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Posts posted by hikergirl

  1. Yea I know...maybe I'll tell him I'm taking him to see a wwII battlefield, then divert the trip to Poland... ...

    My daughter did a WWII tour of Europe.

    Started in Berlin, then to Czech Republic, Poland & Austria.

    There are places to see in Poland. i.e. Auschwitz

  2. I don't wanna be in a club because of where I was born... Unless it's the Canadian Drinking Club. Lol

    Did you see the Molson Canadian video where they parked beer fridges in spots in Europe that could only be opened by a Canadian Passport?

    They need those at events down in the US for us :D

    Kitty is not unhappy with me. To show my remorse for making her suffer that indignity, I fed her some of her wet food which she LOVES.

  3. Be back in a minute. Going to go brush Ginger’s teeth with her kitty toothbrush and kitty “vanilla mint” toothpaste. luv.gif

    Then she won't want to cuddle with me for a whole half hour or so while she sulks.

    I have to because The Mean Lady was glaring at me. I know her eyes were telling me to take care of kitty teeth.

  4. I am so confused.

    Also someone dressed as the Eiffel Tower sounds relatively tame for Chicago.

    Wait, can I be a CABA? *innocent eyes* Sounds like a fun little club. I think.

    well if you are British or American you are automatically part of the club...

    Woot another member of our illustrious club! Welcome!

  5. Since the petition never made it to the embassy there is no notice of intent to return or deny. There is a fundamental flaw with the petition that means it can't even move to the embassy stage for them to review evidences.

    We received a NOID prior to the local office approving my husband’s petition for me.

    We had 30 days to give them what they were asking for.

    Sent it in and had our approval 2 1/2 months later.

  6. I would like to add just one thing.

    When making posts on VJ it’s important to note that many on here do not speak English as their first language. They don’t understand the subtleties and intricacies involved in theoretical arguments. It’s not really fair to them to put stuff on here that is not practical & sound advice.

    This process is confusing and expensive enough as it is.

  7. One of the reasons we chose the CR-1 path is because we wanted to be living together once my daughter graduated high school. Being married when she was 17 (instead of 18 with the K-1) gave her more choices over what she wanted to do/where she wanted to live in her early adulthood.

    Also we felt financially the CR-1 was way better than the K-1.

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