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    OriZ reacted to The Nature Boy in OPEN TRUMP THREAD FOR YOUR HOLIDAY WEEKEND!!!!!!!   
    Having been in VA care and having seen an illegal in a local hospital getting free care I say he is right
  2. Like
    OriZ reacted to The Nature Boy in Pakistani men can beat wives "lightly" says new bill   
    Odd even at work, the only people constantly talking about race and offended by everything are. ???
    If you knew me I am real nice person, who wants to include everyone and when someone comes in our satellite building I offer to help them with whatever task. I hate divisiveness with a passion. Anyway at our small building its kind of like a house. We ave a little oven kitchen fridge etc. We keep a lot of snacks . We cook stuff at home and bring. I always see people passing by and ask them to come in and have some.
    Anyway the other day we cut a big water melon. We all feasted on watermelon. Several people from next door ( Diverse crowd of all races ) stopped by and we invited them to have some. Anyway it was getting late and we had 5 pieces left. I hoped on the golf cart and ran next door. I pulled up to 4 of my coworkers who happen to be black, I said we cut a big watermelon and have some left. Please come have some if you would like. I was met with cold looks and they just looked at each other. One said "is this some kind of comedy show". I was like no I have some good cold watermelon and was just being nice enough to share with my fellow coworkers. I was told that was racist. Even when I explained I would never joke like that and they knew I wouldn't they still acted stupid.
    I just looked at them like the dumb you know whats they were and walked off.
    Yes America the constant race whining has become that stupid.
  3. Like
    OriZ reacted to Boiler in Pakistani men can beat wives "lightly" says new bill   
    A bit late but we knew you would be along
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    OriZ reacted to ExPatty in Why Is Clinton Disliked?   
    A better question is what is there to like about her? She is patronizing, an established liar and opportunist, and deeply entrenched in an establishment that has continued to let the middle and lower classes of the US fall off a cliff in recent years.
    Even a huge number of democrats think she is only relevant because her husband was president and she feels it is her turn owed to her. And now she is under criminal investigation. And people dare ask why she is disliked?
  5. Like
    OriZ reacted to The Nature Boy in Scientists say men with one intriguing characteristic are more attractive to women   
    I can assure you there are very few women I don't know
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    OriZ reacted to The Nature Boy in Scientists say men with one intriguing characteristic are more attractive to women   
    I promise you women don't know what they want it's a fact
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    OriZ got a reaction from Expat1 in "On Airport Security, America Should Take a Lesson from Israel"   
    That's only because you're naitch! WOOOOOOO!
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    OriZ reacted to ready4ONE in Last two RCP-included polls show Trump leading Clinton   
    This one is so great it deserves to be used in more than just one thread...

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    OriZ reacted to The Nature Boy in YOKO ONO: “I HAD AN AFFAIR WITH HILLARY CLINTON IN THE ’70S”   
    Yup bait and report I know who they are and avoid them like the plague. I know who I can have fun with and who I can't. That is why I give you and Val a hard time and vice versa
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    OriZ reacted to smilesammich in YOKO ONO: “I HAD AN AFFAIR WITH HILLARY CLINTON IN THE ’70S”   
    well, if i really disagree with what's being said or posted, i will reply because i want to. but again - that's the point. if a poster here is knowingly posting certain types of articles in order to get a reaction out of the opposition and the opposition responds, the op shouldn't get upset when they get exactly what they wanted. involving moderation just shuts it all down. everybody just needs to man up (so the moderation can still shut it all down )
    eta hi g&D

  11. Like
    OriZ got a reaction from Rob L in Sarah Palin for vice president? 5 names on Trump's shortlist revealed   
    I think it's not enough to look at who he wants, we should consider who will actually agree. I don't see Kasich going for it, he made it pretty clear. I also don't think Cruz will. Out of the 5 I would have to say Palin or Christie...
  12. Like
    OriZ reacted to Rob L in Pot, meet Kettle Donald Trump: London mayor made 'very rude statements' about me   
    "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said.
    because the government can never figure out what is going one, the ban by definition is not temporary
    and you totally rocked the spelling and usage of "vetted"
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    OriZ got a reaction from Jacque67 in One Year To Nowhere   
    Very interesting indeed.
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    OriZ got a reaction from GandD in One Year To Nowhere   
    Very interesting indeed.
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    OriZ got a reaction from TBoneTX in The Making of an Ignoramus   
    I see the name Krugman, I automatically fall asleep.
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    OriZ reacted to Dakine10 in The Making of an Ignoramus   
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    OriZ reacted to The Nature Boy in Brawl breaks out on Mother's Day at Atlanta area restaurant   
    Slavery? Dear God you jumped the shark on that.
    Which was better. You mean which was more heinous. I don't know. What was worse polio or the great flu pandemic.
    Seriously dude ?
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    OriZ reacted to The Nature Boy in Brawl breaks out on Mother's Day at Atlanta area restaurant   
    Nice Kenyan rant out of FSS left field. Not sure how you got an implied it's Obama fault. All are guilty. The LBJ great society was the tee off
  20. Like
    OriZ reacted to Boiler in Today a customer   
    I had somebody rant about socialised health care, asked them who was their provider - Medicare.
    Had to laugh.
  21. Like
    OriZ got a reaction from Expat1 in Donald Trump’s Idea to Cut National Debt: Get Creditors to Accept Less   
    There is price inflation on the S&P500 I guess you can look at it that way, but you can't consider it inflation. Inflation is the expansion of money and credit and currently there's certainly not enough demand for that. Rising prices are but a consequence of inflation and are often thus dubbed "price inflation". But your mention of bubbles is exactly the reason I shook my head at Trump's comment, because anybody who thinks keeping interest rates low for this long is a good idea is simply out of their mind.
    I don't know what you are referring to him saying or being right about, but I've been saying for the last 7 years that there won't be the hyperinflation that Schiff and co are calling for. It was quite obvious deflation is the biggest concern.
  22. Like
    OriZ got a reaction from Expat1 in Pakistan girl, 16, 'burnt alive' for helping couple to elope   
    Wonder if they're going to get life?
    Few cases go to court, but among those that do, attackers are often forgiven under a clause of law rooted in Islamic law. Legislation is currently pending at Pakistan’s parliament to close the loophole, which many say encourages such attacks.
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    OriZ reacted to Expat1 in Donald Trump’s Idea to Cut National Debt: Get Creditors to Accept Less   
    Only 30% of US debt is held by foreign countries. The rest is held by insurance companies, pension plans, government agencies, the Fed, and domestic private investors.
    The Fed can burn theirs for all I care.
  24. Like
    OriZ reacted to Expat1 in Trump picks former Goldman partner and Soros employee as finance chairman   
    That's why it's called hedging dude
  25. Like
    OriZ got a reaction from Jacque67 in Funny thing about Trump   
    +1 you myself for that one.
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