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Journey to Wells

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Posts posted by Journey to Wells

  1. Hey everyone!


    It's been awhile since I updated, so here it goes...


    After having a horrific initial interview on May 16th (we were separated, told our marriage wasn't bona fide, read letters my mother sent them claiming all sorts of fraud...), we received two NOIDs- one for my I-130 and one for his I-485. Both were written the 22nd, postmarked the 7th, and received the 11th (we didn't get his till the 14th). We had 30 days from the WRITTEN date to respond, meaning we had less than a week to respond to my husband's since his due date fell on a Sunday.  Luckily, I already had most of the evidence scrapped together that proved our bona-fide marriage (their primary issue was they didn't see enough co-mingling finances so I sent in 6 months checking AND savings bank statements, joint credit cards, joint renewed lease, joint utilities, joint vet bills, joint vacations, joint renters insurance, etc etc). However, what I was not expecting, was to be told that we both committed fraud, misrepresentation, forgery, and perjury! My mother denied she ever signed an Affidavit of Support, but thanks to some screenshots, I had some evidence that said otherwise...


    Anyway, we mailed our responses back. My I-130, Petition for an Alien Relative, went to our local field office in Omaha, and his AOS application went to California... Both were received two days before the deadline. I just got a letter last night saying my I-130 has been approved!!! I'm hoping that means his AOS will also be approved, since their primary issue was the belief we committed fraud... So. Yeah


    There's the update! I successfully fought off one NOID with no attorney help (we haven't had an attorney at all throughout this process...) and just waiting to hear back on the other NOID.

  2. Hey guys,


    It's been over 2 weeks since our (horrible!) interview, and we still haven't received an RFE or NOID in the mail. Is that normal? Should it be here by now? I'm a bit worried because have been notified by both a credit card company and my mom that *some* of our mail has been returned as undeliverable, but I have also been receiving some mail just fine. I've never had an issue with receiving USCIS mail either (so I know they have the correct address). I tried calling them to ask them if they tried mailing us anything, but all I have been getting is automated responses. Any advice? 

  3. 2 hours ago, janet3 said:

    Okay....take a deep breath....you can get through this.....

    Here's what I would do....

    Did they tell you how long it would be before they issued the RFE?

    The letter that your mother sent.....was it just 20 pages of a mother ranting or did she provide "proof" of these allegations? You are going to have to address what your mother wrote  (did they let you read it?)

    Does the counselor have a time frame for when he/she thinks it will be appropriate for you to live together? Will the counselor write a letter addressing why she/he thought it was appropriate that you live apart and add a projected date of reunification. 

    You may want to find a Co sponsor now....it is important  (you will not be able to AOS without it) and it would remove your mother from that part of the equation. 

    Did you front load the AOS packet? (My husband came here on a K1...I did not front load...but spent a year proving our relationship before he got here) I would gather all the pictures and receipts you have for the two of you together. 

    To prove financial Co mingling I would add him to EVERYTHING I could think of....health insurance, life insurance, car insurance, all financial products....401k, retirement plans, bank accounts....all memberships  (SAM'S club, gym, amazon account)....any bills you have (phone, utilities)

    You need to find out from your husband what they focused on during his interview and start addressing those concerns also.

    (I'm still confused as to why they conducted the interview the way they did....)

    Did they video tape the interview?


    These are just some of the things I would do to prepare for the RFE.....


    My mother was just ranting. She had no 'proof', but she had specific days and the like (ex: "She called me on Jan 21st hysterically crying"). However, those specific days, as I explained to the IO, either NEVER happened as I hardly ever call my mother--especially with any personal problems--or, she distorted what I said. So like, I could be tearful over my professor giving me an F on a test but she would say I was having a hysterical meltdown because he hit me. 


    All that we were told was that it would be healthy to have space to receive both individual grief and trauma counseling, and then marital counseling. But we still see each other every stinkin' day! I've asked him however if he would write an affidavit.


    I'm looking for the co-sponsor. Sigh. If I got a new job and co-sponsored him myself (I just got hired for a 40hr/wk job @ $12.50/hr) but have NOT started it yet (so no pay stubs or tax docs), would they accept me as a sponsor? If I got a letter from my employer stating the hours, the wage, the intent to keep me hired?


    I have added him to everything I possibly can, and I can start getting wills drawn up if I must. However, I was only 19 when we married so I'm still on my mum's health insurance, the car title is in her name so I don't have a joint title or insurance in both our names, haven't even thought about life insurance for either of us (now I have!), and we've only been married since Nov... So not much time for us to get joint stuff. I didn't even get my new SS card to get bank accounts, etc in my new last name until December!


    They interviewed him and he said he was struggling to recognize me but did not clarify. When I went in, I told them he was struggling to recognize the depressed, skinny, and emotionally unstable wife from his bright, joyful, healthy wife. After the miscarriage, I lost over about 25 pounds and had to get psych help because I was so distraught. So I think me telling them helped clarify some things.


    They didn't video tape the interview. He just took some notes. And he didn't tell me when he would issue the presumed RFE--just that I would receive one in the mail asking for what they needed. 


    In my AOS packet, I sent in about 40 photos, a wedding card invitation, affidavit from one of my professor's who was a witness at my wedding (we are close friends), some joint bank statements, and that's about it.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Stt said:

    Oh no... I'm so sorry you are going through this and also so sorry for your losses having gone through a miscarriage myself I know how hard it can be coping through that. my thoughts to you is to get a really good lawyer asap if u can afford one and start preparing everything you can. I wish you and your husband the very best of luck. I truly hope things turn out favorable both for the gc and ur marriage!

     Thank you, love <3 <3 <3 

  5. 21 minutes ago, janet3 said:

    It appears to me that they have already put you through a stokes interview. They will not interview you again. If I were you I would get prepared for the NOID. There will be a list of questions and concerns they will present to you....be prepared to answer those....start gathering information now...

    I'm hoping not for a NOID, as he said we would get up to 87 days to respond. According to google (haha), NOIDs do not have extensions and are always 30 days or less. Fingers crossed! I. Am. Terrified.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Nouchigang said:

    My pleasure :) 

    I see I understand a bit more now, well at least they did not deny you, thats the good news, you now can try to fix it, and they do know 4 months is not a lot of time to get a lot of proof of bona fide marriage.

    I asked the IO how the interview looked and if they'd make us come in for a second interview and he said "No. We'll just send you an RFE for intermingled finances and for you two to do a statement clearing up some of your guys' timelines and events. Some people blow it out of the park, others don't even respond."


    Do you think that's a good sign they're not making us come in for a second interview?

  7. 4 minutes ago, Nouchigang said:

    At this point anything can help, I was reading on another post that statements do help but they are considered "weaker" compared to the rest ie living together and finances. 

    The common residence and intermingling of finances is the main thing. I will post the link for you to read. Also, can your husband move to a friend's or the pastor's or an acquaintance? Because look at it from their end, any marriage goes thru issues, we all agree on that but living in a homeless shelter doesnt look good and it does feed your mother's statement...

    But again your health is the main thing, talk to your counselor and see what is doable in the immediate future.




    Wow, that article is super helpful, thanks!


    Yeah, the homeless shelter is not ideal. Ugh! May I add that he is adjusting from a B-2 visa (not a K-1 even though I'm in a K-1 forum) so when we got married in November and submitted our application in January, it was a rush to get everything done because I had to get my name changed, new SS card and drivers license before we could open up a joint account of any sort. So I don't have several months worth of bank statements and the like :(

  8. Just now, janet3 said:

    Your counselor has given advice on the information provided to him/her. If you trust your counselor, you should follow his/her advice. However, USCIS will have a difficult time believing you are in a real marriage if your husband is living in a homeless shelter.

    I also believe there is SO MUCH MORE to this....and I truly think your first priority should be YOU. Please stay safe and do what is best for YOU.


    Yeah... I know. It's all so difficult. 


    My husband is truly the gentlest, kindest man to walk this planet. It's me that's the loco one because of my severe past of abuse from my mom. In my previous relationship, she beat me in front a neighbor and I had to be literally snuck out of the state. My mom then wrote threat letters to my university AND my church! So this isn't uncommon for my mom, but it probably does look crazy suspicious to immigration.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Nouchigang said:



    Im sincerely sorry for what you are going thru and your losses.  Take a deep breath and take it 1 step at a time, you guys can sort this out.


    The first thing is residence I am not sure how possible it is for your husband to move back gradually with you, I believe this is the number one reason (and your mother's statement) why they both grilled you for that long. Maybe discuss options and possibilities with your marriage counselor on how soon that can be done for both of you guys sanity.


    Now second part the finances: I believe the life insurance, bills, credit cards with both names is a good idea because they did ask you to show intermingling of finances  in the statement you will mail back, so it is expected of you to show efforts and get things done. Also please make an effort to both use the joint account or else it is useless. I believe this was also another red flag but since you do not live together it makes sense. But you said you guys always shop together, have him sometimes pay instead of you, it will show activity on his card.

    The will in my humble opinion may look fishy, but again its never too early to make one, but like you mentioned the timing me be off.


    I really hope you get things sorted out and are able to get your approval after the response to the RFE.

    God bless


    Thank you for your response! Do you think me getting a letter from my counselor and one from my pastor about my miscarriage will help so they know that the reason we have temporarily separated was legitimate?

  10. 1 minute ago, janet3 said:

    I am sorry you are going through all of this. It sounds as if you have had some extremely difficult times recently. And I am also sorry for your losses.

    As for what to do regarding the RFE.....

    Are you and your husband living together? (That is actually extremely important.....it shows a real supportive relationship where both members of the "team" are connected and in a relationship). If you are not living together....it should probably be your first  (and most important goal).

    Secondly....you are going to have to find a Co sponsor if you do not make enough money....USCIS will deny you without this.

    Thirdly...you can combine your assets, bills, get insurance together....etc

    Fourthly....the most difficult  (and most important)......your mother has written a letter saying you have been abused by your husband. If that is, in fact, true...you truly do not need to worry about how to adjust his status.....you need to worry about yourself....

    I wish you the absolute best. 




    No, currently my husband lives at a homeless shelter :( However, we are with each other daily and spend most of our time together. We separated due to the suggestion of our marriage counselor. 


    I'm working on finding a cosponsor. Not too worried about this one!


    Will suddenly getting insurance together, wills, etc. look really guilty?


    No, my mom lied about me being abused because her and I got into a big fight and she did it to spite me. SHE is the one who has abused me for literally 18 years of my life.

  11. Well folks, 


    I have spent the past two days crying. Immediately upon arrival, my husband and I were separated (I'm the USC). His interview lasted almost 2 hours. Mine lasted  about an hour. They told him we didn't have enough evidence to have a bona fide marriage because we don't live together (I had two miscarriages, went through double depression, and he moved out because I basically went nuts--now we're in marriage counseling and working it through) and it would be denied. When I went in for my interview, I explained to them WHY he moved out (he hadn't) and they seemed much more understanding. But then they pulled out this giant letter and said, "Did you know your mom withdrew her AOS and wrote this?" and my horrible mother wrote like a 20 page letter saying he beat me and forced me into helping him get a green card!!! 


    So they said they will mail us an RFE, where we will submit a statement about our marriage explaining stuff, and then we need to show more intermingling finances. We have a joint lease and joint bank account, but since he doesn't live with me it doesn't really matter and since he never used his card (we always shopped together!) then the bank statements don't matter. I. Want. To. SCREAM.


    So my question is, if I bought us life insurance or got a will made up and some other things that have us both on it, would that look more suspicious since it's post-interview? Or would it not really matter since life insurance, wills, legal contracts, etc really isn't something to mess around with?



  12. Holding my breath for Wednesday's interview:


    My mom, once again, told me that she's not going to joint sponsor my husband, however, I'm still unsure as to whether or not she actually withdrew her sponsorship (I'm too scared to ask!). She doesn't know his birthday, alien number, any receipt number, nada about him--only his first and last name. So I don't know if her letter would ever make it to our case! I don't know guys. I'm sure nervous! 

  13. Hey everyone!! Congrats on everyone who has gotten approved!! 


    Our interview is next Wednesday and I'm pretty nervous since he and I have a big age gap. I submitted a TON of documents (statements, photos, etc) with our original application, and I was wondering if we needed to bring all of those same photos and documents to the interview?


    Also, to everyone who got approved, what questions were you asked?

  14. Hey guys!


    Question: My husband's interview is May 10, HOWEVER, I didn't get this year's taxes filed (I don't owe anything--I'm owed a refund!) because some of my W-2's came back with an incorrect SS# and was hospitalized before my tax appointment :( So this year's taxes aren't filed yet and my husband doesn't have a ITIN or SS number yet. Will I have problems at the interview? I don't think that even if I hurried, I would get them done in time! Also, I have a cosponsor and I am bringing her most recent tax form.

  15. Alright folks, I'm in a pickle. Our biometrics is scheduled for Friday (yay!) but my mom, the cosponsor, has decided to go off her rocker and withdraw her sponsorship. However, she hasn't said she's written in to officially withdraw, and she doesn't have any of his A numbers, receipt numbers, or even date of birth. So I don't even know if she can/knows how to officially withdraw. My question is: how/when will we know if she officially withdraws and when we need to have a new sponsor?!

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