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Posts posted by Chris2870

  1. Very frustrating. This is why illegal immigration is such a problem in this country. If you are responsible, patriotic and adhere to the rule of law, you are raked over the monetary and emotional coals until you can't help being a little bitter about the experience.

    But NO, they are trained not to relate to us. They are trained to look at each individual case as a number and potential problem until they find no reason to scrutinize it any longer, then it's on to the next potential mass-extinction event.....tongue in cheek of course.;)

  2. 1 hour ago, Keith & Monica said:

    I appreciate the sentiment, but at this point it is not earlier than expected.  If it was easy, then everyone would do it.  LDR are very hard, but they are worth it if you truly love the other person.  

    DAY 115 B-) (Day 121 since Received) Nothing in Informed Delivery today.


    I was happy that I was able to help you out.  There are a lot of good people here on this site that are willing to help you out.  


    I am just trying to hang on and get things ready for a trip to see her and hopefully be able to bring her back here with me.  


    One Day More... One Day Less... One Day Closer... :jest:

    Which Call Center, my love works in a Call Center as well.

    Ariva Med I think in BGC

  3. I'm also enacting my plan B just in case this takes too long.


    I am sending my Fiance' and Mother-In-Law to be, to Puerta Princesa for some quality one on one time before my Faye leaves. It will also allow her to get past any fears of flying because she has never flown before.

    I may end up having to purchase a non-stop to LAX for her and just drive out and pick her up then drive back to Kansas together. 

  4. I agree, buying tickets before visa in hand is risky. That being said. Last minute ticket prices double the fare. My Faye has never flown before so I'm flying with her. I figured 2 months from NOA2 too interview, so I will add a month after that and buy our tickets. She works for a Call Center so they do yearly med certs, so that doesn't worry me.

  5. Estibaliz


    There is no apology needed..You simply vented a frustration we all felt. I have a feeling by the time this process is over, we will have a special place in our hearts for those who walked with us thru this journey, and shared all the ups and downs equally. I for one don't remember a lot of the people I attended High School with, but I'll remember every one who went thru this happy but oft times gut wrenching experience along side of me I assure you. I believe communication is the building block of all successful relationships, I also believe that shared experiences build lasting friendships. 


    God Bless you all....Have a great day

  6. Dragon that was a great read. And i agree that we've all learned how to communicate through this process. Also don't blame you a bit for being tempted to just go to her. In fact; my Faye and I have already bought a home in San Pablo Laguna, Philippines and we will be retiring there in another 15 yrs or so. Well she started the purchase 6 months before we met actually. She said she was praying one night and she felt that the Lord was compelling her to "prepare her field for rain, to reap a harvest" so in faith she did. Then in June of 2015 we met on Christian Filipina, and the rest is still being written :) God Bless you and your Bride to be!

    Oh and just curious; after you fell for her, did you stop shooting at her on your game? haha 

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