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About mysteryladypr

  • Birthday 09/03/1978

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    San Juan, Puerto RIco
  • Interests
    Our family is done... My husband is U.S. Citizen after 6 months in the U.S. ARMY.
    We are separated by the work, but we are still together by the love of each other and our bb girl Charlotte Gizem. We are in boyfriends relationship in pink color... :P
    God blessed us, no matter the sacrifices we are doing right now.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-3 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    San Juan PR
  • Country
  • Our Story
    A day, I were playing a game ¨match¨ and i clicked all of the guys there NO, but when i saw him... i said to my self: ok, click in YES bcz its less probable that he puts attention on me. But the next day he sent me a private note for say me thanks.
    At 1st, i didnt believe that the guy in few pics was him bcz so much ppl use fake profiles just for have fun. Arent honest...
    After when spent few days talking, I said to him that i wanted prove that the guy in the pic was him and he opened his cam. I were in shock bcz was really him. Then 1 hr later, he requested me to see me by cam and i sent it to him.
    After that day he always came everyday... but he was in the msn hidden (offline) to dont let other ppl see him and can wait me in peace.
    Was very funny bcz in that time i were using a amsn and that program permitted me see in my list my friends even if they were offline. So, he never imagined that i were observing him :)
    When i came to be online then he changed to be online too and one day i stopped him for talk to him seriously. I asked him what happening with him bcz i catched him waiting me offline and he confessed me that he was starting feel something rare that he never felt before and less to someone who he never saw in real.
    When he told me his confesion and said him: ok, when u will ask me to be ur gf :P
    We were kidding with that and he asked me if i wanna be his gf... that i responsed him that i having think about it. jejejeje...
    Few days later i gave to him my affirmative answer and we started a new step.
    Some months later, without say him, i traveled to his country-Turkey. I never been there before and i didnt knew anything too. I met there a mexican and venezolan girls whom helped me in all.
    He was in a winter camp in Uludag-Bursa to approve a class that he needed to be graduated. He never tought that i were in the way to be near and infront of him bcz some common net friends helped me to keep his attention for a while and dont be asking about me.
    In the next day at night... he was searching as crazy and my net friends sent to me sms to give me the advices. By that i ran to be online in a cafe in the same town, Bursa. He asked me for the cam and we were talking normally as always. After few minutes he told me that i looked so much pretty and asked me where i were. So, i didnt found the way to tell him that we were in the same town. I just told him to watch the ¨no smoking sign¨ back of me in turkish language.
    He cant believed that i were there... he starting act as crazy and to search a taxi in that hour, but was snowing in the place he was and cant come to me in that night. So, the other day he scaped from his course when finished his final exam and without advice me... he touched the door in the appartment i were. That was my turn to be in shock bcz we suppouse meet us in a public place but the mexican friend had comunication with him and they planned bring to me the surprise.
    Was a wonderful week and i saw in his eyes so much love for me.
    Then everything came to be more serious bcz i met his parents by net/webcam until i decide to return in this summer.
    His family recieved me with their open hands and in that whole month they made me feel like a family member. So much, that we finished married. :D
    The wedding dress was bougth the day before, the shoes and rings the same day and all was a fairy tale story of incredible love.

    We are so in love that just the ppl who live this kind of love adventures can know by the feelings.

    Now... we are making everything to be together again to make our own family soonnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!

    And that was in May 21, 2011. Before receive our baby Charlotte Gizem. :)

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