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Posts posted by SwimminginSync

  1. 18 hours ago, heartinKorea said:

    Hey guys I've been offline for a while now, but we are finally married and are preparing to file for AOS this week!


    I'm also starting to plan our honeymoon, and right now we are planning to go at the end of August... I was literally about to book everything to Tahiti and then I suddenly was like wait... what if the AP document doesn't get here in time... what do you guys think? In my head, I was like well average processing time WAS 3 months, so if I'm planning this 5.5 months from now I should be fine.. right? But we all know how that went for May filers before, so before I drop an insane amount of cash on this honeymoon that is non-refundable, I wanted to ask y'all for a sanity check.


    Should I try and push it back to September or October or something? Am I having a last minute freak out? I thought this was a safe date, but it's a lot of money and I'm suddenly remembering flash backs of thinking I was going to get NOA2, and then the case number etc.... i don't want them to ruin my honeymoon. 

    Did you have your interview yet?  Can you provide feedback on how it went?  Ours is next week at the Seoul embassy.  Did you have a chance to present your documentation to the consulate or just give everything to the window consulate?  We are nervous!

  2. 6 minutes ago, John & Rose said:

    That response from the Congressman came when it was still at June 1.  That is why I contacted them again today.  Now I am "officially" outside the published timeline.

    They should at least give you SOMETHING....stay positive!!!!   We're in a holding pattern over NVC right now...  stewardess gotta-attitude, lavatory stinks, pilots' not telling us *hit, replaying the same movie, and the kid behind me won't stop kicking my seat (lil *ucker)....  hopefully we'll land at the Embassy soon but weather is foggy with a gale force winds.... VFR baby!!!!

  3. 4 minutes ago, John & Rose said:

    500 without online updates is not to shabby.  Things are moving better than we realize.

    So where is mine???  I'm miserable.  My partner is miserable....  we both have gray hair, stress lines,  and only sleep about 2-3 hours a night.  There HAS to be a more humane way of doing this. If the US is to act as the world's moral authority, every aspect of our democracy should be humane.  Even ASPCA lets the animals know their timeline... :(  Sorry so negative and cynical, but I had hoped for better... we are now at seven months of waiting with nothing.   

  4. What I don't understand is the USCIS website and the telephone reps both say "...we process cases in the order they are received."  So I am 23 June, if I haven't received my adjudication, there should be no July cases being processed.  I know USCIS is really doing their best, its just demoralizing and depressing on a daily basis to wait in despair.  But what can we do...  the process is a test to every relationship, making them stronger, testing the fidelity.  But I swear, I haven't felt this type of mental and emotional anguish since serving in Bosnia in the 90's where I witnessed some of the worst humanity man had to offer.  This uninformed waiting is worst.  I feel like jumping off a bridge.  :( 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Rob&Maha said:

    No, sorry I might have not explained well or miss spelled fiancee. My future husband is a male and I am a female. So no same sex. He asked for a b2 visa for me for 3 weeks. Fingers crossed they grant it. 

    I'm just curious, but do same-sex couple petitions have any different requirements?  I hope the question doesn't sound ignorant or offensive -  not intended to be.

  6. 11 minutes ago, purplepink said:

    How dumb is it to pay $500 for a usually $300 ticket to spend 4 nights together? 

    Absolutely justified based on the hidden law of a probable outcome (i.e. no one is promised tomorrow), you should take it and go see your love one.  I'm a 47 year old orphan - the people who love you are all that life is about.  SO... leave the gun, take the cannoli.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Swissmiss82 said:

    Right, I just hope for everybody to get that approval ASAP and have the first step of this process behind.

    This is super hard on a relationship and can be a challenge for some others.

    After all - it's a big test for every relationship of course, but we're all stronger than that!


    And that's why I love this forum, as we can share our thoughts, and positive vibes and lift someone when they have their downs :)



    There is a lot of emotion involved when loved ones are separated.  Some people 'cope' in different ways.  A forum like this provides support for everyone whether they use negativity, levity, sarcasm, etc...  The benefit is that we are ALL here for each other to hear each other.  Great post Swiismiss... 

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