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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Gel & Dan JFK 2019-11-23 - High 2021-04-28
G & F Los Angeles 2019-11-23 - High Long line, only about three people working, I-94 was sent electronically so didn’t receive physical copy at POE. They opened and kept sealed packet. Asked about previous ESTAs and ESTA denials and visits to America, asked how we met, and was let through. 2021-09-17
Bray S & B Boston 2019-11-23 - High 2019-11-26
S & B Seattle 2019-11-23 - High 2023-10-26
Regdkp Devesh & Robert Philadelphia 2019-11-23 - High 2023-03-21
PoohPiglet Piglet & Pooh Los Angeles 2019-11-23 - High 2021-04-11
Tara & Pat Miami 2019-11-23 - High It was easy and fast process. Having small child we were directed to the separate line for passport control. After that at the customs I had to submit my immigration envelope, it took no more thsn 10 min to process it. 2023-02-09
To & Jeff Los Angeles 2019-11-24 - High 2021-11-03
Ruchie & Kevin JFK 2019-11-24 - High Good experience, some questions asked: When are you getting married, where will you live and what type of work does your fiance do? Very quick and painless. 2021-02-01
Henry & Jazmin Atlanta 2019-11-24 - High Very easy. If you have a layover make sure you have enough time in between flights. My husband had a 3 hour layover which was enough. Biometrics was taken at Albany NY Dept of Homeland Security on 10-23-2018 (the year prior to interview.) 2023-10-24
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