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Posts posted by onwa

  1. I got a call from Senator Inouye's office this morning.

    They got us an interview date! August 14--our one year anniversary!! A notice should be in the mail shortly.

    Many mahalos to Barbara the best and most knowledgable staff aide I have worked with. The other two were pretty much worthless.

    Advice: If you want to get your congress and senators involved--try them all--you never know which one will actually be helpful!

    Here's to a successful interview! :dance::dance::dance:

  2. Sorry you had to go through this. We just picked up our car yesterday from the body shop. SOmeone backed into us at a parking lot and then went on to curse and yell at us saying we must be drunk or high or something. (NOTE-- we were no way in the wrong here) So we just remained quiet. Took pictures and waited for the police. She then asked the police to give us drug and alcohol teste and started yelling at the police. I was sure we were going to have some sort of investigation--but when we called the insurance the next day--there was no fuss.

    Still I understand the injustice you must feel. Hubby and I were so ticked at this lady fornot only causing damage to our car but also having the gall to say we were lying (she insisting that we were backing up too--which we weren't) and that we were drunk and high.

    Was it a local, or a tourist? :unsure:

    I think she was a new arrival--military-- Had no idea about local, laid back ways- The officer was like "are you done yelling at me now?" Just thankful she must have calmed down later and that their insurance paid for it all.

  3. Sorry you had to go through this. We just picked up our car yesterday from the body shop. SOmeone backed into us at a parking lot and then went on to curse and yell at us saying we must be drunk or high or something. (NOTE-- we were no way in the wrong here) So we just remained quiet. Took pictures and waited for the police. She then asked the police to give us drug and alcohol teste and started yelling at the police. I was sure we were going to have some sort of investigation--but when we called the insurance the next day--there was no fuss.

    Still I understand the injustice you must feel. Hubby and I were so ticked at this lady fornot only causing damage to our car but also having the gall to say we were lying (she insisting that we were backing up too--which we weren't) and that we were drunk and high.

  4. I had it happen to me. The AOL guy refused to cancel my account. Finally, I said, My name is (X). Today is (X). I am requesting that my account be canceled. If it is not cancelled, I will contact the Better Business Bureau."

    Then I hung up. It was cancelled.

  5. As someone who is part Hawaiian and living with this controversy. I think it is fine. Its not like there are no other good private schools to go to in Hawaii. I also believe native Hawaiians should have some autonomy like native americans on the mainland. BTW, you can go to Kamehameha schools even if you are like 1/32 part Hawaiian. There are plenty of 'white' people at that school.

  6. So, since I had a feeling our case got stuck on someone's desk. I contacted our 2 senators and house of reps guy for some help. After only 2 weeks, 2 have given their reply and one in particular has gotten our case moving again!!

    So our case is ready for an interview. Has cleared all fbi and security checks. One of the senator's aids, will be calling the NBC on Thursday or Friday to make sure our name gets into the front of the line for interviews in HOnolulu!! Since our receipt date is before most others in the line.

    If you're waiting a long time and see that others in your district office are going through way faster than you, I suggest giving your congress peeps a try!

    Finally, and hopefully, some movement! :thumbs:

  7. Well, we have 4 accounts between us and it works well. 2 joint checking--one primarily mine, one primarily his==and 2 with just our names on it. However, there isn't anything that happens that the other doesn't know about. Foy my husband's single account--he shows me all the deposits and the withdrawals--and me vice-versa. My husband enjoys having several accounts and I likes to spread the money between them. As long as comunication is good, seperate accounts is not a problem.

  8. WEll...long distance relationships do work. But I can't comment about meeting someon online since my husband and I met in person. Things that were helpful for us in making the long distance work were daily emails, talking on the phone, and IM with the webcam. He was actively invovled with my work in giving me advice and encouragement and I would help him write sermons and encourage him with his work with the youth. We had to deal with a 12 hour time difference and being seperated for 9 months was hard.

    My personal opinion is that its better to have them come to the US as a fiance--wait out the 2 or 3 months--and then get married. I personally don't think that I would have handled very well the married and separated bit. Waiting to get married once he's here--gives you both a chance to adjust a bit before youa ctually get married.

    Like Sweetee said, a year is a good time to get to know someone. My husband and I had met and married in 13 months. There weren't any big suprises once he got here. The things we fought about before are the same things we still fight over now. The more time you give it, the more time you can figure out what these things are. Provided, of course, that you are both honest with each other.

    My husband has almost been here a year. I have no regrets and though hard at times, it is a really wonderful thing.

  9. MY husband is from Nigeria but interviewed in SOuth Africa. According t the informaton I got when deciding if he should remain in SOuth Africa or go back to Nigeria:

    1) You must be legal...but not necessarily a legal resident---my husband had a student visa

    2) It is up to the individual consulate whether they choose to let the interview happen there.

    I was very excited when NVC told me they had forwarded my case to South Africa. Police reports can be tricky, but just plan well in advance. we were able to get our K1 visa in 3 1/2 months (from file to interview) if we had done it Nigeria it would have taken closer to a year.

    Good luck!

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