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Status Updates posted by GoingCrazy2012

  1. Wifey made it safely back home ;) ... Now some more waiting for our DHL package. Hopefully just a couple of days =)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GoingCrazy2012


      Thanks!! I wish the best on your Journey and may God speed your way ahead on this process.

    3. dwheels76


      congratulations i am thrilled for you. Don't know why but you May filers thread was so fun to watch. Here's to the best for you and your wife. All God's blessing for now and always.

    4. GoingCrazy2012


      Thank you so much for your good wishes. God Bless You and your family =)

  2. Wifey is now flying back home from a successful visit to Bogota! =)

  3. Gracias Amiga!!! Que Felicidad! Estoy en Shock todavia! Jajaja!


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. MarielManuel
    3. MarielManuel
    4. GoingCrazy2012


      @Mikesway: Please thank your wife on my behalf for all those words of support she had with mine. I'm so glad they got along so well. Good luck in the rest of your Journey. Hit me up with any questions if you need any info.

  5. * May the Lord be with us on this Day 5/30 *

    1. Saylin


      Good luck on your interview!!!!

    2. GoingCrazy2012


      Thank you!! Never thought I would ever write something like this to a person who I don't even know but you're an angel from heaven and thanks for all the voluntary advice you provide day by day to hundreds of people going through this Visa Journey. You are making a difference and may the God Bless You and your family always and forever

    3. Saylin


      Aww, thank you ^_^ It's amazing how you can get so close to strangers on here!

  6. Interview Date is Tomorrow!!! Hooray!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SH&E


      best of luck :)

    3. MarielManuel


      i wish you the best of luck!!!!!

    4. MarielManuel


      i wish you the best of luck!!!!!

  7. Wifey Passed her Medical Exam!! Sealed Envelope in Hand!! Ready and All set for Interview on Wednesday!! Woohoo!!

  8. Wifey did her labs and x-rays today!! Monday will be her Medical Exam!! Wohoo!! One step closer ;)

    1. Trav&Shell


      Hooray - congrats! Almost there :)

    2. GoingCrazy2012


      Thanks! So excited!

  9. In a few hours wifey will be in Bogota and ready to rock! Woohoo!

  10. Woohoo! We're ahead of the curve thanks to my friend diani0626. Thanks for sharing such a valuable piece of information. You Rock!!

  11. Poor wifey she's starting to get so nervous about the interview despite me telling her that everything will be all right


  13. These are going to be the longest 7 days of my life! LOL! ... 7 Days for Interview Date!

    1. Roseann


      congrats and goodluck..

  14. Tomorrow is "show time"! Go get them!

  15. 8 Days until Interview Date!! Getting Excited by the minute. Thank you Lord for all your blessings and for the opportunity you give us to aid those in need

  16. Mucha Suerte y recuerda mantener la calma. Todo va a salir bien ;)

  17. Woohoo!! Single Digit Countdown Starts Now!! 9 Days for Interview Day!!

  18. 10 Days for Interview Date!! Getting Ecstatic!!

  19. Madly in Love with my Wife!

  20. Wifey flying next week to Bogota to take care of her medical labs/exam and the interview! Woohoo! So close but so far ... Time is going so slow!! ... 12 Days for Interview Date!

    1. Ben and Jill

      Ben and Jill

      Good luck with everything and stay blessed. I bet you cannot wait until she comes home :) Have a lovely weekend!

    2. kike732


      Good luck!!!!

    3. GoingCrazy2012


      Thank so much folks for the cheering. I can't wait to fly to Colombia myself next month to pick up my wife. It's going to be one the most unforgettable experiences of my life to bring home the love of my life.

  21. When you have it on screen from your browser's menu just hit "File" and "Print" and make sure you get the entire frame and you're good to go. No need to send your wife to get anything. I sent mine like that and NVC accepted it.

  22. Let the Official Countdown Begin ..13 Days for Interview Date!

  23. 2 weeks Just 2 weeks from today @ this time we should have an answer on our Visa! Oh Gosh! Give me the strenght to calm down and deal with this anxiety

    1. Trav&Shell


      Take many deep breaths! And remember to keep breathing - it only gets worse :)

  24. Dear Friend thank you for adding me on VJ. I assure you that the "wait" will pay off because having a Colombian wife is one of the most wonderful things that can ever happen to a man. I was born in the States but grew up in Colombia and I am a living testimony since my mother and grand-mother are both Colombians. Congrats! and hang in there. Hit me up if you have any question

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