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Bob in Boston

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Everything posted by Bob in Boston

  1. Apply and secure an ITIN. Easiest way. I did it with my wife before she got her papers, not a question asked. Marriage Cert and ITIN will get her on your Policy.
  2. After a quick google search I come up with this link, explains a lot. By the way, you dobt need the Decree, you need the certificate. Divorce Records (njcourts.gov)
  3. I went to the county courthouse and requested it. Needed the name and date it happened. They can do a search of their records. Mine was 32 years old when I went looking. They havethe records. In Ma we have a family court, thats where the divorces are heard.
  4. Read your letter. If it says bring your spouse bring your spouse. Our letter did not mention to bring spouse and I was not asked for. 3 year rule. I went anyway as I wanted to be there for moral support and do a victory lap on the way out of the federal building. So read your letter carefully and make your decision.
  5. When you get down to it it was 2 brothers duking it out.... back when I was growing up (mid 60 to mid 70s)this was normal behaviour and the police here would never get involved. In the mid 80s Family abuse law was a big thing and they came out with all these new practices. They also wrote into the law that the Police Shall arrest and limited the discreation of the police. I think that this happening between 2 brothers in their youth it will go no where. I would still get as much information as you can from the courts and have your brother write an afidavit that it was just some good old fasion brotherly love. Good Luck
  6. not true, depends on the state and the statute. in Ma A&B is a misdemeanor offense and carries a sentence up to 2 years in house of correction. Domestic A&B is also a misdemeanor but the catigory (domestic) makes it more serious with a manditory arrest.
  7. It was with his brother in their home= domestic violence. Considered domestic violence in the states too.
  8. We interviewed in Boston on March 21st. about 2 weeks later on April 4th or so we got the letter for oath on May 16th. If you look up Moakly court house you'll see there are a bunch of ceromanys coming up. Immigration and Naturalization | United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts (uscourts.gov) Be patient, your day will be bere soon. By the way, We applied for a US Passport on 24th of May. It is being delivered this Friday on the 24th according to USPS. We paid the extra and expedited the Passport. 34 days, not bad.
  9. This is what I said. For philippines you have to reapply for citizenship. When they give oath they take your greencard. Thus you have a time when you cant come home. That was my point. As I dont know where OP is from I dont know their countrys laws. Thats incorrect, depends on the country. In ours it is correct.
  10. Just to let you know lizzy, we applied for our passport about the same time (applied 5/24 recieved 5/27) and the status just changed on the 18th to shipped with a tracking number. just thought you would like to know
  11. Once you take the oath your passport from your old country is no good and you cant get back to the states as they take your green card. you can get a passport in a couple of days but you need tickets to travel and such.... real pain and expensive Ive heard. just something to think about. If I were in that position I would reschedule the interview and do it later. No telling what date they will give you though.
  12. Here is a pretty good link to review, Lots of opinions on this matter and no hard fast rules for that 180 to 365 gray area. Green Card Holders Staying Abroad Over 6 Months Risk Abandonment (lawandborder.com)
  13. Like Mike said and if you are still on call for these jobs dont put an end date.
  14. You can refuse to leave, its your home. Not theirs. You have to decide if this is the way you want to live your life. If it was me and I couldnt work out a resolution to this I would leave and move on. You cant force people to accept your lifestyle. This is not a immigration issue, you already have your greencard, this is a relationship issue and should be delt with accordingly. Dont let your spouse make it into one.
  15. I usually have all my immigration documents on my laptop when I file everything and usually travel with the laptop, Do you do that? A copy of the marriage cert would work.
  16. What is not correct? If I’m your country I had a B1/B2 visa valid por 10 years. I share my experience, please doesn’t say something that you don’t know My Philippino Step daughter got a 1 entry visa good for about 4 months, That was it. Her Sister got one that was good for 10 years. Nothing is standard. Case by case Basis.
  17. Not every hometown has a hospital to be born in. I could be born in a hospital in Boston and reside in Norwood which is my hometown. Easy to explain why they dont match. Not to worry.
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