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Status Updates posted by Nick&Elena

  1. February, 2. Initial Review...

  2. Hi, anything new? NVC? Interview?

  3. All my friends from August got their NOA-2. Happy for you, guys. Can you ask your local love gods to help us too? )))))

    1. Nick&Elena


      Really thought you got it too. That's a good sign I think.

    2. Nick&Elena


      we're waiting too

  4. Where are you going to live, guys?

  5. We're going to live in Utah first year. When who knows, depends on where I'll find work. But we don't like big cities - too crowded.

  6. You're cute couple! Nice to meet you!

  7. Friends, relatives, colleagues - everything they ask is "You still here?". Yes, I'm still here, why keep asking.

    1. Mrs O.

      Mrs O.

      I understand how you feel, that question gets annoying after a while!

    2. Nick&Elena
  8. Ha-ha, so funny. Elena&Nick and Nick&Elena are now friends :-D

  9. We called to USCIS, "nice lady" as my fiance said, told him that we'll be approved within 11 next days. She said she knows we're waiting for so long. Will see, will see..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KiwiBird


      Congrats! Hopefully sooner than 11 days.

    3. Nick&Elena


      Here is nothing to congratulate. I think she just said it according to approximate date. It's just words yet.

    4. Elena&Nick


      Words mixed with the right energy work magic! Getting a Noa-2 is a simple thing while the love you have is a true magic! Do not waste your precious energy, use it for moving forward!

  10. So good! Let us on how it's going on

  11. I'm not jealous to you, rdbdds. Rediculous to think that. If you're waiting only positive people, call your mom. Will say again - not fair. We work hard too and make researching too. And our love is just stronger.

  12. Here is nobody know each other and I don't really care who you are. I just said what I think. I don't think it's fair to give visa to other while here a lot of prople waiting pationtly. I see you desagree. And else, I don't communicate with you, I just posted on the wall, my own opinion. And I'm waiting already 5 months, you don't know how is it, smart pants.

  13. Yes I looked your post, you are not dying soldier in Iraq, you just expedite it paying 15 thousands for her university. As always not everybody so rich to pay. Glad you paid and got it for 2 months. Poor will wait.

  14. Hey is it ok that while we're waiting 5 months since August some got NOA2 from November? And why VJ congratulate them?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KiwiBird


      I've got two weeks to go for 5 months. Don't think my attitude's gonna change in 2 weeks. :)

      Anyway, when you guys get your NoA's, I send congrats to ya! :)

    3. Nick&Elena


      Thanks, at least you or me don't cut in line :)

    4. KiwiBird


      It's all worth it in the end. :) One of those crappy situations, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat if it means I get to be with my love! :)

      (Thought, truth be told, I do wish it were faster, no doubt!)

  15. Last days it is harder to wait. Feel frustrated and exhausted. In my dreams I'm with my love. And lonely when I wake up.

    1. Elena&Nick


      You gonna have your NOA-2 pretty soon! :)

    2. Nick&Elena


      Thanks, I hope so, feel so bad.

  16. Today is 4 months, 3 weeks since NOA-1

    1. Nick&Elena


      Yeah, we're checking status 6 times in a day. This week or next week I hope

  17. Hope, everything will be all right and we'll get visa but not RFE.

  18. So happy for you, guys! Wish you to get your visa sooner and pass interview!

  19. Oh, GOD! Congrats with NOA-2, guys! Happy for you both! I'm so excited, its good news!

  20. Today is 4 months and 5 days from NOA-1. I'm checking my vaccination list. Notised that I don't have one shot. Going to take it soon.

  21. We're ok.Thank you, Mari. So you're ok with waiting and still positive?

  22. I figured that out! To be able to add a friend you should post at least one message on forum!

  23. Have troubles to add friends to my profile :((((

  24. Happy New year, guys and I wish you'll get NOA-2 sooner! Best wishes and many years together!

  25. Happy New Year and sooner NOA-2! C Новым годом!

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