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Posts posted by hikergirl

  1. Thank you for the good thoughts. Its nice to be missed. just been busy with grandkids, and taking recruiters calls. have an interview tomorrow so things have been poppin lately.

    I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!

    Glad you are busy spending time with the Grandkids instead of trolling museums for rich old guys ;)

    The recruiters calling is good news as well. Good people to keep in touch with.

  2. Well I made it across the border. As soon as my passport was scanned, I was called into secondary (at the airport). The officer was very friendly and told me: "If I catch you in one lie, I won't let you across." I have nothing to lie about so that didn't worry me. I'm pretty sure he had on his screen the entire conversation-word for word-of what happened at my last border crossing. It took an hour for him to read through it and to ask me a few questions. I'm also positive if it wasn't for me having the NOA1 for the K1 Visa, I wouldn't have been able to cross. He saw that I was trying to do every thing legally. Sad news is I'm on my way back away from my fiance now and I'm just so sad about it. Sitting at the airport now.

    I’m glad you made it across. :)

    The separations are hard but the end result is you will be together which is awesome.

    I hope the rest of your journey is speedy.

  3. Here i am been busy trying to keep the Case Complete Interview thread calm cuz NVC hasn't started yet the scheduling.

    Still waiting for a job offer. It's getting boring very boring at home for real.

    Oh just to have money the house right across the street from my daughters 3 bedroom, 2 bath $69,900.

    Damn I am really hatin unemployment. Okay rant over. How is everyone.

    Hubby is flying to get me in 4 days. So much to do, so little time!

    I’m sorry to hear about your continued unemployment. That really sucks.

    I had hopes that you had found something and that is why I hadn’t seen you on the rant.

  4. Off to Calgary in a bit to drop off a load of stuff I’m not bringing at my mum’s house.

    It’ll mostly go to charity but she likes to go through everything before I donate because she thinks I get rid of useful stuff.

    It’s not useful to me anymore so why let it take up valuable real estate in my home.

  5. I had a court date once and I went to go park in a parking garage. I asked the guy if it was big enough and he said, ummm I'm sure you can try and I think I've seen other people the same size go through. By go through he meant 1/2" of clearance on the turns. I was sure that I would end up with some body damage, but narrowly avoided it. Usually I just park on the roof or wherever. I'd take the train but it only runs one way in the morning and one way in the afternoon. I hate that.

    I hate parking too. I tend to park far and walk.

    It’s better for me anyways. More steps taken every day. :)

    My ex used to drive around to find a close spot and then whine and complain every single time he got a door ding. One more reason he’s my ex.

  6. Uggggh, I so don't want to go into the city this morning and park my huge vehicle.

    My husband has been so incredibly amazing this past several days. luv.gif

    I hate driving into cities period. I asked hubby for a little fiat to drive around because I’m used to the width of prairie roads and the cars feel too wide for the skinny lanes out East.

    Yay for hubby! and Yay for Nola!

    It’s good to have a wonderful few days in a row. Makes you remember why you fell in love in the first place. :)

    It's impossible to get thru to navionics......very grumpy now.....

    Too impatient to stay on hold?

    You could send a scathing e-mail instead. But pepper it with politeness so they don’t ignore you completely. :)

  7. So Question: my passport will expire next year. I am now a US citizen with a us passport. Is there any reason why I should renew my Canadian passport? I have no family left in Canada alive, just friends from back home. My last trip to Canada was 2010. I was thinking of renewing just one more time as we now have the 10yr passport available but seriously $260!!! That makes me really mad.

    One way of saving passport fees is if you are at home visiting and renew your passport at a passport office at the same time. Of course this would only save you money if you were already planning a visit. It’s a pain in the butt to do the non-simplified form which would be required if your passport remains expired for too long.

  8. http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=1ac900c262197210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=1ac900c262197210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD

    According to USCIS the Panama Field Office closed on 1 Feb 13, so your lawyer is correct and DCF is no longer possible.

    Not sure why the Embassy’s website hasn’t been updated though.

  9. It’s good to be farther ahead than I expected to be.

    Now I can relax a bit before hubby flies up.

    How’s the weather in Poland Asia?

    Here it’s nice and sunny and not too hot.

    I might have to put on some bug spray and get outside.

  10. Okay, I’m at the point where I’m running out of things to pack.

    I’m trying to leave out only the stuff we need to keep going next week and not get too bored.

    I just don’t want too much left to the last minute.


  11. Got my bfp this morning!! We are not telling anyone yet, but I had to share here with you all. I turn 40 tomorrow, talk about a b-day present!

    Lilac we are headed up to Canada Thursday and I'm not looking forward to my parents apartment for three weeks.

    Marlyn, I had bh with a few of my pregnancies they were the worse with Alexis. I had them almost daily for a few months before she was born.


    I hope your visit with your parents goes well!

  12. You must complete the medical and have the package with you (unopened of course) for the interview. That’s all they care about.

    She’ll get some sort of letter from the Consulate to take to the medical along with her vaccination records, passport and 3 photos.

    I’m not familiar with what is needed for K-1s at the interview.

    Most people who are travelling do it liked we talked about above.

  13. I don't get into a bikini period. Stupid part is... it's the only bathing suit I have left atm because somehow a bag of my 2 bathing suits and other things managed it's way into getting donated back in AB. So I either have to work out MAJORLY before the kiddo gets here (which is free) or get a new bathing suit (which is not.)

    Guess what I'm going to be doing. How many hours a day in the gym do I need to have a flat stomach before Aug 10?

    It'll still be an ugly stomach, but I want it to be flat. (ish)

    Check out the workouts by ToneItUp!

    They have total body, abs, you name it.

    Even one geared towards all the places your bikini straps make lumpy looking.

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