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Posts posted by JeniandMatt

  1. 11 minutes ago, Chris2870 said:

    I was shocked when she told me how long it takes. That's illegal in the states. Funny thing is I wanted her to resign sooner because I thought we would be waiting for packpay to move haha, but should be perfect timing now that things slowed down. BTW looks like they are processing April 4 petitions now.

    Yes my fiance was shocked too and same thing he said of it being illegal he said there you can give resignation letter and not report after. 


    How did you know they are processing April 4 cases? Received or notice date? That could be great if April 4 received date 😁😁😁

  2. 7 minutes ago, Estibaliz said:


    @JeniandMatt I'm sure your daughter will have a great birthday party anyway. That's a nice thing to keep you busy, all the planning and make it memorable for her. :)

    And don't worry about your job. Once you have your NVC case number, you'll be able to better plan things and estimate how to go about that. I'm sure it will be soon. Bet you get yours before mine :P

    Haha yes Matt is actually amaze on my preparations on our daughter's bday party. When I didn't even mention about it since last week lol. 


    That is actually our plan when we receive the Noa2 to start planning on my resignation. I was only having a hard time since at our company we are required to file resignation at least 30 days before the effectivity so that's me being busy with the medical and interview and other stuff and still being on duty at the hospital. I am sometimes being tempted to resign now just to avoid the stress but then without my job to keep me busy I think I'll go nuts waiting for this process to be over. Sorry I am already starting to vent out. Didn't mean to be like this at the start of the week. I just want this whole process over so we can all be with our love. 

    So nice of you to even think we will get our approval first than yours. I will rather we get it the same day. That will be great since we have the same received date or so I think. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Chris2870 said:

    Citizenship is 5 years, but in our case we may have to renew the green card, unless we can figure out how to receive the dual citizenship without losing our home in the Philippines while applying after she becomes a US citizen. Non citizens in the Philippines cannot own property and we plan on retiring there in 15 to 20 years.

    You can still purchase properties here in the Philippines even if she doesn't retain her citizenship but with limitations you can buy condos or bldg units or even land but with restrictions to a thousand square meter for residential and a hectare for rural land. Hope this help.


  4. 2 hours ago, Estibaliz said:

    for me right now it's not only the waiting, but having my life on hold, because I've been applying for jobs and getting calls back, then it turns out all of them are looking for someone available for a permanent position, so "sorry, it wouldn't work". And I understand that and my "thank you for calling anyway" is completely sincere but, yeah... life on hold. Once I'm there, that it's over :)

    I so can relate to this life on hold sentiment @Estibaliz because that is also how I feel. I didn't pay for my child's full tuition thinking it's impractical to pay for the full tuition since even in worst case we will not be here till she finishes school by March. Didn't plan her 7th bday next month and here 7th bdays are always a big celebration thinking before that we might be leaving by then I only started planning last week when I had to accept that since Noa2 has been elusive till now it's impossible to leave even by the end of September (yes was in denial till the last minute lol). I don't know when should I resign from my 13-years job since we don't really know when is when. Yes our life is really be on hold with this whole process. Cannot wait for the time when we can all breath..

  5. 16 minutes ago, Salty2305 said:

    Glad it's not just me then! I'm bringing my 6 year old son with me. He is already picking up an accent just from video chats and Matt and his sister being here last week 

    Oh what a coincident my daughter is 6 years old too and my fiance is Matt as our user name may imply 😊😊. Yes my daughter is getting good at conversing in English too had to prepare her for the transition. At least you just differ from the accent but still using English as your language ours is an entirely different language so she has to adjust to that too among a lot of things

  6. 3 minutes ago, Salty2305 said:

    My other half just flew back to the US yesterday after spending a week here. It feels very strange now to think the next time I'll see him will be when we move! 


    Slightly OT: Is anyone else here also applying for the K2 visa? I haven't seen an awful lot of mention on here of K2 visas!

    Me! I'm bringing my daughter with me 😊. Yes actually been wondering myself who else is. Im glad you asked 😊

  7. 17 minutes ago, Estibaliz said:

    Mein Gott! VJ Timeline just moved 4 DAYS in the wrong direction :blink::wacko::wacko::unsure::blink:


    Ciao, bello! I'm not letting you ruin my weekend :jest:

    I thought no obsessing about timelines anymore😊😉. I've stopped checking on it mid July because I am getting nuts it seems to be we are chasing this timeline and it keeps moving far. 

  8. 1 hour ago, SatinderSabiee said:

    oh i see thts so hard & sad.I am just trying to help as it might work.If apps are banned try installing vpn from ios or android phone app store.it will let you use those banned apps.Vpn lets you use servers of canada,usa or any other country & it will also assign you new ip adress,



    Wow! I admire your faith and love for each other. It is hard enough for us who gets to talk to our loved ones on video for hours text all we want but for both of you who cannot even do this and still manage to be strong for each other yes you two are definitely on the right track. Hang on there. All your hardships and ours will be worth the while being with our love. They say this process is meant to test who is true enough to survive the hardships of LDR and the grueling process of waiting for an approval and yours is gonna one example of that😊. Hang on there fellow Aprilites God did not brought us this far to let us down. So o believe that next week will be for us. Happy weekend! 


    P.s. try what they are saying about downloading the vpn I know friends who uses it. It works and it's free 😊😊

  9. 2 hours ago, tcovington said:

    So now Ima spend my lunch everyday calling until I get someone that can answer my question. 

    When he thought I was just asking for case statues he says it's still being worked on and it's well within normal processing times as they are working on processing cases from the first of January. Figured someone might want to hear that part. But anywho. Rant over. 

    I understand your frustration. Vent as much as you like if that will lessen the load. We are so burden with this process when all we wanna have is to be with our loved ones. I hope you will be able to talk to someone who will be more helpful and knowledgeable with your case. Hang on there. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Chris2870 said:

    I'm also enacting my plan B just in case this takes too long.


    I am sending my Fiance' and Mother-In-Law to be, to Puerta Princesa for some quality one on one time before my Faye leaves. It will also allow her to get past any fears of flying because she has never flown before.

    I may end up having to purchase a non-stop to LAX for her and just drive out and pick her up then drive back to Kansas together. 

    Oh good plan. I think. She will have more bonding time with her mom before she leaves her and you will also make one of her dream come true going to the underground river. She shouldn't fear about flying I think getting pass through immigration is more nerve-racking for me lol even with the complete documents they are sometimes not easy to deal with. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Keith & Monica said:

    She is more by Greenbelt, Landmark and Glorietta.  

    Yes since those are in Makati Central Business District 😊. Mall of Asia is in another city, Pasay City. Same city as with the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. @Chris2870 You guys should also try another place in Makati in The Fort, Bonifacio Global City, nice place 😊😊😊

  12. 14 minutes ago, lon552 said:

    I've been meaning to mention this... I'm sure anyone who has scanned the USCIS tracker database before may have noticed that there were an incredible number of i-130 as well as other applications in the late March time frame. It has been my opinion that the lull in activity on i-129F applications was in large part due to that. I recall scanning through over 1000 applications and not having one hit on an i-129F. I'm hoping and praying we're past that now. We're all ripe for some good news. The ongoing trickle of approvals can't continue. I know they're still there working in California doing the same job they've done for as long as they've been there. In another 3 hours and they'll start their week and work on the next batch of overly anxious filers! 

    Yes my fiance has told me he has to scan like thousands of I130 filers before he can get to i129f before us

  13. 1 minute ago, SatinderSabiee said:

    hello everyone,can anyone tell me please that where do you recieve Noa2 first,is it Site,mail or email?

    Uscis Site is not updating so don't count on that. So if you have signed up for the email/text notification it should be that but since there are problems with that too lately. Apparently march filers just receiving their NOA2 on their mail. So as we always say here lately happy mail box hunting 😊😊

  14. 3 hours ago, Elena0405 said:

    Hi guys! My fiance found NОА-2 in the mailbox a few hours ago! The date of noa 2 - July, 18th.  Yippee! The most interesting thing is that on July,20 th my fiance called to USCIS and he was not told about the approval. They said that they are working with petitions on January 2))) So do not waste your nerves and time to call there. It's useless! 
    Patience to everybody and speedy approval! 

    Wow congrats! Seems that USCIS has been doing that surprise mail for quite some time now. So again happy mail box hunting for us😊😊😊

  15. 6 hours ago, TamaraN said:


    I am new to this website. My fiancé and I sent our petition at the beginning of April, and it was received April 6th. I got the NOA1 on April 11th. Has anyone from April been approved yet? How do I know which processing center we are at? Where it this timeline everyone is talking about? When should I expect to hear something from them again? Sorry, I'm getting anxious!

    Welcome! Don't worry you're not the only once who's anxious lol. But what's great about this group is you will always feel the positive vibes 😊😊 and a lot of helpful people here too so feel free to ask questions. I myself has learned a lot joining this group. 



  16. 2 minutes ago, Estibaliz said:

    Problem is I'm not very lucky with gambling and games of luck. I play bingo every time I go to Vegas, and I have yet to win anything. Oh well, at least they give you free donuts if you go early for the first game of the day. Hot chocolate too! :jest:


    Seriously guys... It's 4am here and have to work all day tomorrow. Not your fault, but I better go :P

    Since this is a lotto, maybe someone could get something in the mail tomorrow :)


    Esti off ;)

    (You got it right, @KeriAn, close friends and family call me that... :)


    Woah 4am. Get some sleep then 😊 goodnight!

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