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    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Cheezees in Date Format On Green Card?   
    But not English in England. Only English in America.
  2. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from hafsol in Can we apply for Food stamps?   
    5 - Will SNAP/Food Stamps hurt my chances of getting a green card or becoming a citizen?
    No. SNAP/Food Stamps will not affect your chances of becoming a US citizen, nor do they hurt the chances of getting a green card. SNAP/Food Stamps are not "cash assistance benefits".
    Source: http://www.masslegalhelp.org/income-benefits/food-stamps-for-legal-permanent-residents
    I have seen this before, asking can I get food stamps, welfare, WIC, etc. What you can NOT get is long tern care like SSI/SSA. But these rules change regularly apparently. I used to work welfare/DPSS and if LPR came in I checked their green card info and if there was a sponsor they got the bill for whatever food stamps we issued. But we still issued.
    As for the USC being eligible, well guess what. When it was just me I had oodles of spending money. Now in the last 3 months I have acquired a wife, 2 kids, and 2 dogs. Talk about intense! But I have much less spending money than I used to. DUH! Yes they can get Medicare/Medi-cal and other benefits but I did the math before they got here. I can afford insurance, food, and so on. As a family there is no need to seek out benefits. That's how I roll.
    The 125% poverty numbers are kind of a joke, there is no way to support a family of four on $28k a year. If the government thinks I can do it, I want to see their numbers.
  3. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Morningmist in If you enjoy drama please read this   
    Justine she never abused the kids. They were taken after a car accident because as a stepfather I have NO RIGHTS they say and there was no where else for the kids to go. Then in court they brought up FIVE CONVICTIONS from another person with the same name, and said it was here and used that for reason to keep the kids. The convictions were even before she was in this country.
  4. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from tangrien in If you enjoy drama please read this   
    Don't really want to be in the marriage at this point. You know the phrase "cheaper to keep her?" It's like that. I file for D and she will get about $3k/mo, and no doubt go on public assistance which I may have to pay back. Everyone loses.
  5. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from AmyWrites in If you enjoy drama please read this   
    Don't really want to be in the marriage at this point. You know the phrase "cheaper to keep her?" It's like that. I file for D and she will get about $3k/mo, and no doubt go on public assistance which I may have to pay back. Everyone loses.
  6. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Me_Theo in If you enjoy drama please read this   
    Don't really want to be in the marriage at this point. You know the phrase "cheaper to keep her?" It's like that. I file for D and she will get about $3k/mo, and no doubt go on public assistance which I may have to pay back. Everyone loses.
  7. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from li_09 in Does GI Bill for cost of living can be used forAOS?   
    $20 off for the YEAR? Have him get a 2nd job and quit after a day!
  8. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Josh & Mishka in A Nightmare from Kyiv   
    I think those who have to go through AP should get a red frame around their picture here or some other badge to show the pangs they had to endure.
  9. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from yailukmuu in Can we apply for Food stamps?   
    The poor today have blackberries, ipods, an so on. There was a time people would actually sell stuff they own in order to eat. What a concept. If it came to me being on food stamps I'd sell my computer first because the few bucks I'd get for it will buy a lot of Ramen noodles.
  10. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Boiler in Please help me, Visiting the UK (Scotland) for the first time for 3 months.   
    On my few trips to the UK I'd take about $1000 for a week, and it goes VERY fast. Especially if you buy gasoline/petrol. Plan on it being 3-4x what it is in the US. Everything else is also more expensive than the US, plus the sales tax is betwen 17-20% right now. All I knew if I flew there a half dozen times and always came back broke no matter how hard I tried to save money. You will find that two Dominos pizzas and some soda may be priced around $45 US.
  11. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from del-2-5-2014 in 2011 Tax Write-Offs for K1 Fiancee & Child Visa   
    If you are sick and the doctor tells you to move to Arizona or Florida due to the warmer weather, that can be considered a medical cost. Deductible? I do not know, but you do qualify for unemployment.
    I say this because my fiancee's doctor wanted to write her a prescription for America.
  12. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Oneness in My fience was denied   
    Similar issue here. I wrote SEE ATTACHED in the spot and on an additional sheet of paper wrote the number I was explaining, then (continued) then the information they wanted.
    But surely she was not denied because you had three marriages?
  13. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Kolewenoik31 in vaccination waived   
    Stolen from mothering.com:
    Jehovah Witnesses leave it up to the individual to vax or not to vax;
    Christian Science explicitly does not vax;
    Seventh Day Adventist usually do not vax, and they founded the Health Food Store Movement in the U.S.
    Amish like to stay away from all things modern.
    Some charismatic Catholics who know from whence vaccinations come do not vax.
    Scientologists - it is left up to the individual; I looked into sending my son to Delphi Academy, a small private Scientology school near my home and I also interviewed for a job as a teacher there, and I was informed that vaccination is left up to the individual; I was also told this by a midwife who is a Scientologist, and a pediatrician who is a Scientologist.
    Many other sects as Wiccan and others...do not vax.
  14. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Blue Bianchi in First time used green card - what I learned and you need to know.   
    My wife and I needed to rush to the UK for a funeral. She traveled on her UK passport under her maiden name with a ticket in the same name, and I used my US passport. We brought her green card and an original marriage license. here is what we learned:
    1 - Frequent flyer account needs to be in ticketed name. We needed to make her a new account at the airline gate. not a big deal, but it's a ton of miles.
    LESSON LEARNED: Make the frequent flyer account at home before you buy the tickets.
    2 - When we got to the UK she was simply waved through. No passport stamp, inspection, or questions. UK folks get into the UK rather easily. I have more questions re-entering the US!
    LESSON LEARNED: Everyone loves the Brits coming home.
    3 - I was carrying all the carry-on luggage and grabbed all the checked bags since I was in the "Visitor" line while my wife was in the European Resident line. When I exited customs it turns out that she was stopped and I went through. Why? because it looks really funny when a person gets off the plane and has ZERO baggage. Nothing. Nada. And I did not see her get stopped.
    LESSON LEARNED: Carry some bags and look like a traveler since, well, you ARE a traveler! Or at least go through customs together so they can see the luggage and people who own it. A single person traveling with no bags raises flags.
    So, getting there was easy. On the way back we were going through US Customs and using her green card for the very first time. How did that go? Read on.
    4 - At the airport the airlines scanned our passports on a mobile trolley and I saw the screen results. A green box pops up and it says OK TO PROCEED TO US.
    LESSON LEARNED: This does NOT guarantee entry to the US. Keep reading.
    5 - The airline gave us each an I-94 since we have different last names. Customs said no, they are wrong, only use one form.
    LESSON LEARNED: The airlines know less about Customs than Customs knows about airplanes. one form suffices.
    6 - At re-entry my passport was simply scanned and I was told I can proceed. My wife had to give fingerprints as well as her UK passport and green card. Immigration did not need to see the marriage certificate.
    LESSON LEARNED: Leave the extra paperwork at home. Passport and GC suffice.
    7 - The Customs agent asked my wife some questions, one being "have you ever been arrested" and my wife said no. As some of you know my wife had an arrest almost a year ago and it was dismissed, but she said she forgot. That showed up on the entry check. We were referred to secondary screening. On our way to screening I had reminded her of the arrest and she did not think it counted because it was dismissed before even going to court.
    LESSON LEARNED: It counts!
    8 - While awaiting our turn we saw some really interesting interviews going on. People entering the US were staying they had no green card and they are a tourist, but Customs shows them having been issued a GC. There were people lying right to the agents even when paperwork in hand proved them to be lying. I am sure more than one got sent back home on the next flight. I do not want to give too many details since Customs would not appreciate it, but let's just say when Customs gives you advice, take it! And when they ask you a question there is a good chance they already know the answer. Also did you know the I-94 is only good for one year? If you still have one after than, go to the airport and get a new one!
    LESSON LEARNED: Do not lie!
    9 - When our name was called we went to the window and stood there waiting. From what we had seen in other interviews, do not speak until asked a question. Anyway we stood there while the agent shuffled papers here and there, then opened the passport and "KTHUNK!" -- entry granted. "KTHUNK" again on the Declaration. We were then told to go through another door, and we found ourselves on the US side of the border. We suspect they pulled the arrest record to find there was indeed no conviction.
    LESSON LEARNED: Never miss a good opportunity to shut up!
    10 - We then caught our next flight and at that end passed more TSA until we were out of the airport and on the way home.
    LESSON LEARNED: You are not "home" until you are out of the airport.
    May your travels be better because of what we learned!
  15. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from user19000 in What happens if you fail to renew 2 year GC?   
    Six months in CA, yes, but it's a piece of paper now and a piece later on. CA is a no-fault state so there is no arguing over stuff, it is 50/50 and that's that. What bothers me about is is that this whole thing is looking like such a complete failure. And we used to be so happy. :-(
  16. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from user19000 in What happens if you fail to renew 2 year GC?   
    Filing for divorce is easy, but then what? She will not move out, so have her formally evicted? To the streets? I'd rather save the money from a divorce and use it to get her where ever she wants to go. I brought her and the kids here, they were fine back home, I upset the apple cart so to speak. The least I can do is return things to their former condition.
  17. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Justine+David in Applying for Immigration job-- married to undocumented spouse   
    Sounds to me like a conflict of interest.
  18. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from MrsB2012 in Applying for Immigration job-- married to undocumented spouse   
    Sounds to me like a conflict of interest.
  19. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from TBoneTX in First time used green card - what I learned and you need to know.   
    My wife and I needed to rush to the UK for a funeral. She traveled on her UK passport under her maiden name with a ticket in the same name, and I used my US passport. We brought her green card and an original marriage license. here is what we learned:
    1 - Frequent flyer account needs to be in ticketed name. We needed to make her a new account at the airline gate. not a big deal, but it's a ton of miles.
    LESSON LEARNED: Make the frequent flyer account at home before you buy the tickets.
    2 - When we got to the UK she was simply waved through. No passport stamp, inspection, or questions. UK folks get into the UK rather easily. I have more questions re-entering the US!
    LESSON LEARNED: Everyone loves the Brits coming home.
    3 - I was carrying all the carry-on luggage and grabbed all the checked bags since I was in the "Visitor" line while my wife was in the European Resident line. When I exited customs it turns out that she was stopped and I went through. Why? because it looks really funny when a person gets off the plane and has ZERO baggage. Nothing. Nada. And I did not see her get stopped.
    LESSON LEARNED: Carry some bags and look like a traveler since, well, you ARE a traveler! Or at least go through customs together so they can see the luggage and people who own it. A single person traveling with no bags raises flags.
    So, getting there was easy. On the way back we were going through US Customs and using her green card for the very first time. How did that go? Read on.
    4 - At the airport the airlines scanned our passports on a mobile trolley and I saw the screen results. A green box pops up and it says OK TO PROCEED TO US.
    LESSON LEARNED: This does NOT guarantee entry to the US. Keep reading.
    5 - The airline gave us each an I-94 since we have different last names. Customs said no, they are wrong, only use one form.
    LESSON LEARNED: The airlines know less about Customs than Customs knows about airplanes. one form suffices.
    6 - At re-entry my passport was simply scanned and I was told I can proceed. My wife had to give fingerprints as well as her UK passport and green card. Immigration did not need to see the marriage certificate.
    LESSON LEARNED: Leave the extra paperwork at home. Passport and GC suffice.
    7 - The Customs agent asked my wife some questions, one being "have you ever been arrested" and my wife said no. As some of you know my wife had an arrest almost a year ago and it was dismissed, but she said she forgot. That showed up on the entry check. We were referred to secondary screening. On our way to screening I had reminded her of the arrest and she did not think it counted because it was dismissed before even going to court.
    LESSON LEARNED: It counts!
    8 - While awaiting our turn we saw some really interesting interviews going on. People entering the US were staying they had no green card and they are a tourist, but Customs shows them having been issued a GC. There were people lying right to the agents even when paperwork in hand proved them to be lying. I am sure more than one got sent back home on the next flight. I do not want to give too many details since Customs would not appreciate it, but let's just say when Customs gives you advice, take it! And when they ask you a question there is a good chance they already know the answer. Also did you know the I-94 is only good for one year? If you still have one after than, go to the airport and get a new one!
    LESSON LEARNED: Do not lie!
    9 - When our name was called we went to the window and stood there waiting. From what we had seen in other interviews, do not speak until asked a question. Anyway we stood there while the agent shuffled papers here and there, then opened the passport and "KTHUNK!" -- entry granted. "KTHUNK" again on the Declaration. We were then told to go through another door, and we found ourselves on the US side of the border. We suspect they pulled the arrest record to find there was indeed no conviction.
    LESSON LEARNED: Never miss a good opportunity to shut up!
    10 - We then caught our next flight and at that end passed more TSA until we were out of the airport and on the way home.
    LESSON LEARNED: You are not "home" until you are out of the airport.
    May your travels be better because of what we learned!
  20. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Marlon&Fallon in First time used green card - what I learned and you need to know.   
    My wife and I needed to rush to the UK for a funeral. She traveled on her UK passport under her maiden name with a ticket in the same name, and I used my US passport. We brought her green card and an original marriage license. here is what we learned:
    1 - Frequent flyer account needs to be in ticketed name. We needed to make her a new account at the airline gate. not a big deal, but it's a ton of miles.
    LESSON LEARNED: Make the frequent flyer account at home before you buy the tickets.
    2 - When we got to the UK she was simply waved through. No passport stamp, inspection, or questions. UK folks get into the UK rather easily. I have more questions re-entering the US!
    LESSON LEARNED: Everyone loves the Brits coming home.
    3 - I was carrying all the carry-on luggage and grabbed all the checked bags since I was in the "Visitor" line while my wife was in the European Resident line. When I exited customs it turns out that she was stopped and I went through. Why? because it looks really funny when a person gets off the plane and has ZERO baggage. Nothing. Nada. And I did not see her get stopped.
    LESSON LEARNED: Carry some bags and look like a traveler since, well, you ARE a traveler! Or at least go through customs together so they can see the luggage and people who own it. A single person traveling with no bags raises flags.
    So, getting there was easy. On the way back we were going through US Customs and using her green card for the very first time. How did that go? Read on.
    4 - At the airport the airlines scanned our passports on a mobile trolley and I saw the screen results. A green box pops up and it says OK TO PROCEED TO US.
    LESSON LEARNED: This does NOT guarantee entry to the US. Keep reading.
    5 - The airline gave us each an I-94 since we have different last names. Customs said no, they are wrong, only use one form.
    LESSON LEARNED: The airlines know less about Customs than Customs knows about airplanes. one form suffices.
    6 - At re-entry my passport was simply scanned and I was told I can proceed. My wife had to give fingerprints as well as her UK passport and green card. Immigration did not need to see the marriage certificate.
    LESSON LEARNED: Leave the extra paperwork at home. Passport and GC suffice.
    7 - The Customs agent asked my wife some questions, one being "have you ever been arrested" and my wife said no. As some of you know my wife had an arrest almost a year ago and it was dismissed, but she said she forgot. That showed up on the entry check. We were referred to secondary screening. On our way to screening I had reminded her of the arrest and she did not think it counted because it was dismissed before even going to court.
    LESSON LEARNED: It counts!
    8 - While awaiting our turn we saw some really interesting interviews going on. People entering the US were staying they had no green card and they are a tourist, but Customs shows them having been issued a GC. There were people lying right to the agents even when paperwork in hand proved them to be lying. I am sure more than one got sent back home on the next flight. I do not want to give too many details since Customs would not appreciate it, but let's just say when Customs gives you advice, take it! And when they ask you a question there is a good chance they already know the answer. Also did you know the I-94 is only good for one year? If you still have one after than, go to the airport and get a new one!
    LESSON LEARNED: Do not lie!
    9 - When our name was called we went to the window and stood there waiting. From what we had seen in other interviews, do not speak until asked a question. Anyway we stood there while the agent shuffled papers here and there, then opened the passport and "KTHUNK!" -- entry granted. "KTHUNK" again on the Declaration. We were then told to go through another door, and we found ourselves on the US side of the border. We suspect they pulled the arrest record to find there was indeed no conviction.
    LESSON LEARNED: Never miss a good opportunity to shut up!
    10 - We then caught our next flight and at that end passed more TSA until we were out of the airport and on the way home.
    LESSON LEARNED: You are not "home" until you are out of the airport.
    May your travels be better because of what we learned!
  21. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Darnell in Moved to the states & can't legally work!   
    Why was the TN visa denied? Was it a reason where any other visa may be denied too?
    Move. You moved here. You are here illegally, you know. This is not a good start. I suppose you can tell folks you are visiting, no one knows except the Internet.
    Not the point of your issue, but a point nonetheless. You NEED to start thinking things through. This is VERY SERIOUS. You are risking being BANNED from the USA.
    I-130 as you are already here. But be ready to explain your moving here already, because that means you lied to the immigration officer. They can check the clearance he gave you when you entered the USA to move. Did you say you were a tourist? Great, you already have fraud under your belt.
    It would behoove you to look up ALL the requirements to be here. Does your boyfriend make enough money to support both of you? Or was that not considered either? Because it will come up. You need to get the entire application and see what all has to be done. Finances, medical, background check, you name it, and get your ducks in a row.
    I'm not trying to be harsh on you but I want you to be very aware about the lies you have already stated to the government, your intended fraud, and the actions you have taken which are not in your best interest. As you move forward from here, take the high road, do the right things, and be patient.
  22. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from aaron2020 in Moved to the states & can't legally work!   
    Why was the TN visa denied? Was it a reason where any other visa may be denied too?
    Move. You moved here. You are here illegally, you know. This is not a good start. I suppose you can tell folks you are visiting, no one knows except the Internet.
    Not the point of your issue, but a point nonetheless. You NEED to start thinking things through. This is VERY SERIOUS. You are risking being BANNED from the USA.
    I-130 as you are already here. But be ready to explain your moving here already, because that means you lied to the immigration officer. They can check the clearance he gave you when you entered the USA to move. Did you say you were a tourist? Great, you already have fraud under your belt.
    It would behoove you to look up ALL the requirements to be here. Does your boyfriend make enough money to support both of you? Or was that not considered either? Because it will come up. You need to get the entire application and see what all has to be done. Finances, medical, background check, you name it, and get your ducks in a row.
    I'm not trying to be harsh on you but I want you to be very aware about the lies you have already stated to the government, your intended fraud, and the actions you have taken which are not in your best interest. As you move forward from here, take the high road, do the right things, and be patient.
  23. Like
    Robert&Karen got a reaction from Naijabound in Irritated with American attitudes when ending a marriage   
    We have a commercial on the radio here that says, "Life is short...have an affair!" Then it directs you to a website to find others who are looing for the same thing. I think it is terrible enough to do that but to advertise and encourage it? Not for me!
  24. Like
    Robert&Karen reacted to AtariBaby in My Cover Letter for I-130   
    My understanding is all pages, front and back, including the cover. That's what we sent, at any rate.
  25. Like
    Robert&Karen reacted to Enigma11561 in USCIS contacted after became a US citizen   
    All this is a fake.
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