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Posts posted by Travelingpharm

  1. 54 minutes ago, NAZK said:

    Thank you so much for your feedback! May I ask what error they had? Could you specify what the email is to contact the consult. Thanks so much!

    You can use this email to reach them:




    It may take a few days to respond, but they will get back to you. 

    As to the error, it’s a complicated story and one I  think best not discussed on a public forum.  


  2. 42 minutes ago, NAZK said:

    Anyone in the April batch of interviews still waiting on their passports?I had my interview on the 9th and was approved by the officer and my passport was taken and said i would get it back in 2-3 weeks. Two weeks later my status is still Refused. I heard refused just means administrative processing if they don't ask for any additional documents but now I'm getting worried. Any insight would help.

    We weren’t in the April batch, but we had a similar situation in January. 

    I highly recommend emailing the consulate. My husband’s visa was held up due to an error that was made at the consulate. He was approved at the time of the interview as well,  but status remained “refused.”  It wasn’t until his email was addressed that his file was corrected. His visa was issued immediately afterwards. 

    Good luck!

  3. 1 minute ago, DGF said:

    There are some extra background checks done before the visa is issued. These sometimes require reaching out to the person's country of birth/citizenship if it's not Canada, which depending on the infrastructure in place in that country can add additional processing time. 


    17 minutes ago, SASAS said:

    They run everyone’s name for background checks. Sometimes non citizens have to go through additional background checks. It’s not often but it can happen. 

    Thank you both for your input. 

    We did receive a reply from the consulate today.  They now have issued him a 221G: refused for administrative processing.  

    He is a Mexican citizen. Not sure how that impacts things. 

    This is so upsetting. And now they have his passport too!  

  4. On another note:


    My husband was approved for his visa back on Friday, January 29.  They retained his passport and gave him his welcome letter. His visa never updated to “issued” and as of today is still showing “refused.”


    We have sent an email to the consulate inquiring as to the appropriate status.


    Does anyone have any idea why it hasn’t updated?  I am going crazy here.  


    Thanks to all for their help!

  5. 7 minutes ago, Lovewithoutborder said:

    This may be a stupid question but hey I figured I’d ask it anyways. I was vaccinated through public school like everyone else in the country (or at least BC), I got my MRR and TDAP done last in grade 9. I have the slips given to me at the time of the vaccinations and I have a health passport my mom kept that the nurses who gave the vaccines filled out declaring the date and type of vaccination. I thought that this would be good enough records of vaccinations and I’d be fine for the medical exam up until today when I was looking through the FAQ and it says you need to have had a booster within the past 10 years. I’m 26 so my last shots were back in 2010. Does anybody know if the vaccinations you received in school growing up are fine or will I need to get them done again? If I do need to get them done again where would be the best place to go, like a family doctor, health clinic or just at the medical (Dr. Cheema)? 



    The TDAP must be repeated.  It is a combination of tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis and you must have one every 10 years.


    I would go to a clinic or family doctor to get it done  ahead of time and so you don’t have to pay for it.

  6. Hello Everyone!  


    I have been lurking here for a couple months and I want to thank everyone for all of the helpful information.


    I am the US citizen and my husband who is a Mexican citizen but a LPR of Canada for more than 30 years had his interview on Friday, January 29.  The interview went very well and he was approved and they kept his passport.


    However, I am concerned that when I check his visa status it still says “refused.”  In the FAQ,  I read that this is to be expected sometimes, but I am concerned about the length of time it seems to be indicating the refusal.  Others interviewed about the same time have already received their visas/passports back.  


    Do we have anything to be concerned about?  Any advice/guidance is greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

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