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Posts posted by jm302music

  1. 17 hours ago, RO_AH said:

    I can't imagine any reason Filipino's would ever vote Bongbong in as president. I just can't believe it.



    Yes, really exasperating and disappointing.  Having observed Philippine politics and the political ideas of average people (admittedly, on an anecdotal basis, not on the basis of scientific research) for many years now, it just seems that Philippine voters possess a sort of "prison yard" mentality, where the candidates who exhibit the greatest propensity toward use of force, no matter how brutal, to solve problems are granted the right to rule the country and rule it however they see fit.  


    I even had one female friend on Facebook express the belief that women are "too weak to be president".  She backed up her point by saying that "women aren't fighters, so if our country gets in a war, a woman president wouldn't be able to help us win because she would be weak and break down". Such a sad attitude.  Sad that she's bought into the "might makes right" brainwashing and sad that she holds such a low opinion of her own gender.


    And now, those of us still trying to get our partners out of that country will face another six years of trying to cut a path through the corruption, red tape, lockdowns / martial law, enforced systematic poverty, etc, etc simply to be with the ones we love.

  2. 4 hours ago, BOKURAGAITA said:

    So yesterday was my Medical at St. Lukes, no sign of illness, no fever, no cough just plain excited and of course Im negative in swabtest. 

    I was surprised when they told me that I need to do a Sputum Test, at first im confused because my last Medical July 2020 im good. 

    So, 3 days collection and today was my 1st. I have a hard time coughing since I dont have like bad cough and I gagged the entire time trying to spit and if i drink cold and eat sweets  thats when l get cold cough. My spit (sorry) was clear and im so confused how they concluded i have "something" in my lungs. 🤦‍♀️ they should have concluded after 2x attempt of xray and not just " they saw a line, something" once,

    Oh Lord JESUS. 

    This whole sputum thing is the worst, need to reschedule my interview. If im done in 2mos waiting how long the Embassy can reschedule my interview? 


    Thank you. 

    So sorry to hear that you are going through this!  My fiancee and I went through the sputum-test maze twice.  Same thing as your case.  There was absolutely no reason for them to put her through that.


    Long story short, those two sputum-test delays all but eliminated our chances of ever being together. I hope and pray that you have a better ending.



  3. I definitely feel your pain, RO_AH!  This process does often seem like a never-ending series of demands for "one more thing".  And each "one more thing" seems to result in wasted travel money, wasted fees, enormous amounts of wasted time, etc.  So frustrating!  I hope it all works out for you soon!




  4. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this difficult time.  And I definitely feel your pain!  My fiancee and I have been trying to be together as a family for over 5 years now.  2020 was FINALLY going to be our year and we even had our interview in Feb of 2020.  And then the pandemic hit.  Now, with all of the unpredictable rules and travel restrictions, we may not even see each other again until 2022.


    Anyway, I'm sorry you've gone through all of that distress of not being there for those difficult losses in your family. I hope you (and all of us!) are able to go back soon!



  5. Man, I definitely feel your pain there.  My fiancée and I have been trying to complete our process since 2016!


    I'll spare you the details, but our complications have been similar (although definitely not as bad!) to yours, specifically with the medical certification.  2020 was finally going to be our year, and then the pandemic hit.


    I don't know how much value my advice carries since we haven't actually completed our process yet.  But I agree with your inclination that the situation isn't going to just work itself out. 


    When we can finally continue with our process, we'll be doing our third medical, paying a third visa fee, and undoubtedly repeating a lot of other costs, too.  Given those facts, we've just decided to not take any more steps until we're sure we can complete the process once and for all.  That would mean waiting until the pandemic lockdowns are over worldwide and "normal" travel resumes.  And that's probably going to mean waiting until late 2021 or even early 2022.  That's a pretty dismal outlook, but one based on the reality of the hardships and hurdles that we've experienced so far.


    I know you mentioned that St. Luke's had just scheduled a new medical without even consulting either of you.  That kind of stuff that's happening right now is so frustrating, especially when coupled with the other frustration you mentioned of not being able to actually talk to a real person and get solid information.


    I guess since they're making you pay again for that new medical that they've scheduled in December, I'd probably recommend just cancelling the appointment so that you're not paying all that money for nothing (and causing your fiancée to have to spend yet another two days at St. Luke's).  Given the fact that "normal" travel probably won't return until well on into 2021, she probably wouldn't be able to use that medical certification before it expires, which would then result in still ANOTHER medical before she could travel.


    Anyway, as I said, my advice plus a dollar will get you a large drink at McDonald's, so take it for what it's worth.  At least know that there's somebody else out here in much the same boat as you two.  I wish you all the best with getting through this and finally being together one day.




  6. 2 hours ago, Coreyj17 said:

    I understand, I gonna go through with medicals even thru this period of lockdowns. The windows are so small now to get it done.  I have to try for my spouse. She deserves it  best of luck to you as well.

    I hope everything works out perfectly for you two, Corey!  Please keep us posted here on your progress.  I'm sure that hearing about your success will encourage the rest of us who need a lot of encouragement in this process right now!   :)



  7. Hi, Corey!


    Yes, my fiancee and I are in exactly the same boat.  Her medical has expired and the embassy currently has her passport. And now, this will be her third time through the medical (ugh!)!  


    We've already been waiting over four years to be together, but we've decided we're going to have to just ride out the pandemic lockdowns until we are certain we can complete the process without her medical expiring yet again. Our concern is that we could possibly get the medical done again now (with, undoubtedly, a great deal of complication).  But then, if current travel restrictions continue, we may still not be able to bring her here to the USA before the medical expires yet again! 


    I'd like to hear your thoughts, though.  It sounds like you're willing to take your chances on working through the lockdown travel restrictions if you can get the medical done again?


    I wish you all the best in any case!



  8. 1 hour ago, Dave A said:

    Wondering whether or not it’s worth it to hire an attorney (usc / Filipina fiancée / k-1 visa). Thank you!

    Hi, Dave!


    I think you'll find that the community here is EXTREMELY helpful with any and all questions that may come up.  So, really, you could get the whole process done just by relying on the information and advice you receive here.


    That said, there is a dizzying array of confusing and often conflicting information to cut through on your way to completing the process.  So, I think the decision to hire an attorney really comes down to your risk tolerance and budget.  Attorneys can be costly, but you may wind up saving money in the long run due to not stumbling into as many of the (sometimes expensive) pitfalls along the way.


    In any case, never hesitate to bring your questions here.  As I said, you'll find this community to be extremely helpful and informative.  Best of luck to you!



  9. 15 hours ago, PWB said:

    I hear rumors coming out of the Philippines that if you have interviewed and the Embassy is still holding the passport you will not be required to have a new medical exam at SLEC.  We interviewed and were approved February 18, 2020 and the  Visa issue on February 26 then withheld February 27 over an NBI issue.   This has been a mess and we are hoping that it will not be necessary to go through the trails and tribulations of the dreaded SLEC random sputum test again.   

    I can definitely feel your pain!  Our interview was the week after yours.  We currently don't know the status of our application or what / when the next steps might be.


    Unfortunately, we have pretty definitive evidence from St Luke's that we WILL have to repeat the medical (this will be our THIRD time through the medical exam process, and we ran into the sputum test mess each of the first two times).  Anyway, here's the evidence from St. Luke's, which is a response to one of my fiancee's friends who is also going through the K1 visa process.  She got this response from St Luke's about a week ago.


    Good luck!  I hope it helps to know that someone else is in the exact same boat!





  10. 5 hours ago, Cyberfx1024 said:

    I just think it is funny that people line up at all hours of the morning just to do the SLEC. Someone had a question on a FB group asking what time would be a good time to get to SLEC for medical and the answers were mind boggling. Some people were saying that you had to line up at 2 or 3am that morning in order to "get a good spot in line" like that is going to change something.  

    Yeah, in fact, our experience has been quite the opposite (now that we've had LOTS of experience with this!  😆 ).  Jenny has found that by going in in late morning, she can miss the "rush hour" in early morning and breeze right through the process.  The only exception was that sputum test where they said she had to be there early.



  11. On 1/15/2020 at 2:00 PM, Hank_ said:


    You're trying to complete with John  & Rose doing it twice.  :lol:  


    The X-ray is what determines if SPUTUM is required or not, they looking for any sign of scarring  (always erroring to the side of caution) .  


    Here is hoping the rest of the process goes like silk.

    Thanks, Hank!  Your help, both here and on your website, has certainly helped us cut through the fog in this process.  Thank you for all you do for this community!



  12. On 1/16/2020 at 12:50 AM, noypi321 said:

    Thanks for the info, sorry to hear that you're journey has been a long one.


    If you don't mind me asking, for the sputum test on the third day is there a specific time that you have to come in? Or is it anytime within the day? Thanks again 

    Hi, Noypi!


    They told my fiancee that she had to come in between 6 AM and 8 AM on that third day.  So, there wasn't a specific appointment time, but there was a specific range of hours in which she was required to come in.



  13. 1 hour ago, boris64 said:

    My wife is from Salug and I have spent many days marching around Dipolog) Good Luck!

    Hi, Boris!  That's really cool!  I'd love for Jenny (my fiancee) and your wife to connect by phone after Jenny and her son arrive here.  I'm sure Jenny would love to have someone from her home area to talk to here, even if just by phone.



  14. 4 minutes ago, Hank_ said:

    Ah your fiancee has to complete SPUTUM testing,  that will add 8 weeks to the wait.   :(  

    Hi, Hank!  Yes, that's right.  And this is our second time through that process.  The first time, in late 2018, I had only enough budget money to complete the visa process if every single step went perfectly. 


    Well, of course, the nature of this process is that things rarely go perfectly! Unfortunately, my fiancee had a bit of a sinus cold when she went up for the medical in 2018, so that put her in the sputum test lane.  And the cost of those repeated trips back to Manila ended our attempt in 2018.  


    Fast-forward to late last year (November) and I had enough money for us to try again.  My fiancee was in perfect health this time and had already passed the sputum test once, so I had hoped she wouldn't have to do it again.  Nope!  She had to do a second round of the sputum test.  So, in fact, she's back in Manila this week to get the result!  We're sending prayers, positive thoughts, fervent wishes, and everything else we can send to try to make it through this time!


    Incidentally, when Jenny went back this past November for attempt #2, a nurse there said all applicants for the USA have to do the sputum test now.  Of course, the experience of others here has revealed that to be false information.



  15. 17 hours ago, noypi321 said:

    do you have to a lot 3 straight days in case of sputum test? Or Will they do the sputum Monday in case it's needed?

    Hi, Noypi321!  On our first attempt at the medical, my fiancee went in on a Thursday with her little boy and they got the "basic" process done in one day.  All good.


    But they told her she needed to do the sputum test and would need to come back for two more days.  Unfortunately, for the third day, which would have been the next Monday, they said they didn't have any "appointments" available!  That meant she had to not only make a whole second trip from Dipolog just for the third day of the medical, but also then a third trip eight weeks after that just to get the results of the sputum test!  Unfortunately, I had budget money for only one medical trip from Dipolog, not three!


    So, all that long story is to say that I'd recommend trying for earlier in the week, if possible, unless the two of you have flexibility for the process to last into the next week. 


    All the best to you in your journey!



  16. 1 hour ago, Hank_ said:

    You do NOT need your passport with visa to complete CFO-GCP, you can complete CFO-GCP anytime before or after the embassy interview.   In fact, I highly suggest to complete CFO-GCP before the interview, even if you have to return later after having the visa in the passport to get the sticker





    Guide to the visa process for Manila; https://www.visaconnection-philippines.com/us-embassy-usem.html


    Hank, thanks to your input (and many others here), we've definitely decided to do our CFO well in advance of the interview.  With our situation, pretty much everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.  So, we don't want to tempt fate by just assuming we can smoothly knock out the CFO during interview week.


    As always, thanks for all the help you provide to this community!




  17. On 11/17/2019 at 8:14 AM, AlaMike said:

    I thought this was supposed to be a counseling session to advise them of their rights and what to do in case things go wrong. Not outright lies and scare tactics. They had her so upset she was almost crying. 



    So sorry to hear about her terrible experience!  And thank you so much for sharing that so I can let my fiancee know to be ready for it.  And based on what some of the others here have said, we might just try Cebu instead!



  18. 54 minutes ago, Hank_ said:

    Yup.   GCP seminar (k-1 & IR/CR-1) can be completed anytime.   I recommend to get CFO completed before the interview at the embassy as appt openings for CFO are slim because of the limited


    Okay, got it.  As always, thank you so much for your help, Hank!



    1 hour ago, AlaMike said:

    Although, I would not try and schedule them on the same day. To many things on an exact time schedule, give yourself some breathing room.

    Yes, good point.  Thank you for your help!



  19. Okay, next question.  I've looked at a number of threads here on this topic and am unsure of the real answer.


    When is my fiancee allowed to do the CFO seminar / interview?  Can we do that the same week as the embassy interview even without having gotten the visa first?  Hank, I know you mentioned on your wonderful website that you should actually try to do the CFO before the embassy interview to get it out of the way.  So, is it true that any time is fine, it just has to be done before leaving the country?



  20. On 10/7/2019 at 6:13 AM, MB and MG said:

    Thanks for all responses.. Glad to have found this group. I have my visa and cfo sticker on my passport. We have booked a flight as well.


    Congratulations!  That's great news!



  21. 10 minutes ago, njde1988 said:

    Thank you to all that replied. we were able to book the Casa Bocobo Hotel.  I am very thankful to this community, as it has truly helped us through the process.  

    My Fiance has a busy two weeks week ahead, Med Exam, CFO and her interview on Oct 24th.    In addition, I will be flying into Manila to meet her on November 1st and them we will be spending 3 weeks with our family.  We are hoping that she will be able to fly back to New York CIty with me on November 24th and we will be able to marry in December....   


    I know she is a little stressed..   Keep us in your prayers brothers and sisters...    

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way for everything to go perfectly smoothly for the two of you and that you'll be married in December as planned! 


    All the best to you both!



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