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Arizona taxpayers spend up to $1.2 billion annually


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Ukraine

Booyah, hate to clue you in or break it to you gently but sadly your taxes you have or will pay on federal level are being used for this sort of nonsense. That is why we are so upset by it. :unsure:

This is disgraceful. I hope non of the federal tax I pay is going to this sort of idiocy.

We have American kids (black, white and even Hispanic) that are in desperate need of good quality schools and teachers yet one state alone is spending over a billion to educate the kids of foreign nationals who are not even permitted to be here.

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Booyah, hate to clue you in or break it to you gently but sadly your taxes you have or will pay on federal level are being used for this sort of nonsense. That is why we are so upset by it. :unsure:

This is disgraceful. I hope non of the federal tax I pay is going to this sort of idiocy.

We have American kids (black, white and even Hispanic) that are in desperate need of good quality schools and teachers yet one state alone is spending over a billion to educate the kids of foreign nationals who are not even permitted to be here.

As I have said many times before, I am all for helping Americans out, however, I do not support $1 going to services for illegal aliens. As you know, I 110% support health care reform.

Worst of them all is the anchor babies. The amendment giving people citizenship, no questions asked needs to be amended asap.

Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Mexico

how is this exactly a 'waste'? are the kids flunking? are they not getting good grades and just using the space so other kids don't go to school?, if the kids were born here, what's the big deal, they're USC, nothing new here.. they're learning english and trying to become integrated to a society, I don't see the waste here.. if they were teaching indigenous dialects from their countries, ok, I'd understand that, but, omg, integrating immigrants to society, what a waste?

El Presidente of VJ

regalame una sonrisita con sabor a viento

tu eres mi vitamina del pecho mi fibra

tu eres todo lo que me equilibra,

un balance, lo que me conplementa

un masajito con sabor a menta,

Deutsch: Du machst das richtig

Wohnen Heute


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Illegal alien is a huge difference. At the literal expense of everyone else, their parents have abused a loophole and have managed to jump the line. Sorry but it's bloody racist for a handful of ethnicities to feel they have the right to enter another sovereign nation, as they see fit, while not even giving other people from 179 countries a chance to immigrate here too. What you're suggesting is that it's not enough their parents entered illegally, but on top of that, I should just fork over my tax dollars and pay to educate these kids. So while I read about school after school cutting back on services and firing teachers, I should just accept counties spending money to hire ESOL teachers. So I should just pay the tax and everyone else should get to decide what happens with it. If Arizona is spend $1.2 billion then what is California spending? No one talks about that.

There are children in America that live in third world like conditions. That is who this country's should stand for. How many other countries in the world, including Mexico, would ever leave their own kids while paying billions to educate the kids of people who are not even permitted to be there? Let alone shiftily jumped the border and popped out a few kids; which conveniently means they will get a visa too.

Learning English? Funny because I have spoken with a number of teachers in various counties who have stated that they have a number of Hispanic kids that were born and raised here, that are ten years old but do not speak a word of English. No offense pedroh, while Hispanics are generally great people, they are the last people I would say integrate into America.

I don't blame illegals though. If Americans are too stupid to wake up to this, and falsely think they are being compassionate by turning a blind eye, well good; let them suffer then. Not one other developed country would put up with this.

Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Ukraine


Once again you twist and spin, these people are not legal immigrants, they are living in Mexico, how the hell are they legal, just because they were born on the USA soil by being here illegally more than likely or going to one of our emergency room hospitals for delivery of the anchor baby. They do not even live in the USA or pay taxes in the USA, they are crossing the border over from ole Mexico and using the USA schools for free not paying a dime and then claiming innocence or that these kids are US citizens therefore they can go to school here free, WRONG, you have to legally reside in a public school district in order to go to school there free, and that is the LAW. Something I know you have a hard time conceptualizing since it is not followed at all in Mexico and anything goes or bribes pay off all officials in order to get what you want.

It is a waste because you have people taking our tax dollars of legal US citizens and using them on illegal immigrants that is how? It is total nonsense and you know it. THE law clearly states you have to be a resident of that school district in order to attend that school district, THE LAW. That is what the big problem is here, Why is it you people south of the USA border do not get it when it comes to following the law? They are sponging off legal residents and citizens of the USA, and it is going to stop as you can see this school principal is finally cracking down like it should have been done long ago, once again we have illegal immigrants trying to scurry around or get around our USA laws and it is totally criminal and NO ONE wants a criminal in their society to integrate into it, it is such rubbish you put out.

Look at the state of chaos in Mexico now, it is a Narco Terrorist state, and I know I have to travel there for work and it is not a normal safe place, total mess. And you acting as if there is nothing wrong to break the USA laws, sorry but you are in the minority and the rest of the USA is sick of it, those days of crossing the US/Mexico border and breaking laws are coming to an end. :angry:

how is this exactly a 'waste'? are the kids flunking? are they not getting good grades and just using the space so other kids don't go to school?, if the kids were born here, what's the big deal, they're USC, nothing new here.. they're learning english and trying to become integrated to a society, I don't see the waste here.. if they were teaching indigenous dialects from their countries, ok, I'd understand that, but, omg, integrating immigrants to society, what a waste?
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This is why a range of developed countries have amended their constitution to stop people from scandalously abusing the system. That is, to stop people from fraudulently popping over and popping out a baby. In many cases, at the expense of the citizens and legal residents, as they have no insurance. They then use these babies to get their own residency or simply to allow their kids to jump the line and get all the rights and benefits that a citizen gets here.

People migrated here centuries ago, people migrate here legally and take the formal steps to become a citizen and so on. This all means nothing and quite frankly is a joke when someone can simply pop over and pop out a kid. Presto full benefits overnight. Heck, that kids can even become president. Whereas a naturalized citizen who loves this country to death will never be eligible.

Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Mexico

well, i'm not talking about the parents, like it or not, loophole or not, the kids are born USC's under the constitution, and they have the right to be educated. While I agree with you Booyah, integration to the american community has always been a major issue, I have to say it's not single-sided, both Latinos and the status-quo haven't been very amicable with each other. Education IMO is a major issue for these kids to change the generational poverty and integration issues that previous generations still carry with them..

I agree that this illegal issue should be addressed correctly, but denying education to kids whose parents happen to be illegal, would just perpetrate that generational integration problem that the latino community faces.. do you want a new generation of latinos that still don't speak english? or a new generation that will break that vicious cycle of non-integration and maybe chance this problem that you mention, 10 year olds kids who can't speak a lick of english..

I'm not saying it'll happen now.. but, denying education is definitely not the right answer..

if you want to talk about tax waste on schools, talk about no child left behind, and the loopholes they have, so kids stay until they're 18, even if they don't wanna be in school, or the parents that send their starving kids to school so they can get their welfare paychecks and spend it on crack.. definitely there's more money dumps than educating kids from illegals

El Presidente of VJ

regalame una sonrisita con sabor a viento

tu eres mi vitamina del pecho mi fibra

tu eres todo lo que me equilibra,

un balance, lo que me conplementa

un masajito con sabor a menta,

Deutsch: Du machst das richtig

Wohnen Heute


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Hey, I never said deny. I just think their parents should be asked to pay for their kids education. While the kid generally did nothing wrong and does not deserve to be punished, neither did the American tax payer or legal residents. Nor their kids who now have to compete for limited services. That is the reality. America is not some sort of bottomless pit of money and diamonds that can pay for everyone.

If Arizona spends $10 billion on education annually and an extra 150,000 anchor babies or undocumented children attend the school, their budget does not increase to $12 or $15 billion. What happens is that the existing American kids (and legal residents) have to compete for these services. The existing American kids have to go without to pay for the additional costs related to hiring thousands of extra teachers and aids. That is the reality. Also why England, Australia, Canada, Japan, Sweden, Norway, Germany, France, etc etc are so strict on this. It's just not right that their kids miss out, so that the kids of illegal aliens get an education.

Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Ukraine

Like it or not, the USA law clearly states you and your parents have to reside legally in the public school district. And using that old crutch excuse that we are entitled to this or that because we are USC's under constitution is not going to fly this time and everyone is sick of it and how it has been abused, the ruse is coming to an end.

Well then the generatoinal Latino community of illegals should have thought of what their actions would have or the consequences it would have on their children down the road, but they did not because they had been coached and told here is how you hit paydirt in the USA and get in to USA with no problems and they have to let you when you have a baby born in their country due to their Constitution.

I cannot believe the arrogance and total disconnect you have with following the LAW of your country, the USA. It is not something we bend just so some illegals can have their way cause they did not have any respect for the USA law to begin with.

Ok Pedroh, they can get taught English, they can all go pay for a private English teacher or better yet they can all go pay tuition at a private school in the USA like every other legal citizen in the USA has to do when they expect or want or think they are entitled to more, they have to earn it.

You nor anyone else can judge the USA until you realize you need to follow the laws. Just because you do not like it does not mean you get to blow it off and do what you want, which is this same attitude so many illegals have and why nothing has been done to stop it or enforce the laws. That is changing and fast, just like these school districts shutting down this loophole, Enforcement is a wonderful thing for all illegals, with it there will be no more illegals at all.

And you think I am going to feel pity for a bunch of illegals coming to the USA and having anchor babies and skirting the immigration laws, while the rest of us follow the USA immigration laws and waited and paid our fees, then you are truly clueless, it totally fires me up when you sit there and act like it is ok to immigrate illegally to the USA and then well they are here just deal with it Joe Taxpayer(me and the rest of the law abiding VJers) and pay it and then use some liberal criminal law breaking logic to justify it, Rubbish!


well, i'm not talking about the parents, like it or not, loophole or not, the kids are born USC's under the constitution, and they have the right to be educated. While I agree with you Booyah, integration to the american community has always been a major issue, I have to say it's not single-sided, both Latinos and the status-quo haven't been very amicable with each other. Education IMO is a major issue for these kids to change the generational poverty and integration issues that previous generations still carry with them..

I agree that this illegal issue should be addressed correctly, but denying education to kids whose parents happen to be illegal, would just perpetrate that generational integration problem that the latino community faces.. do you want a new generation of latinos that still don't speak english? or a new generation that will break that vicious cycle of non-integration and maybe chance this problem that you mention, 10 year olds kids who can't speak a lick of english..

I'm not saying it'll happen now.. but, denying education is definitely not the right answer..

if you want to talk about tax waste on schools, talk about no child left behind, and the loopholes they have, so kids stay until they're 18, even if they don't wanna be in school, or the parents that send their starving kids to school so they can get their welfare paychecks and spend it on crack.. definitely there's more money dumps than educating kids from illegals

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This is disgraceful. I hope non of the federal tax I pay is going to this sort of idiocy.

We have American kids (black, white and even Hispanic) that are in desperate need of good quality schools and teachers yet one state alone is spending over a billion to educate the kids of foreign nationals who are not even permitted to be here.

Hope will do you lil-good your federal tax 'is' going to educate,food stamps and provide health care for foreign nationals.This has been going on for years and years!

Media Fails to Focus on How Best to Close Illegal Alien Loophole in House Health Care Bill

The mainstream media continues to maintain the wrong focus when analyzing the House health care bill's loopholes. (H.R. 3200). FAIR was the first organization that explained that "Section 246 will not prevent illegal aliens from receiving taxpayer-funded health care benefits." We also explained that there was nothing in the bill to prevent illegal aliens from enrolling in the "public option" health insurance plan and that the bill lacked an effective enforcement mechanism to verify eligibility for the affordability credits. (See FAIR's House Health Care Bill Analysis).

Despite our clear explanation about how the loopholes would allow illegal aliens to receive taxpayer-funded health care, the media has distorted these concerns to suggest that organizations like FAIR have stated that the bill expressly grants taxpayer-funded health care benefits to illegal aliens. (See, for example, Newsweek, August 29, 2009 and New York Times, September 2, 2009). The media has then proceeded to "debunk" this particular "myth" about the health care bill, categorizing these concerns as "misinformation" in some cases, and even going so far as to categorize concerns over the bills as "lies and exaggerations." (See Newsweek; see also The Stein Report responding to Newsweek's article). Let's be clear: there is nothing in the bill that expressly grants eligibility for the affordability credits to illegal aliens. But so too, there is nothing in the bill that requires the use of a clear, specified verification method to determine eligibility related to legal status either. The absence of this requirement is a loophole that will allow illegal aliens to receive benefits, and it is this loophole that concerns the American people.

The noise from the media to "debunk the myths", likely prompted by calls from the White House, has grown louder in the past few weeks. The President's campaign website, Organizing for America, has recently stated that it wanted to engage people to "fight the lies and tell the truth" about health care reform. (See Organizing for America, September 3, 2009). It also chastised the media because they "seemed to broadcast any story of conflict or division they could find." (Id.). Despite the recent media articles, some in the media have correctly characterized the debate over the issue. (See, for example, Washington Examiner, August 26, 2009 and HotAir, August 28, 2009).

But at this point, all of this back and forth is really counterproductive. It appears that Democrats and Republicans in Washington, D.C. agree that the bill should not provide any coverage to illegal aliens. For example, President Obama responded to a question by CBS' Katie Couric about whether illegal aliens should be covered under a new health care plan by saying: "No." (CBSNews, July 21, 2009). Likewise, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded to a question about the issue by saying: "No, illegal immigrants are not covered by this plan." (Topix, July 27, 2009). In addition, Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) who is the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee — the Committee that will have to find a way to "pay for" a health care overhaul — said: "We aren't going to cover undocumented workers because that's too politically explosive." (Houston Chronicle Blog, May 21, 2009). And House Republicans on the Ways & Means Committee unanimously supported an amendment offered by Rep. Dean Heller (R-NV) to mandate eligibility verification to prevent illegal aliens from receiving benefits.

So why, if the White House and Democrats in the House and Senate agree with Republicans on what the policy should be, are the Democrats and their allies in the media spending so much time mischaracterizing an issue and then trying to debunk that issue? Wouldn't it be far more productive for President Obama to, as FAIR has called on our leadership in Washington to do, come out and endorse the Heller Amendment and just eliminate the illegal alien loophole altogether? (FAIR's Press Release, August 26, 2009

'PAU' both wife and daughter in the U.S. 08/25/2009

Daughter's' CRBA Manila Embassy 08/07/2008 dual citizenship


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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Brazil

Maybe US ought to consider using Jus Solis as opposed to Jus Sanguinis when establishing citizenship rights.

(Puerto Rico) Luis & Laura (Brazil) K1 JOURNEY
04/11/2006 - Filed I-129F.
09/29/2006 - Visa in hand!

10/15/2006 - POE San Juan
11/15/2006 - MARRIAGE

01/05/2007 - AOS sent to Chicago.
03/26/2007 - Green Card in hand!

01/26/2009 - Filed I-751.
06/22/2009 - Green Card in hand!

06/26/2014 - N-400 sent to Nebraska
07/02/2014 - NOA
07/24/2014 - Biometrics
10/24/2014 - Interview (approved)

01/16/2015 - Oath Ceremony

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Brazil
Maybe US ought to consider using Jus Solis as opposed to Jus Sanguinis when establishing citizenship rights.

i think you have those backwards.

* ~ * Charles * ~ *

I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.



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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Brazil

Yes I do, thank you Charles! But you got my drift. :P

(Puerto Rico) Luis & Laura (Brazil) K1 JOURNEY
04/11/2006 - Filed I-129F.
09/29/2006 - Visa in hand!

10/15/2006 - POE San Juan
11/15/2006 - MARRIAGE

01/05/2007 - AOS sent to Chicago.
03/26/2007 - Green Card in hand!

01/26/2009 - Filed I-751.
06/22/2009 - Green Card in hand!

06/26/2014 - N-400 sent to Nebraska
07/02/2014 - NOA
07/24/2014 - Biometrics
10/24/2014 - Interview (approved)

01/16/2015 - Oath Ceremony

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Well you know what, health care is not a school system. If the government dares covering the 20,000,000 illegal immigrants, this will bankrupt the system. No country in the world can just cover everyone. None.

Pro illegal alien groups have two ways of working around the obstacle of not being permitted to use the proposed UHC. The first method is to get a supreme court ruling that not covering them is unconstitutional. And we all know just how much power the courts yield over the people in America. So that would be a done deal. The second is to legalize them, therefore, their status is no longer an issue. In any of these cases, the United States will end up bankrupt and go down in history as the nation that bankrupted itself trying to take care of citizens of other nations.

However, I still take Obama's word for it. People will have to apply for this using the appropriate forms and ID. It's not as if people will simply walk up and be covered.

Edited by Booyah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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well, i'm not talking about the parents, like it or not, loophole or not, the kids are born USC's under the constitution, and they have the right to be educated. While I agree with you Booyah, integration to the american community has always been a major issue, I have to say it's not single-sided, both Latinos and the status-quo haven't been very amicable with each other. Education IMO is a major issue for these kids to change the generational poverty and integration issues that previous generations still carry with them..

I agree that this illegal issue should be addressed correctly, but denying education to kids whose parents happen to be illegal, would just perpetrate that generational integration problem that the latino community faces.. do you want a new generation of latinos that still don't speak english? or a new generation that will break that vicious cycle of non-integration and maybe chance this problem that you mention, 10 year olds kids who can't speak a lick of english..

I'm not saying it'll happen now.. but, denying education is definitely not the right answer..

if you want to talk about tax waste on schools, talk about no child left behind, and the loopholes they have, so kids stay until they're 18, even if they don't wanna be in school, or the parents that send their starving kids to school so they can get their welfare paychecks and spend it on crack.. definitely there's more money dumps than educating kids from illegals

In Arizona the illegals don't try to learn english at all.

'PAU' both wife and daughter in the U.S. 08/25/2009

Daughter's' CRBA Manila Embassy 08/07/2008 dual citizenship


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