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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Local Office
    Baltimore MD
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    We met in October. He charmed me all the way to a Las Vegas chapel in January.

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  1. Hello all! I am so thankful for this group. I am filing for my mom's GC. She is 58. She will not be working as she is helping me with my child. I have everything in order (I think) except HEALTH INSURANCE! I intend to ask my employer whether they will let me add her but I believe that is unlikely and also requires a lot of other prerequisites -- she may also need to be a dependent and at this stage, I have no idea whether she will qualify as my dependent ... So that being said, what are the options for my 59 year old mom? Does she qualify for ACA? Do I get her insurance through the marketplace? If so, do any of you have experience with any specific insurers? And estimated cost? Thank you!
  2. My mom is a UK citizen and I am naturalized from the UK. I am currently filling in the I-130 for her while she completes the I-485. She has technically been with me since last year July. She owns property in the UK but had a tenant in there while she lived in Brazil pre-July 2023. Once she left Brazil, she had to initiate eviction proceedings against her tenant. During that time, she has "lived with me" but leaving every 3 months so as not to violate ESTA. We are aware we can't keep doing that so it's best to just file for her. The I-130 asks for my mother's address for the past couple years. Is it a problem if we put mine for the past year? Technically she has not lived anywhere else for the past year. When she has been leaving every 3 months, she goes on a vacation or goes home and stays with family. Thanks for your help!
  3. Hello! Yes! I stated above my only real concern is finding health insurance. I have everything else covered.
  4. I have been granted citizenship. My mom got here last week on ESTA. I want to file for her ASAP. Does her being here on ESTA make her eligible for I-485? I plan on filing the I-130 but need to know I am not committing any fraud or filing an incorrect form with the I-485.
  5. Took my oath on 6/21. There was a chemical smell in the building so we ended up taking our oath in small groups on the lawn lol I registered to vote the same day! So happy this journey is over for me. Now I will be filing for my mom!
  6. Update: I received my oath ceremony notice online today. Scheduled 6/21 in the Baltimore office. Can’t wait! So excited this is happening in an election year!
  7. The lady who interviewed me said she lived in North Carolina and I am in Baltimore. But it worked out great! I probably would have been more nervous with her in the room!
  8. Update: he was not allowed in the interview but waited patiently in the waiting room area with the other applicants.
  9. Oops. Virtual meaning I was taken to an office in the back and the officer who conducted the interview was on the screen. It was just me, the screen and a tablet in the little office at the USCIS office. I was not allowed to bring anyone back with me.
  10. I had my interview today in the Baltimore office. It was virtual and everyone I came into contact with were so lovely! However, I did not get approved on the spot. I had checked on my N400 form that I had been arrested on 2 occasions but the charges were dropped and automatically expunged. I had ZERO documents to back up the expungement so she said she could not approve. I cried the rest of the interview. She said she would drag her feet and issue an RFI so I had ample time to get the expungement records I needed. the interview questions she asked were: 1. During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the U.S.? 2. What are the 2 major political parties? 3. What is the political party of the current president? 4. What is the capital of your state? I forget the other 2. I had to read “what do you pay to the government?” And had to write on a tablet “we pay taxes.” The officer was so lovely. She gave me a pep talk about endurance. Made it clear she wanted to approve me but just needed those documents. I got my paper saying no decision could be made and was sent on my way. I spent the next 4 hours driving to the courthouse and calling our central repository and uploaded the documents before I even got the RFI. WHILE WRITING THIS POST, I got a call from the officer telling me I was approved and I didn’t even need the documents!!!!! God is so good!! she said I will get a letter in the mail with my oath ceremony details. Praise be to God - through Him all things are possible! wishing everyone the utmost success in their journey going forward.
  11. That wasn’t a question. That was me clarifying additional things because certain people were telling me, e.g. I can’t file until she’s a citizen, she can’t overstay her ESTA etc. I was being polite replying even though that wasn’t my question but I realize the hole keeps going so I’ll stop replying in case someone else thinks I’m asking another question. Thank you all for the responses! I have the answer I was looking for!
  12. All I asked was is she allowed to leave if I file once her AOS is pending. I have the answer now. Thank you.
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