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Posts posted by JackCassidyMusic

  1. Hello everyone! It's been a little while since I've posted, I'm getting used to life in the US and thinks are really wonderful with my husband, so I'm just pretty happy letting the AOS trundle along.

    However, we got an RFE! The strange thing is that it's asking for something we're almost certain we submitted. It says: 
    "The Petitioner/sponsor, NAME, on Form I-864, Affidavit of Supports, must submit a complete Federal income tax return submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the most recent tax year."

    Is this not the W2 form? We 100% included that in the original submission?
    Since then, he's actually quit that job and got a new job where we now live, which is Chicago. 
    Should we get a copy of and resubmit that original W2 again, assuming they lost it, or are we missing something here? 

    Thank you so much for any replies! <3

  2. 1 minute ago, Damara said:

    Use the search feature to find working remotely threads. Read them through and decide for yourself what to do. I use to be 100% opposed to it but after much research and debate I am now "ehh" about it. If you need the money it is possible to work remotely and not have any consequence.  Like I said there is no policy preventing you from working remotely but there is also no policy that allows it. The laws are out of date/there is no policy about working remotely- whether it counts as employment in the US or not. 

    That is VERY interesting. I just read the whole "not allowed to work in the US' sentiment and just assumed I'd be immediately arrested and deported should I do such a thing! (Joking...half.)
    Thank you for pointing that out. Having the extra money would be VERY helpful! :D

  3. 22 minutes ago, TNJ17 said:

    I’d just bring a new I-864 to the interview with all the evidence supporting it. Remember that spending on how long he’ll have had the job for he may not have w2s or pay stubs yet, so get the employer to write a letter stating his employment information including pay and benefits if any. Good luck. 

    Amazing, thank you!



    2 minutes ago, Damara said:

    A new 864 is not required. It just needs to be valid and accurate at the time of submission. So you can marry, fill out the AOS packet including the 864 and then move or marry, move and then file with the new job on the 864. 


    Why are you not working? Have you read the threads on VJ about working remotely? Its a grey area. Nothing prevents you from doing but nothing specifically allows you to do so. 


    And really? Because I work online, get paid to my paypal, then I send it to my UK bank account. I'd hate for that to ruin my chances here!

  4. 7 minutes ago, TNJ17 said:

    If I were you I’d get married ASAP and file the aos as soon as possible. While he still has a job and documentation proving that. Finding a new job is not an easy task, specially one that cover the 125% of the poverty line. It won’t happen fast. And unless you have that you can’t file aos unless you use a cosponsor. If you have someone to cosponsor your move and job situation won’t matter.

    If you file with your current job and later on change jobs you can just update that information when the time comes, interview, etc. 

    Oh okay! So get the marriage and filing done here, with the current job on the paperwork, then move to Chicago and find the new job? We have a potential one lined up, so that could go better than expected, but then again, could not. Then once we've got the new job, we could call USCIS and send them the updated affidavit? Or is it just a case of turning up to the interview and saying "Oh, my fiance has a new job, here's the new affidavit of support."?

    Thank you so much for your help. In an ideal world he'd keep working this job, but he's so darn depressed every time he has to get up and go to work, I don't want every morning to feel like I'm sending him to his slaughter, y'know? (A bit dramatic, but it still sucks. :P)

  5. 23 minutes ago, TNJ17 said:

    Don’t quit your job before aos is complete or you will need a cosponsor. The financial requirements for aos are even more strict than the visa ones. Get married and file aos ASAP. It’s taking over a year for aos and 4-6 months for EAD and AP. Don’t waste time. West Virginia isn’t so bad. That’s where we are too. 

    It's not West Virginia as a state that sucks, it's just our little backwater town in general. As as musician, I won't have any luck finding work here.

    Yeah, we're planning on getting married ASAP, probably within the next week. 

    But he can't stay in this job for another year, like I said, he hates it so much that it makes him genuinely physically sick. As his soon-to-be-husband, I couldn't in good conscience make him do that. 

    So, here's my plan, and I was wondering if you could tell me if this works:
    We try and push through the move to Chicago and get him into a new job before my 90 day limit is up, we then marry and file the paperwork with his NEW job in the affidavit of support. There's no reason we couldn't do that, right?

    Or maybe if it'd help us stay more afloat, we get the marriage and the filing out the way while here, then move to Chicago, get the new job, and update USCIS with the new job information. That way I can get my EAD earlier?

  6. Hi! So I recently came over to the US on my K1 and everything is wonderful and we're planning to have a barebones legal wedding ceremony here within a couple of weeks. I'm very very happy and would love to have a "proper" wedding but our funds right now just won't allow.

    Speeeeaking of funds...
    My fiance hates his job, to the point that worrying about it makes him physically sick. We also hate where we live, which is a little backwater town in West Virginia.
    I'd really love for him to be able to quit the job ASAP, as we're planning on moving to near Chicago within the coming months with a good friend of ours. 

    My main question is whether or not this is going to screw up the new affidavit of support? Does it have to meet the exact same restrictions as the original K1? Once I get my work authorization through, I can go straight back to working my roughly $2k a month job (which I can do from anywhere, I'd be working it now if I were allowed). Is there anyway we can use that? I also have around $18k saved up in my UK bank account and he wouldn't be COMPLETELY without income as he's also a freelance artist, he just doesn't make enough from it to not require his other job. 

    Admittedly, we've been sort of enjoying our time together too much and kinda let the AOS take a "We'll get around to it." kind of deal. I mean, we're nowhere near our 90 days yet, but since we're trying to plan a move, it's probably high time we dealt with it. :P

    Thanks for your help! <3

  7. ...because gosh darn was that quick!

    I was looking for a queue or something to join, but there wasn't one, and as I approached the door to the security section, a lady opened it and said "Are you Jack?" to which I replied that I was, and she just said "Great, come on through." Didn't have to show any DS-160 or appointment letter or anything!

    It honestly happened so quickly that there's not a great deal to talk about. I seemed to be one of the only ones there as there was no queue to wait in! Just straight into the airport style security where I went through there no problem. The guard asked me to drink some of my water, I'm guessing to prove it's not poisoned or something?


    Then I headed into the reception, they put a sticker on my letter and told me to go up to the first floor where another lady directed me towards the smaller waiting area off from the main room.


    I sat down for less than 30 seconds before my number was called. Handed over my paperwork, did the fingerprints. He took the paystubs as well as the W2 and affidavit. Then I was told to sat back down.

    Less than 2 minutes passed and I was called up again! Asked where my fiancé lived and what he does, when we met, and what my plan was for when I arrive in the US. She then told me my visa had been approved and that was it!


    My appointment time was 11:30, I turned up at 11 and was out by 11:18. Crazy! :o


  8. 10 hours ago, Wuozopo said:

    They are not going to ask you for anything ongoing in London and your table of contents was probably thrown out in the mailroom by the contractors who open the mail and assemble folders. I'd put money on nobody at USCIS even saw it.  I seriously doubt anybody in London would read your I-129f contents page even if it got past the mailroom. The interviewer glances over your file in the time it takes for your number to be called and you to arrive at his window. And he will keep glancing while he's talking to you, but he doesn't have time to analyze you entire USCIS packet and London DS-160/affidavit of support in the 5-10 minutes you are with him.  Nobody ever believes that so take something from another trip you took and a couple of photos maybe. Skip the chat logs for sure.

    I haven't had another trip. Pretty much all of my money is going into the visa, flights and AOS, so we haven't been able to do another trip since filing in June. I guess I'll just take the updated letter of intent to marry if they ask for anything like that, I guess.

    Thanks y'all! <3

  9. So my i-129f was sent with an item on the contents page reading "Proof of ongoing relationship to be presented at interview" as I was copying off an "approved version" back in the day, however, I notice for London, pretty much no-one ever takes any. I'm just worried now that I've put it on the list they'll want something. I got an updated letter of intent to marry with a wet signature, think this'll fall under that category? Or do I need to start copying and pasting chat logs? :P
    My interview on the 8th. It'll be my second time getting a US visa so I'm not massively nervous, more just worrying about whether this darn weather is gonna continue. :P

  10. Yup, another one. I know I found comfort reading these, so hopefully another one for y'all will be helpful!

    I went today! Had a 10:50 appointment on Saturday 24th of February. 

    Aired a little too much on the side of caution and ended up getting there over an hour early, so went inside and asked if I was cool to get breakfast, as the last time I had a medical of this nature, I had to fast the night before. They said it was fine, and in fact, recommended I went and got breakfast before hand. I went and got a cheeky breakfast wrap from McDonald's.

    I got back about 25 minutes before my appointment time and went to reception, where they took all my documents and photocopied and gave them back to me. They even chopped off the extra photo on the passport photos I gave them, as they only needed four. Then I was given some extra forms to fill out, very simple "yes or no" kind of things, then handed it back and was given a urine cup to fill. After I returned that, I was sat in reception for maybe 10 minutes before my name was called.

    I had a quick chat with the nurse about vaccines and she was quite happy that everything was up to date. Although I had my flu jab added to my GP vaccination record, she still asked for proof that it was done, as I had it at Tescos. Luckily, I brought along the forms and she was happy with that and wrote everything down. She then asked if I had chicken pox before, and I said yes, and that was that. She was very lovely and calming and kind! I headed back to the waiting room and about 10 minutes later I was called once more, this time for the chest x-ray. Pretty simple stuff, went inside, took off my shirt and emptied my pockets. Was put into the position against the x-ray plate and she took the x-ray, loaded it onto her computer, briefly looked at it and said I was ok to put my clothes back on and return to the waiting room.

    Then another 10-15 minutes go by, and I was called to the doctor's office. She sat me down and asked me the same questions on the form I had filled out earlier, which was basically me just sat there saying "Nope" for a minute. Then we did the eye test - putting a palm over each eye and reading from a chart across the room. Then she looked inside my eyes and ears, tested my knee reflexes, listen to my chest with a stethoscope on the front and back. Then she went to take my blood pressure, and I explained I seemed to have this condition where my blood pressure shoots up while at the doctor's, and that I was fitted with an all-day blood pressure monitor and it said I'm fine. However, she took it and said that my blood pressure was just fine, and joked that I must have "gotten over it." Then she took the blood sample which was very quick and painless (although ripping the tape off my hairy arms after wasn't! Jeez!) and that was pretty much it. I went back to the waiting room for five minutes and was called through by the receptionist who gave me a certified list of my vaccines for my AOS, and asked when my interview would be. I told her March 8th and she said "Ah ok, you'll have plenty of time. If you don't hear from us by this Friday, then no news is good news and it'll be taken to the embassy and will already be there when you arrive for the interview."

    Then I lost 300lbs. :')

    Overall, a good, non-stressful experience! Absolutely nothing to worry about, everyone! They're very nice and friendly and professional!

    Best of luck! <3

  11. Well, I'm unclear on how long it took me to get in and out of NVC, as we called yesterday and they said the case had been sent, and i logged onto CEAC this morning and it already said "Ready"!

    My medical is booked for the 2/24
    The interview is booked for 3/14, just to give plenty of time for any untoward things happening with the Affidavit of Support being mailed to me. If i get them very quickly, I might be able to reschedule for a slightly sooner appointment!

  12. Hi guys, I'm very confused about what's happening. I've looked at the K1 master thread but it's not clear (at least to me, sorry if it's obvious.)

    I submitted my notification of readiness, as I have my medical booked and the affidavit of support is dude in 6-10 days, which is when my medical is, so should be here in plenty of time for the interview.

    When I completed it, I was directed to this page which said this:


    And when I opened that link, it invited me to register and pay for fees. The first list of options includes "I have received a letter from the consulate section with instructions register or schedule a K visa appointment." 
    Can I do this now to book a time? Since my medical is on the 24th and I'll hopefully have all my documents from the USC, I can book a week or two after the medical, just in case anything comes up then. 
    Or am I meant to wait for this letter from the embassy first (which I've heard a lot of people have never received.)

    Thanks! <3

    EDIT: I just tried to go through it to see what would happen, and turns out I'm already registered on the side. It's possibly leftover from the c1/d visa I had when I worked with an American cruiseliner. I take it I should just use this?

  13. 1 minute ago, Wuozopo said:

    Nobody is going to look at any of your things until interview day. People get new passport numbers and addresses from their petition and don't get booted out.

    Awesome, I'll get the interview booked then! Thank you! :D

  14. 1 minute ago, Wuozopo said:

    Dude, you are going to be standing in front of real live people in London, with a birth certificate and a passport with your correct date of birth. If there is an error in your record, they can fix it then. 

    See, that's what I was thinking. I'm just worried they check the ds-160 against the case they get and see the birthdates are wrong, that'll change things.

  15. So, somehow, between our submitting the i-129f and it getting to the NVC, somebody has managed to get my D.O.B incorrect.

    This meant while it was in the NVC, we couldn't check on it, but we did send them an email with the things they asked for so it could be ammended. They advised us that despite that, the visa would continue to go through normal processing, and can be potentially sent to the embassy in London with the incorrect date of birth.


    We called them again last night and they informed us the visa had already been sent out to London Embassy, but still couldn't confirm if the D.O.B had been changed.
    Then later last night, we received an email from them saying that the case had been sent out and giving us the case number (which I used to book the medical this morning!).

    Then I logged into CEAC and the case is already showing "Ready"! However, if this D.O.B is wrong on what they've received in London, is this going to cause issues? I sent them an email using the online form on their website last week and have yet to get a response, and tried calling today, but found no way to speak to somebody regarding this, and the pre-recorded messages says that visa inquiries can't be answered on the phone anyway.

    Soooooo what do I do? The affidavit stuff will be getting sent out from America later today so I should hopefully have that in hand before the medical happens (28th Feb). And I had already submitted my DS-160, with my correct birthdate. So do I just schedule everything else as usual or should I try and chase up the D.O.B thing? I'm worried I'll get to the interview and they'll say it's wrong and will cause issues. Other than that, I'm just kind of hoping they'll say "oh that's clearly wrong, you have your driver's license and passport here with the correct date, let me update that." and that'll be that.

    I'm such a weird mix of ecstatic that it's already in the country, and terrified that this could screw things up!!

  16. UPDATE:

    Turns out the worrying was for nothing, after I had gone to bed last night, my USC fiancee received the email with the case number and such! So only a potential couple of days lost, and that's if they applied the number a few days ago, or today on the same day it was sent out. Either way, yay!

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