out we were in AP and there was no timeline (supposedly 2-3 weeks according to the officer, but it doesn't sound like it). I feel dejected beyond words and I miss and need my husband. But I can do nothing about it, I do feel like it is inhumane to keep spouses apart for as long as spouses have to be apart during the immigration process and our immigration needs reform (AP or no AP).  


    Anyway, I'm happy I have some semblance of support here in these forums, but I pray for all of us to get through this quickly so we can get on with our halted lives.

  15. On 1/13/2022 at 11:57 AM, NykahDeah said:

    Dunno about winners or losers ... but hoping if anything it's at least a source of entertainment or distraction... I think I saw a pattern, if you're nice and not forceful they take 8-11 days to answer, if you're frustrated (like @DS5535) then they answer real quick... in my email I was polite but spouted their own lingo back at them trying to get them to look at my case ASAP and they answered within 24 hours. Whatcha think? We could create a whole new spreadsheet on consulate communication patterns 😂

    Lol I'd love to see your email where you spouted their own lingo back at them 

  16. On 6/23/2021 at 4:33 PM, nelmagriffin said:

    Greetings! If it happen to me, these are the things that I will do now.

    1. List all the errors that you made. Highlight it all! and short explaination.

    2. Correct all the errors. 

    3. Scan copies of documentation proof if you will email it, otherwise copy and include it in your letter to NVC and to your embassy,

    4. Email or mail it to NVC.

    5. Make sure to put your case no.. invoice no. etc.

    6. Do these now way before your interview.

    It is best to acknowledge errors and correct it now and more importantly informed NVC and the Embassy now.

    The embassy may open the CEAC for you and have you correct it during your interview day. Goodluck, NG

    I think this is by far the best advice I've read on this topic.

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