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British Bun in the Oven


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Oh wow - congrats MSU (and happy birthday, Trompe ;) !!!!!! You're welcome to join our thread. How are you enjoying motherhood?

I had a bit of a scare last night (a little TMI so you can stop reading if you prefer! :) Woke at 1 am to turn over, got a bad Charlie horse in my calf. As I got up out of bed to make it go away, I was aware that my underwear was wet. I was scared that my water had broken, but nothing on the bed and it didn't smell like the what to expect book said it would. I got up, hubby was totally freaked, LOL - but we read the book and online and it said to lay down for 30 mins, if you get up and its still trickling, then it probably is your water. 30 mins later, no trickle. I can only guess that the baby pressed on my bladder in my sleep and made me pee. I feel fine this a.m. - no leaking or anything or contractions of any sort.

But needless to say I had trouble going back to sleep after that so I'm fried today!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, ladies

I see this thread hasn't been bumped in a while. How are the gestational (and postgestational) adventures going for everyone?

Not much new to report for me. We had a nice trip to Mother England, and I felt OK for the most part. I saved myself many thousands of calories by not drinking my customary several daily pints. Jon insisted that he was "drinking for three" and acted accordingly.

So...the queasiness still hasn't quite subsided. I'm at 26 weeks, so I'm thinking it's going to stay with me until the end. What a pisser. The good news is that my glucose screening was normal, which was a huge relief.

Oh yeah...the cord thing (location of the cord insertion) that had me concerned... at my follow-up OB appointment, which was a few weeks ago, I asked about this. Apparently there was no mention of a concern related to the cord insertion location in the records sent to my OB from the doctor who reviewed the ultrasound. My OB thinks that the doctor's suggestion that I get monthly growth scans was likely due to my "advanced maternal age," not the cord thing. So, I'm befuddled. The husband and I both thought that the perinatologist was linking the cord thing, not my age, to the potential growth issues, but he did have an odd manner and may have just switched topics without a segue. He did mention my age, too, the cheeky bastid. So...either everything is fine, or he's a space shot. My OB also doesn't think it's necessary to get monthly follow-up scans but suggested that I have a nonstress test at 37 weeks.

That's the news from here.

Anything new with you ladies?

Edited by Empress of Groovy


March 7, 2005: I-129F NOA1

September 20, 2005: K-1 Interview in London. Visa received shortly thereafter.


December 30, 2005: I-485 received by USCIS

May 5, 2006: Interview at Phoenix district office. Approval pending FBI background check clearance. AOS finally approved almost two years later: February 14, 2008.

Received 10-year green card February 28, 2008

Your Humble Advice Columnist, Joyce

Come check out the most happenin' thread on VJ: Dear Joyce

Click here to see me visiting with my homebodies.

[The grooviest signature you've ever seen is under construction!]

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Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: England

I'm glad to hear that things are going reasonably well for you. Suck about the nausea! Believe me that I completely empathize with you on that. On the gestational front, I have no news and don't plan on having any until one of my kids tells me I'm going to be a granny. Given that my oldest is 15, I think (and hope) I still have a long way to go on that front! :lol:

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Filed: Timeline

Ugh the nausea sucks, Empress. Glad to hear everything's going well, and you had a nice trip!

I've been keeping track of Tracy on fb, lol. Kinda made this thread die a little, but it's v exciting that she's first to pop!

I am 32 weeks tomorrow. My stomach seems to have taken on a different shape now :lol: We've decided on a name...Nicholas Cedric. Nicholas just because we loved it, and Cedric as a way to honor both of our fathers (Ed and Rick). Anyhoo, little Nick is kicking like crazy, which I don't mind one bit! But sometimes, oooof, that kid packs a whallop. You can see my stomach move when he kicks too, it's really cool. I tease that it's just like that movie Alien.

I still have constant heartburn, which is abated with Tums and Tagament.

I mentioned somewhere on VJ that I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes which kinda sucked. I have always been very diligent with what I eat...during my life, not speaking just pregnancy. I guess because I'm always so strict, I did allow myself to 'cheat' here and there with sweet things while preggo (if not now, when??) , but nowhere near excessive. Like a 6 pack of Oreos (omG, love them so much, haven't eaten one in literally years, if not close to a decade). Anyhoo, I told everyone before I failed my 3 hour gluc test. I failed 2 of the 4 readings...not even by much, but they still consider it a huge FAIL.

Anyhoo, I digress; I have now gone back to my 'normal' way of eating and it seems my blood sugar is totally under control. In fact, it's on the lower side of safe now. But for the rest of the pregnancy, I have to do the sugar tests twice a day. One of my fingers no longer yields any blood :lol: But it's all good.

I was also born with a rare form of anemia, that has been slightly problematic this pregnancy. At this stage, my iron level is really low, so I'm on these crazy iron pills. You can't eat milk, eggs, antacids, bread within 1 hour before taking and 2 hours afterwards. It's kinda hard cos I need them multiple times a day, but eh, whatev....ya gotta deal, right?

So, now I go every week to the doc's for some sonogram where they strap a belt on you and monitor the heartbeat. That's all I really know. My first one is tomorrow.

Edited by Happy Bunny
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I'm glad to hear that things are going reasonably well for you. Suck about the nausea! Believe me that I completely empathize with you on that. On the gestational front, I have no news and don't plan on having any until one of my kids tells me I'm going to be a granny. Given that my oldest is 15, I think (and hope) I still have a long way to go on that front! :lol:

That reminds me...about 10 years ago, I had a really boring job at a place that did stuff with insurance documents (zzzz....). The excitement one week was that a lady in another department whose cube was near mine became a grandmother when her 15-year-old daughter had a baby. It was obviously a bittersweet occasion, but her idiot coworkers, all women, decided to give her a little party, complete with a banner over her cube that said "Congratulations Grandma!" with a cartoon picture of a little old lady with a bun, etc. I guess the joke was that the new grandmother was in her late 30s, maybe 40, and kinda glamorous. But she was clearly very uncomfortable with the whole thing and trying hard to be gracious. I came by for some cake, and it was my boss who whispered, "Her daughter is 15." What a bunch of morons.


March 7, 2005: I-129F NOA1

September 20, 2005: K-1 Interview in London. Visa received shortly thereafter.


December 30, 2005: I-485 received by USCIS

May 5, 2006: Interview at Phoenix district office. Approval pending FBI background check clearance. AOS finally approved almost two years later: February 14, 2008.

Received 10-year green card February 28, 2008

Your Humble Advice Columnist, Joyce

Come check out the most happenin' thread on VJ: Dear Joyce

Click here to see me visiting with my homebodies.

[The grooviest signature you've ever seen is under construction!]

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Lisa, I'm sorry to hear about all that. I was going to ask about the GD because I remember you mentioning that you were going for the three-hour test. What a drag...that and that dietary restrictions b/c of the anemia... Also, did I read in another thread that you're on bed rest? I bet September can't come soon enough!

I wonder if the test you're referring to is the nonstress test?


March 7, 2005: I-129F NOA1

September 20, 2005: K-1 Interview in London. Visa received shortly thereafter.


December 30, 2005: I-485 received by USCIS

May 5, 2006: Interview at Phoenix district office. Approval pending FBI background check clearance. AOS finally approved almost two years later: February 14, 2008.

Received 10-year green card February 28, 2008

Your Humble Advice Columnist, Joyce

Come check out the most happenin' thread on VJ: Dear Joyce

Click here to see me visiting with my homebodies.

[The grooviest signature you've ever seen is under construction!]

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Filed: Timeline

Lisa, I'm sorry to hear about all that. I was going to ask about the GD because I remember you mentioning that you were going for the three-hour test. What a drag...that and that dietary restrictions b/c of the anemia... Also, did I read in another thread that you're on bed rest? I bet September can't come soon enough!

I wonder if the test you're referring to is the nonstress test?

Ahh it's ok, just no more Coke Slurpees and 6 packs of Oreos for me :lol: I really didn't think I was overdoing it, but it was fun while it lasted!

The bedrest is not a 'confined only to' type situation...it's just that my iron's so low right now, and with the heat here and all, it's just a precaution for a few days until I feel better.

And yeah, it was a non stress test. It all was perfect though, and we got to hear the little man's heart for 20 mins or so. The tech kept coming in and out of the room, and at minute 5 or so, she was all 'you've already met the criteria that everything's going well, but you have to stay on it for at least 20 anyways.' It wasn't so bad at all...the man sat on the floor next to me holding one of the sensors on my belly (it had to be angled a certain way) and we just sat there and listened to the heartbeat, I cried a little, he welled up a little, and we laughed a lot at how much the little guy was moving...cos it would make soooo much noise when he did.

I took vid on my phone, but it's really too private a moment to share with anyone other than our fam.

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Thanks for the congrats. We are all doing well, 6 weeks old now! She is still about 9 lbs but looks HUGE to me now :) We just got through a growth spurt and she packed on the oz's... Another UK/US couple I met on here just had a little girl as well. Lot's of VJ UK babies!

Wow Lisa, sounds like you are having a rough go of it right now! I got anemic as well and it was SO tough to keep dragging myself through my day. The NST's are kinda cool. I got into a car accident when I was 26 weeks and had to have one. It's fun to sit there and listen to the heart beat.

Joyce, is the nausea getting any better? I'd be about ready to die if I had it that long... Glad the cord is looking good!

Edited by msu17



Mailed AOS, EAD and AP Sept 11 '07

Recieved NOA1's for all Sept 23 or 24 '07

Bio appt. Oct. 24 '07

EAD/AP approved Nov 26 '07

Got the AP Dec. 3 '07

AOS interview Feb 7th (5 days after the 1 year anniversary of our K1 NOA1!

Stuck in FBI name checks...

Got the GC July '08

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A question to you mummies/mummies to be:

Am I completely insane for wanting to have a baby whilst studying for a PhD? Originally we were planning on having one in a couple of years, but now after lots of thought and advice, I'm considering going to grad school.

Only problem is that it's a 5 year course. Apparently it's all down to the supervisors if they'll allow you to have time off for maternity, but most will let you have 8 weeks and if you need longer, you need to prove you can work at the same time. I know it's completely time consuming to have a newborn, and my husband has taken on a lot of responsibility by committing to changing work hours and caring for the baby whenever I'm working. I also know it's tiring to be CARRYING one for 9 months.

We've discussed it a lot. First and foremost, my values are with family rather than career. I love psychology, and would love to pursue this - but if it comes down to it, I would much rather have a job where I'm less involved but able to have a family, and then go back to this idea in the future when Baby is in school. I am fairly young (24 by time of starting PhD) but we've been wanting to start a family in the next couple of years for a while. By the time I finish my course (if I choose to do so), I'll be nearing 30, and then job contracts are 2-year positions so taking time out there is questionable.

Can it be done? All input appreciated.

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Scotland

A question to you mummies/mummies to be:

Can it be done? All input appreciated.

I had a hard time being a full-time student while my son was under 6 months. I was single and didn't have the support that your husband is willing to give you. I will probably have my next one around 30 and my son will almost be a teenager. :crying:

Ideally, next time I hope to either work part-time or go to school for my Master's only part-time while my future child is under a year. I'm not sure HOW it will work out for us, but it's going to have to.

Our VisaJourney started July 2009 when I mailed the 129-F

Fiance here February 2010, married 10 days later

GC received in the mail 10-Jun-2010

Able to apply to remove conditions 12-Feb-2012


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Did you use daycare, Jewel?

I never wanted to put my child in daycare (especially from 8 weeks!) but it seems that lots of working mothers have no choice, especially if she's single or her partner is working full-time too.

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Scotland

Did you use daycare, Jewel?

I never wanted to put my child in daycare (especially from 8 weeks!) but it seems that lots of working mothers have no choice, especially if she's single or her partner is working full-time too.

Having a husband and in-laws that are willing to help care for the infant would be wonderful. If I have to put my next child in daycare I will be interviewing 5-10 places.

Our VisaJourney started July 2009 when I mailed the 129-F

Fiance here February 2010, married 10 days later

GC received in the mail 10-Jun-2010

Able to apply to remove conditions 12-Feb-2012


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Filed: Timeline

Gemmie, hrmmm, that's a tough one...for me, I prolly wouldn't do it, knowing how sick I've been throughout this pregnancy. And there were days where I just couldn't concentrate, lol. However, maybe I'm just made of marshmallow fluff :lol: I'm sure it's not impossible. I guess it all comes down to you and your strengths/etc.

Btw, all is good with me. Here's a little tip for anyone on iron pills: in order for them to work to the best of their ability re:absorption rate, your stomach needs some form of acid. So if you take it with citrus (it makes me break out), or anything acidy, they will work better. I drink mine with water and apple cider vinegar.

Oh, and to calm down Braxton Hicks, you need more potassium. My doc recc'd coconut water, which is kinda gross, a little on the expensive side when you think of long term use (a case of 12 juice boxes at costco is like 15, if you drink 2-3 a day, that's like $4 a day x 30 = $120 a month for cc juice). But eh, it's calmed down my pain, so it's worth it.

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Filed: Timeline

Thanks for the congrats. We are all doing well, 6 weeks old now! She is still about 9 lbs but looks HUGE to me now :) We just got through a growth spurt and she packed on the oz's... Another UK/US couple I met on here just had a little girl as well. Lot's of VJ UK babies!

Wow Lisa, sounds like you are having a rough go of it right now! I got anemic as well and it was SO tough to keep dragging myself through my day. The NST's are kinda cool. I got into a car accident when I was 26 weeks and had to have one. It's fun to sit there and listen to the heart beat.

Joyce, is the nausea getting any better? I'd be about ready to die if I had it that long... Glad the cord is looking good!

Yeah, they are cool! They might be doing mine twice a week now, although I have to stress, everything so far, according to my doc, is 'perfect' *thank God*

Feel like posting piccies of the little princess or what?!?

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HB, thats good to hear everything is perfect. Annoying having to go in so much I'm sure...

Gemmie, I am a medical student who just finish my 3rd year. Luckily I wasn't sick and had no complications so I didn't have to miss anything while pregnant. My 4th year isn't too intense, though I do have to start studying for boards tomorrow... My inlaws live in town and my husband has a flexible schedule, so he's going to be home with her most of the time. A lot of my friends from school have also offered to watch her and since they are all either doctors or will be in a year, I'm ok with them watching her too :) I think a lot of it is having a thought-out plan and discussing it with your school's faculty/administrators to see what they are willing to let you do. Also don't just look to the first year or so, make sure you have thought out plans for the whole time you will be in school and any post--grad work you will have to do. For me in medical school, it was totally do-able. There were a total of 4 girls in my class who had babies this year and at least one of the guys wives had a baby. I think at our graduation there will be around 20-30 kids under 4 for a class of 150 or so people. Lots of people do it!

Hope you enjoy the pics :)

post-30841-057377500 1280676609_thumb.jpg

post-30841-099948200 1280676899_thumb.jpg



Mailed AOS, EAD and AP Sept 11 '07

Recieved NOA1's for all Sept 23 or 24 '07

Bio appt. Oct. 24 '07

EAD/AP approved Nov 26 '07

Got the AP Dec. 3 '07

AOS interview Feb 7th (5 days after the 1 year anniversary of our K1 NOA1!

Stuck in FBI name checks...

Got the GC July '08

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