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    Princessblack got a reaction from lala1 in Caribbean sub-forum seperation   
    Don't come in here and muck up my request. This is a genuine request and lest you are a Mod.....please be respectful.And YES I think its USCIS!yu renk like!
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    Princessblack got a reaction from lala1 in Caribbean sub-forum seperation   
    Hello Mods,
    I am requesting for a Caribbean sub-forum under Regional Discussion. I would like for it to be removed from sharing as "Latin & South America & Mexico & Caribbean" title and have the Caribbean as its own sub-forum.
    1. It is very hard to pass through the threads to find a Caribbean post.
    2. The Caribbean is a big enough region with many islands & countries to get its own sub forum.
    3. Latin & South America & Mexico are large enough to have their own sub-forum.
    4. Eliminate all language barrier issues.
    5. Makes easier viewing and VJ experience.
    Please let me know if this is possible.
  3. Like
    Princessblack reacted to NigeriaorBust in missing husband   
    I have been on the road so I am a little late here. Make sure to withdrawl the affidavit of support ( it is his aos, you can't withdraw it but pulling the affidavit kills it ) Take all the emails that he has sent especially the one where he threatens to kill you. Take a copy of the same email to the local police and ask for a restraining or protective order. When he violates it , report him ( in most states even calling you once he is served violates it ) Change your locks , the passwords on your accounts and kill any cards he has access to.
    You didn't marry a man , you married someone with the morals of pig ####. There are people that would pretend to be in love with a month dead cow if it would get them a green card. There is no concern for the damage they do to those they walk on to get there and they feel they are justified in what they do. You should not feel the least bit of regret for reporting his actions and letting the system take care of him. Shame on those that recommended that you just let him go. They are supporters of his behavior and all the others that think the sole purpose of a USC is to provide them with the quickie path to a green card. Even if the act is driven by desparation to get out of a third world country no one has the right to abuse the love of an innocent person for their own self advancement. Report him, cut him off and shut him off.
  4. Like
    Princessblack reacted to Impossible in missing husband   
    Thanks again for all the advise. This is where everything stands as of right now. We used a lawyer to process out K1. I got a hold of him today and updated him on my situation, he immediately drew up the letter to withdraw my petition for AOS. He also is sending me tomorrow to a local Uscis office here that has a fraud unit. At this point I still don't know where my husband is, and I am thinking I might never know. For many reasons this might be the best thing for me due to some of the threats, but to be honest it really is driving me crazy. I am taking advise of others and attempting to put my emotions on hold and do what I have to do to protect myself right now.
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    Princessblack reacted to Tinchen_ in missing husband   
    girlfriend. change ur locks, if u have a joint account-change it so he cant get to your money. write a letter to uscis and pull ur support, and call uscis to check in on that.idk if you can make a infopass appointment at a local office for that as well.
    do you know if he changed his address at uscis as well, so that his green card get sent to the new addy?? if so you as his sponsor need to fill out a form as well, so that your addresses matches, if not it might raise a red flag.
    im really sorry that it happens to you..try to move on and have a happy life...
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    Princessblack reacted to Westlink in F1 case complete and waiting for visa # availability   
    The best remedy to this whole ordeal is to enjoy each and everyday as it comes, no matter where we are because we don't know what the future holds. This visa thing will drain the life out of us if we allow it to control our daily life. I'm just saying!
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    Princessblack reacted to GatorShae in Why do you love your significant other?   
    When nothing else in my life make's sense... he does. And when I'm in his arms, I feel safe and secure, like I have no worries.
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    Princessblack reacted to brian_n_phuong in Why do you love your significant other?   
    She doesnt waste her day trying to achieve as many posts as possible to get a higher rating.
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    Princessblack reacted to JimVaPhuong in Child Aging Out? CSPA may help   
    That sucks! Sorry they didn't make it.
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    Princessblack reacted to Sandra G. in Abused wife applied for AOS, I'm lost plz help me!   
    Alma I am the director of a non profit organization that provides help for abused women, and I am an attorney as well. I helped more than forty five women since 2010 with their VAWA applications, and all petitions were approved.You have a strong case and you have enough evidence of the abuse suffered. As soon a prima facie determination is made in your case, you will be eligible for public benefits.
    Studies show that abusers often use their partners’ immigration status as a tool of control and to force their partner to remain in the relationship. It sounds you are trying to justify his action telling that "he did not try to kill you...that you still love him...". Alma you need to understand no one should have to endure abuse!!! Please DO NOT tolerate domestic violence.It doesn't matter if you love him, it's crystal clear that HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU!! Love is a thing shared by two. Do not excuse him from taking responsibility for an action that he did – not you. It's his fault. He is the abuser you are the victim!
    Don’t be so hard on yourself, and don’t try to get through all of this alone. You might feel helpless or paralyzed, but I do recommend a good counselor asap. As you heal and rebuild your self-esteem you will learn how to fall in love with yourself ,and then soon you will be able to say" I love him, but I will get over him, because I deserve better!. You’re on your way to getting over him and stopping loving him.There is more to life than stay together with someone who disrespected and abused you. I am here for you my dear. I can't change what's happened with you, and I am really sorry about what happened. You are not alone.
    May God be with you always.
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    Princessblack reacted to Harpa Timsah in K-1 Visa and no marriage   
    Sorry that happened to your friend. Unfortunately, K-1 is very restrictive. The only way to obtain legal status in the US from a K-1 is by marrying the petitioner and successfully Adjusting Status. If she still has time left on her I-94, she is here legally and can try to forge connections for possible future visa endeavors, for instance, find a job that would be willing to sponsor her for a work visa if she qualifies. However, she must leave by the end of her I-94 allotted time. There is no path to any legal status of any sort by staying in the country.
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    Princessblack reacted to Westlink in F1 case complete and waiting for visa # availability   
    Yes a big jump would be nice for a change...Its full time
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    Princessblack reacted to love fil-am in Gc holder, but husband screwed around   
    Thank you all for the great responses. Currrently I am safe and far away from my husband. I have been reading about all these VAWA. My present dilema right now is how to do things with my situation, because my husband refused to give me some money, cut my card because he didnt like that fact that i went away from home. And from what I read, when I file VAWA and I-751 self petition based on cruelty and abuse, aside from the fact that I need to pay the filing fee for the I-751, I read that I need somebody to represent me such as lawyer or those advocate people. And I have been praying that I can find assistance to represent me.
    Thank you all so much for all your advices, it means alot really. I will keep you guys posted with my situation..
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    Princessblack reacted to Wally G! in Gc holder, but husband screwed around   
    Few questions..
    Are you employed?
    Do you have a place to stay besides his house?
    Do you have friends that can help you with a place to stay or support?
    If you have, then press charges. There is a price for actions such as violence. He choose to Assault you. NO MAN SHOULD PUT THERE HANDS ON A WOMEN AND NEITHER SHOULD A WOMEN HIT A MAN. There are consequence to be paid. Here in the United States Domestic Violence is take serious. File for VAWA immediately!!
    If he loses his job due to the chooses he made by Assaulting you.. So be it!! Hard lesson learned not to put his hands on women.
    Love in nurturing and caring. Arguments can be worked out. Misunderstandings can be figured out to be understood. Cheating and Violence only leads to the door and the end. You gave him chances and he has returned the favor by continuing to cheat and then beat on you.
    Take it from a man telling you this. Leave and leave fast.. People like that need therapy, jail and losses to learn and become a upstanding representative of himself. Right now he needs a hard lesson.
    I pray for you and pray that you are blessed. GOD is watch over you. Help yourself by getting out now..
    GOD Bless You!!!
  15. Like
    Princessblack reacted to Tim/Mav in Gc holder, but husband screwed around   
    I'll let a more qualified Member give you advice on Immigration Status in the Event of Spousal Abuse.
    But, I would say: You seen another side of your husbands charactor.
    Your new to the US and Abuse is taken seriously. These are things to consider in the event/or posible future events to protect your Status if posible;
    There is a 911 Call, that is recorded with your voice. There is a Doctors Report how the injury occurred. There is a Police Report of the incident. .........................
    Did they take pictures. Did they ask you if you wanted to press charges. Did they issue a warrent for his arrest. (Pictures: You mentioned choking which leads to brusing)
    In cases like this: It is the "Abuser" that is asked to leave the home. Did they ask you if you wanted to File Charges. Did they ask you if you wish a Restraining Order.
    I'm sorry to hear what happened. I hate Abuse. He did 2 things that Violated your marridge. Cheating and Bodily Harm to you.
    Your choice. Good Luck.
  16. Like
    Princessblack reacted to Penguin_ie in How do I prove Extreme Hardship?   
    You don't- only hardship on the USC is relevant.
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    Princessblack reacted to Jamaican Luv in still waiting for NOA2...   
    yep, I dont think I'll get lucky.. at least this is how I am taking it I know the last 2 mon. gonna go by sooo fast, it already has, its almost April! man, I cant wait tho I'm excited a little bit
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    Princessblack reacted to Matt1968 in cr-1 visa denied for the 2d time   
    Just to chime in here, it sounds like your husband(Petitioner) is pulling a fast one for whatever reason. Like others have said, it doesn't sound right.
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    Princessblack reacted to JEWELLA in Divorce   
    I'm married to a USC and still in Jamaica is why am able to obtain a divorce in Jamaica,as for your friend i can't say the same thing. Annulment maybe cheaper and have a shorter time frame to finalize but you have to have a grounds for it and must be proven in court,annulment is much more difficult to obtain than a divorce.I don't think much lawyers in Jamaica practice annulment ..they always recommend to have a divorce done instead.the cost for divorce varies depending on the lawyer and the situation.it can be anywhere from $80,000JMD upwards.have your friend get in touch with a Jamaican lawyer.
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    Princessblack reacted to JEWELLA in Divorce   
    Well i believe your friend could get a divorce in St.Vincent as well as in Jamaica.depending on a few factors to be considered.I do not know what the process and procedures are in obtaining a divorce in St. Vincent.In order for your friend to file for a divorce in Jamaica on the grounds that the marriage must has broken down irretrievably.she must be married for at lease 2 years and separated 12 months or more.he/she should be a Jamaican National and should be domicile in Jamaica prior to the proceedings.he/she must Resides In Jamaica and had done so for at least 12 months immediately prior to the divorce proceedings.To get a divorce done in Jamaica it is a very lengthy procedure depending on the situation.like if children and property is involve.but from what i been told by my lawyer for a simple divorce without children and property it could take up to 9-12 months to finalized.I am in a divorce proceeding right now and it had been 5 months since i file.it's a 3 step process so it goes by stages.first she will need to make an application with the supreme court house..which is the same as filing the petition,then once it's approve and she get's the necessary paperwork then she will need to have papers serve on her husband.he has a certain amount of days to respondent to the petition( i don't remember exactly how much days).if he does or doesn't respond and the days are passed,then the divorce would still continue.then she will need to apply to the court for the decree Nisi..this is the longest step in the divorce process,once it's approve then she will need to make an application with the court to apply for the decree absolute which is the last and final step for the divorce to be completed.if your friend wants to file in St.Vincent then she will need to speak to a lawyer from there on how to go about it and she can always try to get in touch with a lawyer from Jamaica too,so she can know exactly what her options are.All the best and good luck to your friend!
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    Princessblack reacted to GatorShae in Going to Jamaica to meet his family... Any Advice will be appreciated.   
    Thanks everyone! I'll make sure to give you all an update on how my trip went once I get back. I leave on Monday morning and I'll be there until the 26th. I'm super excited!
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    Princessblack reacted to J2A♥oasis in Caribbean sub-forum seperation   
    PB - Thank you for posting such a very well presented and much hoped for request.
    Thank you Captain Ewok.

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    Princessblack reacted to ShaNette in RAEEEEEE JAMAICA WOIIII!!!!   
    Hip hop hooray...........hoooooooo........hey! Yay finally are very own forum!
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    Princessblack got a reaction from mo&sain in RAEEEEEE JAMAICA WOIIII!!!!   
    We have we own Caribbean forum!!!! RAEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WOIIIIIIIIIIII!! Mad a road! Thank God! Respect Ewok.
    NVC do tings a likkle differently. A when tings gonna change wid immigration policies and inconsistencies. CHo! They tell me one thing and when I do it, they tell me another. Confused yah....
    Anyhow...how uno doing my fellow Jamaicans/ Ja'can spouses/significant others/mi Jamaican peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Wha go dung?
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    Princessblack reacted to MRStee in RAEEEEEE JAMAICA WOIIII!!!!   
    yesssssss finally woooo hooo!
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