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Status Updates posted by GoingCrazy2012

  1. Te va a ir muy bien! Yo se que si. Mucha Fe en Dios y de hoy en 8 dias espero estar compartiendo contigo un nuevo logro! Muchos Exitos en tu Visa Journey =)

  2. Que se siente estar a tan solo 8 dias de la entrevista?? Nervios?

  3. All right! From this point on I'm gonna focus more on the positive things and my new upcoming happy married life instead of getting all depressed and stuff! I know it doesn't do me any good to feel lime that ... 17 days for Interview Date! Weeee!

  4. I hate Fridays and I don't know why but for some unknown reason instead of getting excited now that I have 5 weeks left to be back with my wife again, I feel depressed, lonely, and sad. What a horrible feeling!

    1. Ben and Jill

      Ben and Jill

      Awww, please cheer up...I know, the weekends are tough during this process. I promise it gets better!

    2. GoingCrazy2012


      Thanks! Maybe it's because on Fridays is when I start picturing on my head the beginning of a perfect weekend, getting out of the work week routine, spending more time with wifey and doing things to make us fall in love with each other much more. But then, I land on reality world and get frustrated, lonely, and sad to look around and see that she is not here with me. That's all

  5. My Wifey is so brave and I'm so proud of her. She got all her vaccinations done today with the Red Cross. Her arms are a little bit sore but we're done and over with that part. Thank God!

  6. I got you now. It should be pretty straight forward and maybe the random questions they always ask. You have to provide obviously your passport and the "sealed" envelope you get from the embassy. Piece of advice: Do not open that envelope or they could deny you access at POE. Good luck! 2 weeks! Woohoo! getting close and close ;)

  7. 3 Weeks for Interview Date! Getting Excited! Woohoo!!

  8. What do you mean "you don't know what POE is about"? ... POE = Port of Entry = When your spouse gets to the Airport in the United States. It's just simply that.

    I guess it just takes a little bit more time to be processed out of the airport by immigration officers but that's pretty much it. Have you booked flights yet? I think you should since they get more expensive by...

  9. Yes! It's definitely a great feeling to know that we will soon reach this very last step in our Visa Journey. When do you plan to POE? Any plans in mind?

  10. I don't why but I'm feeling so excited for you! =)

  11. Hey! Are you getting nervous? 2 weeks from tomorrow it will be your turn ;)

  12. 6 weeks and counting down to have my beautiful wife back in my arms again but this time forever! woohoo!!

  13. Monday is right around the corner! Wohooo!

  14. Good Luck on your interview tomorrow!

  15. May will be here in just a few hours! So excited! in a month from this time my wife will have already gone through the Interview! Yaaaay!! Getting closer and closer! Woohoo!

    1. Gambialove


      Im sooo with you !!

  16. Uy no! pero como va a ser! y entonces? les dieron alguna opcion?

  17. Oyeme que ha pasado con vos? Nada de Nada? Ola no joda eso si esta bien extraño :(

  18. I want my wife with me here right now! and yes! I don't care what you think about my timeline and if I have waited "enough" or not compared to other people. Just live your life and stop being so jealous ... you have no idea what my special circumstances are so don't judge and I'm not here to "explain" to you my personal and private life because you have no right to know about it. Deal with it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. C&Q


      Feel the same way... I just do not understand why people compare their situation to urs so often without knowing what is going on. And I do NOT care how many days, weeks or months I'm waiting, I wanna get through this process as fast as possible...

    3. Kevin y Carmen

      Kevin y Carmen

      y que paso pues???

    4. Kevin y Carmen

      Kevin y Carmen

      y que paso pues???

  19. Hola Tomy que ha pasado? Nada de numero de caso?

  20. May 30th!!! Yaaay! =)

  21. I want my Interview Date Now !!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MarielManuel


      welcome to the crew haha

    3. MarielManuel


      welcome to the crew haha

    4. Kevin y Carmen

      Kevin y Carmen

      Me too! But I know you will have it soon! good energy.

  22. I called at 2:00 PM and they told "No, it's not in the system yet" ... so I thought, OK let's give them the whole day to work on it and call them back really late at night. So, I called again at 10 PM and Surprise! CASE COMPLETE! Yay!

  23. Hey! I got a CC today! How about you?

  24. CASE COMPLETED @ NVC! Hooray! ... Now in the queue for an Interview Date! Woohoo!

    1. Gambialove


      Hope you get a interview date soon!!

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