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Posts posted by Lottaair

  1. I never ever said I was rushing to do the paperwork. Why would I have not taken it with me?? He has nwvwe gone through the process before nor have I. Regardless it's important to sit beside one another and read it together versus being on a video chat. I have never told any of you all any dates and the dates should not matter. Sure I am a bit older than him but at least we are within or under 10 years of one another. And his bold words were if we cannot have kids he is fine with it. The most important thing to him is being with me and taking care of me. He also has told me it didnt matter if he had met me in his country he would still feel the exact same way for me. 

    Thank you for your advice.

    My confusion now is the fact one person said if he did his interview in English that is not good. And then someone else said he can get a translator. 

    Yes he has time to learn English and he told me not to submit anything until he has established his English better. He was going by you tube videos that people say he doesnt need to be fluent. And for the record yes we can have a conversation in English as it has improved and has continued to. But it's not easy when he isnt around anyone else that doesnt speak English.  Soo many of you all have gotten soo much of this backwards to the point I can only laugh. The family support thing is probably the most funniest because it's not relevant. And please note I am very aware of the fees..but on here you all use acronyms and this was NOT something I knew. I know the full terms..simple as that. So please do not tell me what I do and do not know because the fact you all shorten up all this lingo. I have never ever told any of you all what I was gonna do. These conversations turned out to be me defending my relationship instead. 

    Has any of you ever heard of t hm e Visa coach?? I got a free consultation from him and I'm trying peice together his info versus the information you all have given me. ..curious to know who on here was even ever successful??? On t uh e first interview seems to be many of you are denied and that's why I watched so many videos of how people put together their packet.  But one thing I can nwb3r find is someone specifically for Morocco on you tube. And the Visa coach said he had a successful rate in Morocco.  So anyway it is a matter of gathering information. I dont need the nasty comments telling me I'm going to be scammed or denied. 

    Another thing I hoped to find was someone who I could establish trust with, maybe even a Male who could talk to my finance about this process. I mentioned to him about marriage there and he does not want to be married there and all of you are gonna say bad things about that. But if the man doesnt like it there then he dont. But there is only soo much I can get him to understand until his English is improved upon. But he is not rushing me to do anything...  I have never been married before either. I have explained to him the difference in in the k1 and the spouse. And he insist to be here for marriage. That's no red flag of any sort. before some of you sharpen your horns to dig into that! Lol 

  2. I honestly didnt see him ever making a mess as he's gone to  culinary school, he always cleaned up. I was with him and in his eyesight for two weeks I see how he operates. The floor in that bathroom was always wet ..the toilet which is the shower also isn't far from the sink. And there are kids and adults on that house. He barely wanted to stay there he finds peace and quiet at a nearby cafe. 

    He is not a messy eater. But some of his aunts are.  I told him I dont even cook..lol he said he will love to prepare meals for us. 

    Bottom line he knows his traditional ways stop there in Morocco I told him I will not be doing the stuff his mother and aunts do. I made that very clear. Have you ever thought about the fact he isnt happy with his religion and this is a way to be removed from it??


    His family will be fine... he knows he cannot and I will be supporting them and him. He made me that promise and that he will make sure I wont ever lose anything I have personally gained upon his arrival here. 



    Cats are walking around everywhere in marrakech and safi.. and rabat. I lost count but I was at 67 cats by day 5. We walked a lot. 

    If you were driving then you didnt see them. 

  3. 4 hours ago, RJandHamid said:

    How long was your last visit? Moroccan culture is very different from culture and lifestyle in the US. It maybe be fine to visit for a few weeks as a fun holiday, but how do you think he will do with the culture difference? My husband lived in Rabat, a rather modern city, and had a somewhat worldly view from his time spent studying at his university. He's been in the US over a year now and the culture difference is still huge for him. 


    As for his cousin...he came here 5 years ago on a work visa or marriage visa? Times are a lot different know in terms of the speed of the immigration process. 

    I think it will be a culture shock for him, as well as moving to any country would be for anyone. His cousin got here for work, and found a woman and married her He been here for 5yrs now. 

    When I visited Morocco it was a huge culture difference and everything looks old to me and soooo many cats, I have NEVER seen that many cats on a street in my life! But I am not used to many many people walking the streets or mopeds all over the place and tiny cars.  But I loved being by the water. And I am also not used to how they eat or what they eat. His family cooked me foods that I would eat, because I was not eating goat nor was I going to eat with my hands, they understood that! 

  4. 1 minute ago, Apple Bee said:

    I thought she said a friend of his had that happen to him. Not her fiancé.

    My fiance was and is not a sperm donor. I mentioned this because he had a friend who married a woman from France in Morocco. As soon as she was pregnant she left and never contacted him again, thus she just wanted this kids. I am not in that situation. I'd have him regardless if i could have kids or not and he feels the same. I have also asked him if I was not in America would he still love me or want to be with me, he agreed it is because he loves me not the fact i am in America. I am also aware of the supporting issues with him sending money home. I told him I will NOT lose anything to or help him send any money to his home for his family. He understood that. I told him I am and will only support him for his life here in America. I will not be sending any money to help his family. He understands that. He also said he will not let me lose anything here and that this was not fair to me. He understands all of this. 


    I appreciate all the advice however I did ask some individuals for specific information but it was not given. 


    I will still stand for the fact he has not had a GF in Morocco and even his cousin here in VA told me the same thing. Regardless if they chose to agree to lie to me, I can see the lack of experience when we were together. He has a lot to learn. But I do need his English at a level to where if he was asked what does his family think of me, that he will be able to say more than, they are happy for us.. LOL

  5. 9 minutes ago, Jaquelly said:

    I noted that it was unlikely that he never had relationships with another person, as OP had admitted he was a 'sperm donor' to another woman, which is a reason why he didn't want her spending much time in Morocco. 

    With this being said.. this is a friend of his.. not him! 

    Someone that married in Morocco and she left after she was pregnant and did not come back ever again. 

    This is just a story he told me. 

    My fiance is not a sperm donor. 

  6. he doesnt know English at all. Him and I can carry a conversation without google translate. 

    He knows a bit of English.. but I cannot speak fast..  he knows all there is about me in English, hobbies, age, birthday, family, address, work, etc. 

    We can talk to one another in English... but is he 100% fluent: Nope


    Why were you denied after being there a month??

    See this is the problem no one is telling me why they were Denied in Morocco

  7. 3 minutes ago, RJandHamid said:

    I'm confused. I didn't see any comments bringing up his previous relationships? Though now that you mention it, that is something to look out for. Sometimes scammers will marry an American for the green card, divorce them once green card is in hand and then go marry a Moroccan woman to bring to the US...

    Someone else said he was previously in a relationship. I NEVER said this. 

    HE has not been in a relationship. Trust me. His lack in intimate experience is pretty obvious to me personally. 

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