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Status Updates posted by Nick&Elena

  1. Did they scheduled your interview? Hello

  2. NVC passed. Waiting for interview date

  3. Happy for you. Keep us updated!

  4. I expect the interview in April.

  5. Wish you'll get NOA-2 sooner too!

  6. I made my vaccination list today. Barely caught the doctor! I'm glad

  7. Happy Valentine's day, people. We love you!

  8. Hard copy of NOA-2 received.

  9. Congrants with your NOA-2 too!

  10. Thank you too, little Bird! Kisses!!!

  11. NOA-2 after 5 months, 1 week, 2 days I can't believe

  12. We got it! We're so happy. Nick got sms today and our status on site was changed too. I wish good luck to whose who is waiting now. Be patient, and love each other. Calls to USCIS helps too. I know how it's hard to wait but you're not alone. Now wish us good luck on interview!

  13. On February 8, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nick&Elena


      Thank you much! I wish you the same!

    3. KiwiBird


      NVC is being a tad slow. I've called every day this week (8 days after approval), and they were telling me they 'do not have the paperwork yet'.

      Keep bugging NVC next week til they give you a case number! Lets hope they are quicker for you than they are for me. :)

      (Congrats again!) :)

    4. Nick&Elena


      Thanks we sent a letter to NVC yesterday, waiting fro response. It's hard to call them, they are busy and rarely answer calls. Emails will be more productive.

  14. February, 8. Initial Review...

    1. Nick&Elena
    2. Elena&Nick


      All the best for you guys now!

    3. Nick&Elena


      Thank you, thank you, Elena! Good luck to you both!

  15. We don't have news. Nick called them today, they didn't say anything sober and looked annoyed. I told him not to call anymore. Here's some people get it fast some late. Nobody wants to be the last one. Everybody wants expedite. But USCIS just force us wait

  16. So pity, guys. I've just read you must have police certificate from 16 years old to current time. With money I understand too, I think this place is very far. Also she'll pay in in consulate 100$ for medical check up and 20$ for shots and 350$ for visa.

  17. Nick keeps telling "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything". Sounds so sweet, my hero :)

    1. Elena&Nick


      Wondering how selective they are and what affects their choice, when they are half way through September fillers with the August ones still waiting for their approvals :(

    2. Nick&Elena


      Vlad&Victoria said it's Murphy's law, haha. Now have to wait till the weekends done. Never knew one day I'll dislike weekends.

      ps USCIS is the most 'organized' structure in the world

  18. They didn't touch our case at all since NOA-1. Nick called today, said he didn't like what they said. They told him 9 more days and call them back in 2 next weeks if we don't hear anything. Seems like it is 6 months now, I know that. We think to call to congressman.

  19. ...тября. Ну что за люди?

  20. У нас тоже самое, мы ждем с августа, а они выдают визы за середину сен...

  21. We're calling them constantly. They'are polite and always nice tell us "one more week"

  22. Welcome. I know it. We already tried to fight with system, and failed. Russian cosulate refused to give us permission to get marriage because I lost my birth sertificate. We cried, but had nothing to do. If they will refuse with visa, Nick will come to live with me. For USCIS we're not people, we're case's statuses :)))))

  23. Hi, Love&Live! Sorry I have to approve comments before they shown up)))

    You're ok? We riched five months and 4 days already. After 5 months they said us wait 11 more days. We're waiting but they didn't touch our case. we're waiting till the end of this week.

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