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Posts posted by Strontium

  1. 1 hour ago, 854Turbo said:

    Great news! Congrats! I'm SRC filer from Sept 2021, so hopefully my turn comes soon. Was your number 2190304xxx or 2190305xxx (4 or 5, that's all I'm curious about)?




    So, ours was a little weird.  It's like they forgot to enter my wife's application but entered daughter's.  Sent us NOA for daughter right away.  She had a 2131750XXX number.  After 3 weeks, they finally entered receipt of wife's application and gave her receipt number 2190293XXX.  They also gave daughter another receipt number in the 219 range.  Daughter's receipt that got approved was the 213 number, so mother was just dragged along I guess since they process them together?


    Anywho, as you can see, there's no way to tell how they're doing it.   Hopefully you won't be much longer!

  2. Received notice of card production for both mother and daughter last night.  What a great piece of news to wake up to.  Daughter turned 19 right after entry in 2019 so she was 21 when we applied for ROC.  Was a bit nervous as to whether she could apply with mother.


    Last stop will be citizenship, next year, for both.  Good luck to those still waiting.  Hang in there!

  3. We filed one application and paid one fee.  Daughter was also over 21 at time of application.  K2 has to use 5 year rule for N-400 so we are waiting to file those at the same time.


    It was really hard to find guidance on what to do with K2 over 21.  But, I think the consensus is that her residency is tied to mother's so they should be joined all the way through, minus citizenship.


    This is one of the only things I could find about it and things seemed to work out for them (with the complication of gun permit application or something that messed things up):



  4. 16 hours ago, Olga&Jared said:

    Did anyone who hasn't received a 48 month extension send a missing notice e-request and got it afterwards? I sent a request almost a month ago and didn't get any response.  

    Was just coming to update this.  Turns out, the 'form not received' request had nothing to do with receiving the extension letters a week later.  Just got a reply from the inquiry.  They replied that they already sent them out and that the post office did not return them undelivered.  The reply said they would send out another copy as a courtesy.



    On 4/11/2023 at 7:36 AM, Strontium said:

    Informed delivery is showing what looks to be I-797's for mother and daughter today.  Looks like they even sent the extra one for the second case number they created by mistake for our daughter.  Coincidentally, I submitted a 'form not received' notice 7 days ago.  Not sure if it's related.


  5. 7 hours ago, Soli said:

    We are August 2021 filers.. we got an RFE January of this year stating they would like more evidence of us sharing a married life together starting from the day we sent in our adjustment of status🙄. When we sent our AOS packet back in August of 2021 we put everything in there … I guess they want to make sure we are  still married. 

    This was such a bummer since we were waiting so long for this we thought we would get an approval but whatever. I will send our response packet next week. Im so sick of this and so disappointed 😔 

    Just be glad they're actually touching your case...

  6. 3 hours ago, BJ & Christine said:

    First of all congratulations.

    Typically having children does not speed up your processing time. It actually delays it since they have more then just 1 case to review. 


    I think they meant filing AS a child.  They appear to have come over on something other than a K visa.  Perhaps an IR-2?  Either that, or they didn't complete their timeline fully.

  7. 20 hours ago, Daphne K said:

    Hello all! Today I checked my case status and I am happy to see that they are getting ready to get my interview scheduled, yay! No RFE and also no new biometrics. But, when I log on to my USCIS account I do not see my I751 case anywhere. It has all my previous cases listed (the initial application, the production of my conditional GC etc.). Is this normal?

    If you were able to check your case status, I'm not sure what you're asking.  You obviously already added your case to your account.  Unless you are talking about the new vs old sites...  You have to manually add your case numbers, in either case.

  8. 14 hours ago, JandEB said:

    They also complained that the health cards do not show "details related to financial responsibility or coverage terms". What are they actually expecting to see and what do I need to get to satisfy this?


    In addition to a copy of the cards I also sent printouts of the pages (for each year), on my employer's benefits site, which showed that my wife and daughter listed as my dependents for the health coverage.

  9. Okay so we received a biometrics appointment letter for our daughter.  Wife's biometrics were re-used from AOS back in September.  Guess they lost our daughter's file?  Also, they put both the original case number (from daughter's first NOA when wife didn't receive one) and the second case number that was generated with the second NOA (when they finally processed receipt of wife's application).  None of this makes any sense, anyway.  How the hell did they process daughter's NOA first and not the wife's since she's a dependent on wife's application?



  10. 4 hours ago, ruben11111 said:

    104 days since case was received. No biometric news yet. Got a 24months extension letter. Is there anyone who is still stuck on case received without biometric news for more than 100 days?

    We're 104 days out, as well.  Took 3 weeks for wife to get NOA which was the new 24 month.  Daughter (listed on application) got NOA in a week and was the old 18 month.  When we received wife's NOA, they also sent another for daughter but it was still 18 months and also had a different case number from the first NOA


    Wife's biometrics updated about 3 weeks after NOA.  Still nothing on daughter...


    Based on the above, I'd say they really don't have their act together.  Texas service center.

  11. 21 hours ago, ET9709 said:

    Case status changed to “Case Was Updated To Show Fingerprints Were Taken”. Assume this means additional biometrics waived. Waiting for biometrics letter in mail. 


    8-28-2021: I-751 package sent via UPS

    9-03-2021: package delivered, Case number assigned, EAC

    9-07-2021: text received with case number 

    9-11-2021: NOA1 received in mail

    9-21-2021: case updated to show fingerprints were taken 


    Same here, for wife.  Daughter's case number no change.  SRC service center.

    8/13/2021 application received.



    5 hours ago, Strontium said:

    Informed delivery is showing two letters for my wife and daughter, today.  Guessing the letter for daughter is a re-do for the new 24 month extension.


    4 hours ago, AmandaandChayne said:

    Either that or biometrics keep us posted. 


    3 hours ago, Strontium said:

    Didn't think of that.  Really hope not.  That would possibly mean selected for interview. 

    Okay well it was indeed two extension letters.  24 months for my wife and just a duplicate of the one they sent for our daughter back in August with 18 months but a different receipt number.


    Oh well.  Just glad we won't have to schedule an appointment (yet) for a stamp.



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