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Status Updates posted by Nick&Elena

  1. Got preliminary approval today in my university. Oh god!)))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nick&Elena


      Yep. Larisa called. She's home with Bobbie. They are so happy!

    3. Milushka


      the way to be :) you ll see Nick too very very soon ;)

    4. dogspot
  2. Today I set an appointment for medical exam on May, 16

    1. Milushka


      Are you doing it on a day you arrive to Moscow? :)

  3. I booked hotel Melody for 330$ (9600 р.) for 2 nights via booking.com. It's cheaper to do with them.

  4. Thank you very very much for warm words. You're always so sweet and nice with us. Kisses, Elena

  5. Sorry, not per night. 430$ it's for two nights.

  6. You'll see a lot of hotels there. All of them are expensive though they have some hosts. But I choose hotel Melody. It's the cheapest price for one person (about 430$ per night). I'm not sure for 100% because I didn't call them yet. But it seems like right.

  7. For hotel in Moscow you looking at google map search there "Гостиницы возле Москва, Большой Девятинский переулок"...

  8. Thats it! Happy for you, best wishes! So good to hear that everything is all right!

  9. Congratulations with your successful interview. I wish you the great wedding and happy long life together.

  10. Thank you for adding us as a friends! nice to meet you and good luck on your interview

  11. What does that mean, that she's got it? Visa?

  12. Everything will be all right!

  13. Our interview is in May, 17

  14. My interview is in May, 17!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Milushka


      maybe :P i ve sent them email today, i know they ll take their time but im too curious i guess. whr u staying at, lady, may I ask, frnds/hotel? thinking of Izmajlovo as a first choice.

    3. Nick&Elena


      Answered on your page.

    4. Milushka
  15. Don't know. Calling to my honey to ask :-)

  16. Well, it takes 5 months and 2 weeks commonly from NOA1. May be you'll be lucky, who knows. But it looks like May or early July, honestly.

  17. Wow, new avatar! So cute!

  18. Friends, waiting for interview in Moscow Boobie-Larisa (April 20, 2011 at 12:20pm) and Warren-Irina (March 30). Will cross finger for you, guys. Good luck on interview.

  19. Yes I did. But I they tell they don't have our case yet. we'll ask again later

  20. Congratulations with everything. Thank you for keeping us updated. Very happy for you!

  21. Thaat's so good! And soon, congratulations!

  22. Thanks. It's hard. His friends and family see us talking by camera every day. But they don't understand how is it. I told to my fiance, just imagine if we'll take your mom far from dad, what will they feel? Or your friend far from his girlfriend, just do them apart and let them talk with camera over the year. And they just see us talking but they don't understand what does it me...

  23. Here is the sunny day in Russia, though cold. Feels like spring's comming soon. My fiance is so good person and I love him so much. I can't even wish better man. Waiting for interview date. And feel happy

  24. Congratulations! Thank that you tell us.

  25. Thanks. We're going to email to embassy too

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