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    thatangela reacted to justin-s in I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT NEXT   
    at the top of the page: http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1k3aos
    Bonus guide: http://bit.ly/1mvXwUK
  2. Like
    thatangela reacted to jens_prodigy in March 2015 AOS Filers   
    I don't think there's any reason to worry, some cases just get approved quicker than others. Trust me, this is coming from someone who's K-1 took almost ten months to be approved while some were approved in less than a month. So, I guess I'm accostumed to waiting. I'm ready to work too though, being stuck inside all day is no joke. When I'm not doing chores inside, I try to stay busy by going to coffee shops, writing, reading, exploring the city and getting involved in any activity I can. Before you know your EAD card will be here!
  3. Like
    thatangela reacted to Adbaker01 in March 2015 AOS Filers   
    Just be Little patient, i don`t think anyone from March Filers got approved yet, we are all anxious to start working as soon as possible but what do? :( :( :(
  4. Like
    thatangela reacted to lost_at_sea in English Fluency   
    Seriously. At least try and keep it realistic. Lists of perishables... Oy.
  5. Like
    thatangela reacted to js0622 in AOS Interview experience   
    Hi all
    Just wanted to share my interview experience for everyone going through this process.
    My interview was at 12:15 pm, we arrived about 10 minutes early, went through security and were told to have a seat. We only waited about 5 minutes to be called in. It was a pleasant gentleman in his 30's and we followed him to the office, as soon as we came in he asked us to swear to tell the truth and then we sat down.
    He asked for my Canadian passport. Then he went through the forms that we submitted and confirmed some of the information on them including the affidavit of support for my husband. He then mentioned that we were missing some kind of household form, which I havnt heard of before, so he went ahead and started filling one out for us. Then he gave it to my husband and asked him to make sure all the information was correct. He also asked for a lease agreement to go with the form, I had a copy of it ready so I went ahead and gave it to him to keep.I also gave him a copy of the 2014 tax form that we did not submit yet.
    As my husband was going over the form he asked me how we met. Then we had to sign the form.
    He asked how I came into the country and if i had a i94 form and I said as a visitor and i didn't get any form or stamp when coming in from Canada by car. He said passport copy should be good enough. Then he started talking about how the conditional green card works and asked us how many people attended our wedding in Canada.
    In conclusion he asked if we had any questions or concerns and I went ahead and offered him all the proof I had gathered like our joint accounts and bills and insurances. I also gave him the photos I had with me of our wedding as well as just our life together (there were a lot) He took a look at it and mentioned he liked the way I organized them, and that our wedding photo was pretty and he gave them all back. He made note of all the things i showed him in his paper.
    He aksed us to sign this approval form. And thats it, 30 minutes later my online status was updated to "card being produced" and I am super happy right now.
    I was very nervous even though I was pretty sure there wont be any problems. But I am so relieved now!!! Cant wait to get my card!
    Just be prepared and have some copies with you in case they need to keep them. Try to make things easy for them too, like I had a summary page in front of all our proof of marriage documents so that it makes it easier to navigate and know what each paper is. I had a lot of copies that he never needed but its good to be prepared!
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    thatangela got a reaction from awe787 in March 2015 AOS Filers   
    As I said, it's information gleaned from reading this forum. I tend not to discount people's real-life experiences. That's the purpose of VJ.com, to learn from other individuals' experiences.
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    thatangela got a reaction from YouAndMeForever in March 2015 AOS Filers   
    LOL. Yeah, they can. They're USCIS.
    I guess it depends on how you prioritize your life. Vacation > green card? Cool beans for you. Me? I'm gonna put green card just a tiny bit higher on the list than personal pleasure.
  8. Like
    thatangela got a reaction from Sparkles2013 in Canadian Medical   
    I got felt up a little bit. Nothing too serious. Just above the waistband action. The doc probably saw how hungover I was and thought he should check for a distended liver.
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    thatangela got a reaction from TwoChickies in New babies?   
    We had our second baby last fall after we lost our first child in the summer. Here she is at eight months old:

  10. Like
    thatangela reacted to awe787 in March 2015 AOS Filers   
    Hello...am a non-k1 adjust and I have posted in this forum once in while. Whenever I see someone needs help and could use my input, I will do so. And that is the whole point of VJ. AOS process can be very stressful and helping each other out can be useful. I really do not see a problem in helping someone out.
  11. Like
    thatangela got a reaction from Ontarkie in butter in the us...just not the same   
    Why would anyone stop wanting cheese? WHY, GOD?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!?
    Also, Tillamook from Oregon for the win.
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    thatangela got a reaction from elmcitymaven in marriage problem please help fighting alot   
    I love stirring misogyny into my second coffee of the day.
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    thatangela reacted to wbeem in butter in the us...just not the same   
    This statement is patently stupid. Fit cows? Cows don't exercise. They stand in a field and uncomprehendingly watch trains go by. Their level of exercise doesn't have a damn thing to do with the flavor of the butter.
    If you want a butter with more flavor, you get a butter with more FAT - quite the opposite of what you recommended. Kerrybutter has more fat, so it has more flavor. That's culinary 101. The type of grass the cows eat also has impact upon the flavor of their milk and butter.
    Please stop insulting US children and US cows, and also stop giving bad culinary advice.
  14. Like
    thatangela got a reaction from kitthekat in marriage problem please help fighting alot   
    I love stirring misogyny into my second coffee of the day.
  15. Like
    thatangela reacted to Avery Cates in Sad News..But a new beginning   
    I'm more surprised that people are surprised these forums are watched.
    With access to moderate resources, it's very easy to track someone down.
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    thatangela reacted to pdking5000 in Sad News..But a new beginning   
    As someone mentioned earlier, you are too focused on finding a wife, as if it is something to be selected and purchased at a car lot. The good thing is that you love the Phillipines, meaning you wouldn't mind living there for an extended period, right? Why don't you find a city in the Phillipines you like and just live like a local, meet the locals, develop real friendships and see what goes from there. Maybe you will find someone genuine by being immersed in the culture as opposed to swooping in for short periods and leaving. Stay away from the dating sites because in your case it is a means for someone to defraud you unfortunately, as I suspect you have a good heart which makes it easy for manipulative people to take advantage of you...anyway, I am rambling. Just be careful. Try something different. Good luck, and sorry about what happened.
  17. Like
    thatangela reacted to aaron2020 in Can an expired k1 immigrant come back after losing court hearing   
    Fox News strikes again. Everything is Obama's fault.
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    thatangela reacted to Shauneg in Married for 2 months wanted a divorce to remarry   
    Seriously stop. You're the one who keeps mentioning statuss and asking if divorce and marrying the other girl will affect status. You have no status, you don't get that. If you things is not a problem or issue why are you on here? You obviously know it's wrong and illegal. I us not us you have to convince it will be immigration. Never have I encountered someone so stubborn...this is getting ridiculous with you. I guess you're the only one that knows true love and we are all in it for something else. Your heart is the only pure one here
  19. Like
    thatangela reacted to LykaMarc in Married for 2 months wanted a divorce to remarry   
    My fiancee is from the Philippines, and soon will be coming to the US. We have never been dishonest in the immigration process, and have always had an honest, loving relationship from the beginning. Yet, we have been forced to overcome amazing hurdles in getting her approved for the K-1 visa, forced to justify and validate our relationship to strangers, and finally will have the reward in about a week. It is because of liars and frauds like you that honest people like my fiancee, and many other members of this website, are forced to endure such frustrating scrutiny.
    Don't expect much sympathy here, and don't even think of comparing your circumstances to our. You are a liar and fraud, and you will continue to reap the consequences.
  20. Like
    thatangela reacted to Shauneg in Married for 2 months wanted a divorce to remarry   
    You, definitely you're the one making it hard. The problem is you don't understand or take responsibility for that. That's why people are reacting the way they are. You seem very thick headed...not only in the responses but literally every move you've made since leaving your dad's.
  21. Like
    thatangela reacted to Shauneg in Married for 2 months wanted a divorce to remarry   
    Would never affect my status
    This is wrong for the many number of reasons people have listed.
    if my divorce was finalized, i would return back being out of status until i remarry someone.
    you are out of status now, will be when you're divorced....will be if/when you get married.
    Most people who have been replying seem to understand your story completely and you're just going to have to understand there's very little you can do. Everyone is telling you what to do but you don't want to listen because it involves you going home. That's really the reality of the situation and where this road is headed....you are going to have to accept that reality.
    Get divorced, hire and immigration lawyer and let the chips fall where they.
  22. Like
    thatangela reacted to cdneh in Married for 2 months wanted a divorce to remarry   
    And these are the only facts USCIS will see. None of this fanciful relating of your sorry story is going to make a blind bit of difference. Nobody "forced" you to do a darn thing. You cannot put any sort of spin on this to make USCIS see it your way. You can't explain it enough times in enough ways to make any of it believable. Your way is very simple. Pack up your stuff and go home.
  23. Like
    thatangela reacted to belinda63 in Married for 2 months wanted a divorce to remarry   
    Actually yes, you can be deported without committing a crime. If the school reported him as being out of status if is likely ICE went to his last know address and attempted to find him. There has been at least one story on here about an out of status student meeting ICE.
    No matter what your excuses are for what you did the facts stand:
    You overstayed your visa.
    You have worked illegally.
    You married a woman you did not love and were (and still are) cheating on for a green card.
    You want to divorce and marry a second USC and obtain a green card.
    There are a lot of people here illegally who have "excuses" for why the are here. The immigration judge doesn't care what your excuses are. You are out of status and need to leave. Then whichever of your women wants to petition for you she can. When you go to the interview you will know if you have a ban or not.
    If you truly love your woman you will do what you must to make things legal. Seems like you are more worried about being deported than you are about the woman.
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    thatangela reacted to 1stLoveRedo in Married for 2 months wanted a divorce to remarry   
    There are plenty of us on this forum that would give anything to be with our spouses at this right moment, but we are not.
    Instead, we have to go through a year long process, sometimes even longer, to go through scrutiny or proving our relationships so that we can one day start living together and start our lives under the same roof.
    Holidays, anniversaries, birthdays.. Are spent on the phone, Skype and rarely together.
    And why?! Because the process is made to detect fraud which takes time.
    You have been illegal, married one USC#1 to save yourself, kept a relationship with 'your lady' hurting your wife. She did respond out of spite, and I don't agree but I can't blame her either. Now you want to divorce your wife and marry USC#2. I am puzzled as to what is so attractive about a man that marries out of a fear, lies and keeps two relationships at the time?
    I usually don't respond but today I am reading your post and all I can think of is that I am about to wait at least another 6 months until I get to see my hubby, but we are patiently waiting like everyone else, and then I see you post that just confirms why we HAVE TO wait and go through the process, so that cases like this one do not go overlooked
    Good luck to you, and if I can give one advice .. That would be
    Sit down with yourself, take a hard look at your choices and where they lead you thus far and this about the next step... Make it something you'll be proud you did one day, hopefully one day soon.
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    thatangela reacted to karhu69 in Married for 2 months wanted a divorce to remarry   
    Another option to obtain a visa other than through marriage is H1B, "available for offers of employment that are in a specialty occupation". Do you have special skills, training, knowledge that would benefit the US of A? You write that you chose to abandon the education you were allegedly pursuing here and preferred to fall out of status.
    There is not much sarcasm in this thread, but certainly answers you don't want to hear. You made choices in your past and are now facing the consequences. This is called accountability, and understanding it is part of growing up. And noone on this forum can undo the choices you made in the past. Only you can learn from it, move on, and do better in the future.
    Based on what you write, I think you are out of legal options, but should talk to an immigration lawyer to make sure. You can try to leave the US quietly without drawing too much attention or continue living in fear of getting busted and incur a multi-year ban. Once more you are faced with a choice.
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