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Status Updates posted by Nick&Elena

  1. I've got a paper that I don't have criminal records today. At last...

    1. Mariye & Ky

      Mariye & Ky

      LOL never a doubt you weren't a crook! Congrats on on the clean record. <hugs> Mari :)

  2. Great, thanks. Can't wait to get visa. Nick said hi too. We're close by the timeline with you. Do you call to USCIS?

  3. Thanks bob. I speak english, no need translator. Hope we'll get visas sooner

  4. Hello, we're from Utah too. How is it going?

  5. I'm like a crazy. Keep checking status every day. 4-5 times a day. Who is all that people who got their visas already and will we get it too?

  6. Привет, как дела? Я смотрю потихоньку стали давать за август...

  7. Today is 3 month, 3 weeks, 3 days since NOA-1! Funny!

  8. I don't need that Christmas. No fun without you

  9. I like your story guys. Very touching and we appreciate it. We're the same! Good luck you guys!

  10. Excited that they started August! Our turn is soon!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mysteryladypr


      btw... i saw ppl here got NOA2 in 2 months... but i dont know how

    3. Nick&Elena


      Yeah, some get it faster than others within same month. No one knows why. Also some people from July got RFE its why they started August already.

      Probably they just have special case as pregnancy or if the guy is in Iraq or something.

    4. mysteryladypr


      If someone had told me before that being pregnant accelerating the process... I had done!!! lol

  11. Just puzzled why its so easy to get married for some couples and so hard for other

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