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Rob L

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Posts posted by Rob L

  1. Can you please share? Even if you have to fudge the numbers to protect her. The main goal being WHAT is taken out, and the percentages. Not trying to get into y'alls business, just not familiar with a CA pay stub.

    Does the money that pays for insurance so it's "free" come out before taxes? As a payroll deduction? Or is it taken at tax time, once a year?

    The link I provided above show a sample salary and amounts taken out, but not sure what they are.

    Hmm that was two years ago. I would need to look at the returns but i remember looking at them and thinking, not so bad and it seem to be about what I was paying. I think unemployment is a burden not taken up by the employer, but their are more benefits ( maternity)

    The insurance she had when employed was covered through her employer just like here. When she was downsized and didn't look for work because she was half way to emigrating, the Province sent her a bill for mandatory insurance. As far as i could tell it was not as good as her employers plan and didn't include any frills, but if you broke a leg you were covered. I think I remember her complaining about the bill being $60.00 a month and I said to my self " I hope she never sees my premiums". But everyone is covered and if you dont pay the bill the government will find you.

    All in all things appear different but when you boil it down the tax systems are quite similar. There is even a system that allows her contributions to their old age plan to be calculated into our SSA plan and vice versa ( its a bit more complicated but she is not at day one with SSA if something happened )

    This is pretty good break down


  2. on a negative note, my dear canadian consumers, your alcohol is sorely overpriced due to the government control/taxing..markup is stupid ridiculous. it varies depending on provence, but always bloated.

    We lost our Government monopoly of hard alcohol in Washington state a few years ago ( weed booze, we have good priorities)

    Prices have gone up about 10% but you can at least pick it up at the grocery store. Oddly enough it seems like most of the time I have fewer choices in brands and sizes but I think competition is kicking in. The small family wineries dont like the alignment of big wine companies who also are in the booze business as they get shunted by the distributors. They appear to be doing fine with direct distribution though.

    B.C. is looking to loosen up, they are seeing what Washington and Oregon have done with Wine ,Microbrews and botique distillieries and are seeing dollar signs for tourism. I heard wine and beer is coming to supermarkets.

    And Quebec is the only place I have seen beer in a vending machine

  3. As a half Ashkenazi Half Middle Eastern Jew myself, let me answer that.

    The number of Ashkenazi Jews(Europe and America) and Jews that come from African/Asian countries(Sephardic Jews) is just about equal.

    In regards to the origin of anti-semitism, while the word semite does give the false impression that it is directed against all semitic people, the word antisemite was popularized in Germany in 1879 as a term for Jew hatred, and that has been its common use since then.

    There is actually DNA evidence that Jewish populations in the diaspora did, in fact, originate in the Middle East. Chromosome Y in men has shown a shared origin for Sephardic and Ashkenazi, while mitochondrial DNA has shown that the women were most likely European, and it's assumed that the men converted them.

    I read somewhere that scientists speculate that all Ashkenazi share a common Roman mother / Jewish father

  4. So Abe will have to hangout at the 21 club on the off chance Donald pops in for a steak.

    Meanwhile the fiasco continues around TT. Lowering the tone of the neighbourhood!


    Billion Dollar question, will Trump move the White house to Trump Tower? Will Melania and Barron stay back in Midtown?

  5. You always seem to nail it. I voted for Trump bUT at one point was leaning heavily toward Johnson. I might have considered Sanders had he won. That hardly makes me a racist deplorable ignorant .

    I truly despised Hillary, because she is a smug elitist, who was in bed with those who are killing the country.

    I am a social constitutional moderate/liberal. However I think shutting down illegal immigration is very important. I am also provides strong defense, notice I said defense, that does not include being the world's police

    I think Trump is the best choice to shake things up on both sides of the aisle.

    I also despise labeling Trump and his supporters Racist and homophobes, cause it just isn't true.

    You always seem to nail it. I voted for Trump bUT at one point was leaning heavily toward Johnson. I might have considered Sanders had he won. That hardly makes me a racist deplorable ignorant .

    I truly despised Hillary, because she is a smug elitist, who was in bed with those who are killing the country.

    I am a social constitutional moderate/liberal. However I think shutting down illegal immigration is very important. I am also provides strong defense, notice I said defense, that does not include being the world's police

    I think Trump is the best choice to shake things up on both sides of the aisle.

    I also despise labeling Trump and his supporters Racist and homophobes, cause it just isn't true.

    1. Donald John Trump has one ideology and one God : Donald John Trump. There is no there there which is one of the scarier things about the man. Every Bolt, Newt or Bannon will have a crack at taking his policies down the rabbit hole

    2. You are not a moderate, hate to break it to you.

  6. No I didn't say that? How did you get that from what I said?

    I just looked up the quote. I was actually wrong in my math. Apologies. The quote is:

    "you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"

    So I'm saying 19% voted for Trump and are therefore "Trump supporters". So actually she called 9.5% of the country deplorables. Now you could argue that there are some Trump supporters who didn't vote for him but I imagine that is a minority compared to those that did.

    Regardless it was a poor choice of of words on her part

  7. The Syrian President's comments come amid a full-scale offensive in cities including Aleppo, where 20 people are reported killed.

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said Donald Trump could be a "natural ally" if he fulfils his pledge to fight "terrorists".

    Mr Assad's comments, his first on Mr Trump's shocking victory last week, came as 20 people were killed in fierce bombardments in rebel-held districts of Aleppo, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

    Mr Assad said he was unsure the US President-elect would be able to keep his word and step up the fight against jihadists.

    "If ... he is going to fight the terrorists, of course we are going to be ally, natural ally in that regard with the Russian, with the Iranian, with many other countries," Mr Assad told Portugal's RTP state television.



    Hey, I was only off by 7.33%. :lol:



    That is what happened, Hillary had 6 million fewer votes than Obama got in 2012 and 10 million fewer votes than Obama got in 2008. trump got pretty much the same republican vote as both Romney and McCain got in the previous two elections. Nobody predicted that Hillary would lose over 6 million votes from what Obama got in 2012. This was the ultimate unpopularity contest and Hillary won that going away.

    We won't have to worry about her too much longer, The President electbus going to lock her up as promised


    One little reality check. He won!!


    Now I do understand that you would not have been thrilled no matter who won. I have to give you credit for at least seeing though Hillary.


    So we have some common ground (F)

    He won, the Electoral College, and did not get more votes than Hillary. It does not make him less legitimately elected, it is just funny considering Trump was declaring the Electoral college the most rigged if institutions two weeks ago and now he sings its praises
  10. I could have lived with McCain were it not for Sarah Palin. I felt bad, and was quite proud of him for telling people that questioned Barack Obama being a US citizen to their faces, bluntly, yes he is an American. That was class.

    His pick of Palin, not so much.

    Total agreement, setting aside the mistake in vetting Palin (actually his staffs fault), McCain has always been a class act and he continues to put his country first.
  11. I was driving to work last week and I have a Trump sticker on my car. I had a car full of a group of men (who's ethnicity I wont mention) pull up behind my car. As soon as they saw the Trump sticker they appeared very angry and in a dangerous manner the car cut into the lane next to me and the men started flipping me off and yelling obcenities at me. I wouldn't call this an act of violence but they were certainly angry. I have never seen anyone react this way over a bumper sticker. I have had people politely comment to me that they disapproved of my bumper sticker but nothing like this.

    Maybe they didn't like your driving

  12. As someone who was energized by the Obama campaign, I would agree. Obama also has a way of relating to young and minority voters that we've never seen before. I agree with maybe 40% of Obama's policies. I still can't help but love the guy when he speaks.

    The point is, Trump's margin among both Latino and black voters were fairly common for a GOP candidate. He won the same amount of black voters as Bush did, and slightly less than Dubya among Latinos.

    Progressives tend to have this generalized, stereotypical view of Latinos as a marginalized monolithic group of people who are all related to someone here illegally undocumented. They are Jorge Ramos-viewing, Spanish speaking, poor immigrants whose main concern is getting immigration reform passed. I personally know at least a small handful of Latinos who voted for Trump, some for the same reasons anyone else would, some for the sheer sake of giving a middle finger to a "progressive elite" deadset on grouping them into what progressives want brown people to be.

    Of course, wanting and expecting brown people to think a certain way is ok.

    This is what identity politics does.

    Trump did beat Romney with Latino voters.

  13. I should also note that Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway was the duo that managed to turn Trump from the loose cannon he was during most of his campaign, to the more restrained, telepromptered Trump we saw towards the end of the campaign.

    I should also note that Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway was the duo that managed to turn Trump from the loose cannon he was during most of his campaign, to the more restrained, telepromptered Trump we saw towards the end of the campaign

    And for that, they have our eternal gratitude

  14. The last time I was living in Canada, their conservative party did not even exist at the time. They didn't get enough seats to retain official party status. Sure they had the Harper government in between then and now, but socially I don't think there's a comparison to be made.

    Canada's liberals are to the left of our Democrats, and then they have another major party to the left of that. And when those two both mess up and then can't work things out, sometimes the conservatives have a shot. But usually one of the two lefty parties get's enough support to keep the conservatives honest.

    I was going to go up there next week since the kids are off school. I'm kind of glad we changed plans now. It was bad enough trying to explain Trumps appeal as a candidate. I can only imagine the questions now.

    The left of liberals party is the NDP. It really sounds similar Bernies Platform

  15. And people complain about Trump wanting to crack down on illegal aliens. I wonder what Canada's policy is on illegal aliens. I know Mexico will sentence you to a year of hard labor and deport you if you are caught there illegally.

    I am going to create a chain of mobile taco units and flood Vancouver with authentic street Tacos ( one on every corner). The largest one will be right in Front of the yet to be completed Trump Tower.

    This is not a mobile restaurant chain but a culinary arts demonstration powered by donations from appreciative patrons. To maintain authenticity I will only use Mexican citizens and bring them in under Cultural visas. If I am lucky I will get artistic and cultural grants to support my work.

    If you have ever tasted Mexican food in Canada, you would understand that I am doing their culture a huge favor.

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