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Status Updates posted by GoingCrazy2012

  1. Got back today from our Honeymoon Cruise to the Bahamas to find a very pleasant surprise in the mail waiting for us: My wifey Social Security Card! Woohoo! Just 11 days since POE and she already got her State ID issue today, made our accounts joint, open a savings for wifey and she got approved for her first Credit Card!! Hooray!! Thank you Lord for so many Blessings

  2. Tomorrow to SeaWorld Orlando! and Sunday to the Bahamas in our Honeymoon Cruise! Woohoo!! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NaudyDanny


      very nice! Enjoy!

    3. MrsSuarez


      have fun! happy for your family! :)

    4. MrsSuarez


      have fun! happy for your family! :)

  3. For all My VJ Friends I just wanted to share that upon POE we were advised by the CBP Officer to visit a SSA Office to request a SSN regardless of whether or not you marked to receive one automatically on your DS-230. Therefore, we went to a SSA Office 2 days after POE but they told us that she was not registering in the system yet because she had just gotten to the US and that they will give us a call letting us know. They said however we didn't have to go back. And ... Today! we got...

    1. GoingCrazy2012


      ... a phone call from the SSA (wasn't expecting a call at all) letting us know that our SSN is now in the system and that we will be getting our card in the mail in about a week!! Woohoo!!

  4. Happy and Elated Spending Each and Every Single Day and Night Next to My Wife!

  5. POE Review is Up!!

    1. NaudyDanny


      Id like to congratulate you guys. Im sure it was a tough road with lows and highs. After reading your POE review i got filled up with emotion seeing our exprience comming very soon. You guys must be elated! Never forget that feeling and how you BOTH conquered together. May that foundation guide you and keep you to the very end.

      -God Bless

      -Naudy & Danny

    2. MarielManuel


      congrats finally together

    3. MarielManuel


      congrats finally together

  6. We did it! POE'd Today! and We're at Home Enjoying Each Other as Husband and Wife. Let Our Journey Begin! Wohoo!!

    1. J+A


      The BIG day finally came!! Congratulations to both of you on a most successful journey. I wish the best to both of you on this new road of husband and wife. Dios los bendiga :)

  7. Tomorrow POE!! Thank you Lord! =)

  8. Reunited with the Love of My Life at Last !! Tonight Farewell Party with Wife`s Family and Friends! Woohoo!! POE on Sunday!!

  9. A Pocas del Reencuentro! Algo Nervioso y Ansioso - A few Hours Away from Seeing My Wife After 5 and a Half Months of Separation. This time though is for LIFE! So Excited yet Nervous ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NaudyDanny


      Very nice guys! Im envious...but im not to far behind...just waiting for our interview date. Felicidades y que disfruten su vida junto.

    3. NaudyDanny


      ...by the way, i see that your POE is Orl...mine will be as well. Could you give us a heads up of how that goes.


    4. GoingCrazy2012


      Thank you so much guys. Reuniting with my wifey was an incredible feeling =)

  10. Tomorrow I will be reunited with my soulmate, my love, my inspiration, my wife ... and 2 days after that POE!!! Wohoo!!

  11. 2 Days to see My Baby Again and 4 Days to POE!! OMG!! Cannot believe it our moment to be together is finally around the corner ... Woohoo!!

  12. Going on Vacation Tomorrow to Fly Down to South America and Bring My Wife Home! Heck Yeah!! =P

    1. MrsSuarez


      So exciting! you guys give me hope! Enjoy your beautiful wife. Post comments about the POE. Blessings

    2. GoingCrazy2012


      Thank you so much for your kind words! and that's right my wife is a "mamasita rica" LOL! I will post about POE once she gives me a chance to breath! hahahaha!

  13. 3 and 5!! This Countdown gets better by the minute!! Woohoo!! More than ready to see the Love of My Life Again! =)

  14. 4 and 6! Woohoo! Getting Really Close Now! =)

  15. 5 Days to See My Love Again and 7 Days to POE!! Ecstatic!! ;)

  16. 6 Days from Reuniting with My Wife! So excited to begin our family and this new chapter of our lives =)

    1. Amanda&Elvio
    2. Trav&Shell


      So amazing - it will go well! You're almost there!! Yay!

    3. GoingCrazy2012


      Thank you so much for the good wishes and I'm so glad to know you've made safely home. Welcome to the USA!!


  18. Let the "single digit" countdown begin! ** 9 ** Days to POE!! Woohoo!!

    1. MrsSuarez


      How exciting! i dream on that day! :)

    2. MrsSuarez


      How exciting! i dream on that day! :)

  19. Now 8 days to see my sweetie again and 10 days to POE!! Woohoo!! It doesn't get any better than this! =)

    1. NaudyDanny


      Congrats Guys! Im sure it will be a "sweet" reunion after the long run.

      I wish you two the best as man and wife in the US.

    2. MarielManuel
    3. GoingCrazy2012


      Thank so much guys for your good wishes. We're so happy in anxious to be with each other that you can't imagine. Many Blessings in the remaining of your Journey. Keep your heads up!!

  20. VISA in Hand!!!! --- VISA en Mano!!!! Woohoo!!!! Happy Dance!!!! ... Our Visa Journey Dream is Finally REAL!!!!

  21. The sign from the skies arrived!!! Thank you Lord!! Just received an email notification saying that our visa package is coming in the mail via DHL Express!! Woohooo!!!

  22. Waiting Waiting Waiting for a sign from the skies! :/

  23. Just contacted DOS and they have confirmed that our Visa was issued last Thursday! Woohoo!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GoingCrazy2012


      ...will be delivered to your city of residence" I guess if you live in Bogota is different and may be they give you the choice to pick it up. My wife resides in Barranquilla though. That's the big difference and No, we were not offered any other choice. Hope this answers your questions.

    3. AndresGrillo


      Congrats.... Just a question... where did you call the DOS to ask if your visa was issued. Thank you for your answer..

    4. AndresGrillo


      Congrats.... Just a question... where did you call the DOS to ask if your visa was issued. Thank you for your answer..

  24. Current Status: Waiting for Visa to Arrive via DHL!! =)

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Congrats!!!! :)

    2. Trav&Shell


      Woo hoo - congratulations!!! :D

  25. Certified CCNA this morning for the first time!! Woohoo!! Double reason to celebrate this weekend! =)

    1. Kevin y Carmen

      Kevin y Carmen

      Well done! demasiada alegria esta semana! so I think you deserve it! :D

    2. GoingCrazy2012


      Thank you Amiga!! Have a great weekend :D

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