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Posts posted by GregandNatty

  1. 1 hour ago, Youssef1 said:

    That’s nice didn’t take much,  


    much better then the first stage I bet.


    did you gave to call them to get the case number prior or just wait till you get the email 

    I did call in the middle of March and was told when my file was received.  However, I tried calling often towards the end of March and early April but was never able to get a live person.  After the NVC furloughed people, I was unable to get through.


    I just waited and looked at the dates on the NVC website saying what date they were processing.  Mine was exactly what the site said.   I got my case number with the email from NVC.  To log into he CEAC portal, you need both the case number and the invoice number.  


    My biggest issue now is my wife is unable to get some of the civil documents since her country is locked down.  We'll see what happens. 

  2. I'm going to be following this tread, as I'm in the same situation.  My wife ordered her police report about a week before her country was locked down, so she hasn't gotten it yet.   They are saying her country might open back up the first part of May, but who knows with this pandemic.


    I was thinking of also uploading everything except the police report, but include a document that says it isn't currently available due to Covid-19.   The NVC website says that if a civil document isn't available then to provide explanation.  


    I've tried for days to call the NVC with no luck.  Every since they furloughed staff, I've not been able to get a live person.  I spent one morning literally calling like 150 times in a row.  


    Do any of the veterans on this site have any pointers?

  3. 11 hours ago, payxibka said:


    What part of AT THE EARLIEST do you not understand.   


    No offense meant friend.   We are all in this together.    


    My reason for responding was to point out that none of us really knows when this will be over, so we shouldn't even try to give someone asking a question about timelines some hope about a given date.   We are all trying to get our loved ones here to the US to be with us and even before this virus it was stressful and a LONG process.   Now that this virus has hit, it really is anyones guess when things start moving again.   The embassies are mostly all closed, which has never happened in US History. 


    Once this virus is under control, how long is it going to take to get all of these embassies back up and running and processing all of the backlog?   Who knows man.   

    Personally, I'm mentally preparing myself to not expect a VISA before the end of 2020 for my wife and I'm at the NVC stage.   This is just me personally



  4. 17 hours ago, payxibka said:

    Prediction based on my 10 years experience in the airline industry.   

    Since this kind of event has never happened in US history, I doubt you have experience with it.  It's anyones guess when this will all be over.


    Even the pros like Dr Anthony Fauci cant tell us when.

  5. I've been trying to guide my wife through getting a police document in Uganda and it seems like it is next to impossible.  They all are wanting bribes and on and on and on.  It is insane how dysfunctional some of these places are.    I mean no disrespect, but it is becoming very clear to me now why some of these countries are 3rd world.   They bite their own hands to spite their faces... 


    Has anyone on here successfully gotten a police report in Uganda?  If so, how did you do it?

  6. My wife lives in Uganda and as we are gathering our documents for the NVC submittal, we ran into an issue with the police report.


    She is being told that she needs a document to say why she needs a police report.   I'm not sure what document I can generate other than the list of documents required for the DS-260 submittal.  


    Uganda is a system that is much more difficult to navigate than the US systems.



  7. 47 minutes ago, Hermise said:

    Lol when your case was not approved, did you just go through this website and get answers and get satiated? Or were you curious to talk to an actual usics agent? What do you suggest to him, just don’t call and talk to people here? 


    Yes, i just used this website, which is why I had like 4 posts in 8 months or something. 


    I wouldn't have called an agent until maybe July (after my projected date) and I would have asked very specific questions about my case.


    Did anything the agent say help or offer more information than we have here?  No.    


    In fact, we all know more here about cases transferred and processing than this USCIS agent provided.  


    Maybe it helped to talk to a USCIS person, but it changed nothing 


    Its sad .


    My recommendation to that guy?  Use the case tracker app.  It will tell you alot more than the support people 





  8. 8 hours ago, Jay&Sid said:

    Here is an update after I spoke to USCIS and inquired about my case.


    Q: I received noa1 in Nov from TSC. Is Texas my service center?

    A: It was but your case was transferred on 23 Feb to VSC.

    Q: Why haven’t I received any notification on case transfer? My case status is still same since day1.

    A: I have no idea but I see a transfer in my system.

    Q: Why it was transferred ?

    A: It was transferred to VSC in a bid to streamline processing.

    Q: Will I be following VSC processing time or TSC processing time from my PD?

    A: VSC

    Q: Isn’t this transfer increased my processing time by double? Because VSC is 20months as compared to TSC 10months?

    A: Both of the centers have received a lot of transfer cases and soon they will be updating their processing times.

    Q: As per your answer I don’t see how these transfer in a bid to streamline processing especially if one transferred from fastest processing center to a slowest processing center.

    A: I wish that I had an answer for you.

    Q: Is there anything I can do or request to remain on TSC processing time?

    A: Not at the moment. But we are streamlining our processes in order to improve efficiency.




    None of this matters.   You basically wasted all of the time you spent on the phone to record these things.    Maybe it helped you to feel better to talk to someone and get answers to things that are freely available on this website. 


    Nothing you received in this phone call changes your timeline.




  9. I am curious how often married people are denied at the interview?   

    Probably the one area I'm most concerned about it just the time we've spent together.  My wife lives in Uganda and so travel over there is really expensive and it's difficult to go over more than 2 times per year.   We've been married 10 months and knew each other for about a year before we got married.   We talk 2-3 times a day every day on WhatsApp and we also have leased a small house over in Uganda together, so we'll have the lease with both of our names on it.   I pay 100% of her living expenses and have done so for quite some time.   This year, we are going to file US Taxes together for 2019, so I'm sure that will help.  


    I'm sure it is probably difficult to have an exact answer to this question, but just wondering.



  10. 1 hour ago, Quarknase said:

    They "may or may not" ask - love how the instructions are written.


    I'm also wondering - most of the pages will be blank (no taxes filed, no income. My hubby was a student and the economy in his country is at the bottom). We're filing taxes jointly for 2019, but with my income only. I do make way above the poverty line though. Are there any reports from folks interviewing since Feb 24 where this was an issue?


    I'm in a similar situation to you.  My wife lives in Uganda, which is mostly a cash economy.  Very little in the way of a paper trail for showing income.  I've been supporting her 100% for the going on 2 years and have the documentation of all the money I've sent her.  I make well above what is required.   We are filing married joint for 2019 tax return.

    She really doesn't have much to put down on the DS-5540.  She does have a Bachelor degree in business administration, but Im not seeing anything except confirming a HS education.


    I guess when we get closer to the interview I'll have her fill it out.


  11. 14 hours ago, KelevraUSA said:

    Hello again folks! Sorry for the absence but I reached my maximum number of posts allowed per day. I would have like to reply before. 

    First of all, I want to share a locked topic to all of those who seem that want to put me in jail right now because they have solved the case:

    I just hope moderators will read this. 


    It doesn't seem to me that there are a bunch of negative attitudes here from people here.   Most responses to the OP are just people being brutally honest.   


    Nothing about the OPs story passes the smell test.    Dude, I would hate to be you in a AOS interview.  


    Doing things the right way when it comes to US immigration is a long and arduous process.  Have a look at some of the treads of people who have been sent to the Nebraska Service Center trying to encourage each other during the long a silent wait for some kind of change in status for nearly a year or more.   It's going to be hard to find a sympathetic ear from most of us here who are doing it the right way when a person clearly is attempting to cut in line.


    Good luck.

  12. 4 hours ago, RockoUSA said:

    Do not you think that maybe for a young guy working without a salary for at least 6 month could be depressing?


    I'm quite sure it is not nearly as depressing as waiting 12-14 months for the spouse VISA process to play out while your spouse lives half way around the world in another country.   Not to mention expensive with all of the travel out to her country to see her.


    Just from my vantage point from the cheap seats it totally looks like you are trying to use a tourist VISA to immigrate to the US.    It seems like you are coming here to ask the question hoping people will tell you everything is going to be ok, when in fact most people are telling you that you probably made a big mistake. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, missileman said:

    Wherever she receives postal items.

    Does the NVC send her things during this process directly?   If so, I suspect this could be problematic since I doubt DHL is just going to accept private citizen mail without going through their service

  14. 3 minutes ago, missileman said:

    Wherever she receives postal items.


    They don't receive postal items in Uganda (or most Ugandan's don't).   Perhaps business's do, but the vast majority of private citizens don't receive mail.   If I send her anything I sent it DHL and she picks it up at the DHL office.


  15. I am working on filling out the I-864 and had a question about section 2 for the principal immigrant.  My wife lives in Uganda and they don't receive mail directly to their houses there like we do here in the US.  What address should I put in the "
    Mailing Address" section since daily mail service isn't general a service Ugandans have.



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