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Status Updates posted by Channah&Aaron

  1. ; 6.5 months and still no NOA2. What's up with USCIS?! Dang!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Channah&Aaron


      ;USCIS told us that we should wait for an other 30 days. Hopefully within these 30 days a decision will be made, if not. Aaron and I have to call back. This is really awful :((

    3. j and s fernandez

      j and s fernandez

      Yes, when we called they said we should have a decision within 60 days (really? 2 more months? come on!!!), but in less than 30 days we received our approval. Good luck!

    4. Channah&Aaron


      ; omg!! i would freak out if they would tell me 60 more days.. 30 days is the limit!! Im glad you got your approval sooner than that!! :))

  2. ; Service Request was sent on 4/27, and our Ombudsman received our signed forms on 5/5. Omg, I am really starting to get ANXIOUS!! =( help

  3. ; thank you so much Mari!!!! =) I hope so too!! Hows everything going for you???

  4. ; weeeeeeeeehhh, where is our stupid NOA2?! This is r to tha idiculous!! -_-"

  5. ; If this darn NOA2 is not coming anytime soon, I'll start chewing my shoe!!! Ofcourse, I hope it won't get that far.. lol

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      And I thought chewing my nails was bad? lol I pray you get the answers you need before resulting to the shoe chewing...

    2. Axel


      I am sorry to hear that. We got Noa1 on November 8 and Noa 2 on april 13. My finace did call with her congressmen! They put in a service request! Good luck...

    3. missyouhoney


      Hi there! Any news? I was going to visit Amsterdam but I changed my flight ticket to go visit my fiance. Don´t regret it.

  6. ; Oh my goodness!! that is so funny! Channah- Lana rhymes too:) haha, its crazy, yall had your NOA1 8 days before we received ours, and your engagement day is only 2 days ahead. Awesome!! Are you a Vermont filer as well??

  7. ; 5 MONTHS SINCE NOA1 !!!!

    1. Eleonor
    2. marklovetina


      @Channah&Aaron: hehehe, thank u!!!, yes.. and for sure u will gonna get yours too very soon... hang in there!!!!

  8. ; I was supposed to stay in the US for 3 weeks (flight was yesterday), but I decided to stay!!!! Well, till 3 weeks before our interview :)) So, I guess I'll be here for an other 1.5 month!! I am soooo happy to be with my love.. if only our NOA2 would arrive soon!! -almost 5 month mark -_-"

  9. ; Ok, I changed my mind.. I was suppose to stay in the US for 3 weeks.. But now I'm going to stay til 3 weeks before the interview!!! =) this is so much easier and it's soooo good to wake up every morning next to the guy I love so much

    1. Channah&Aaron


      ; and we are half way the 4th month =))

    2. Kim.D


      Lucky you!! Enjoy your time and hope your NOA2 comes any day.

    3. Eleonor


      Yes it is very nice to wake up with the person you love. Don't forget your family at home.. You are gonna miss them alot when you move over here. I miss my family sooooo much! Can't fly over and see them yet cause my Green Card is in progress..

  10. ; I'm having the time of my life with the love of my life

  11. ; Today we hit the 4MONTH mark!!! =) yaaay!!! & I'm going to the US to visit my fiance for 3 weeks this friday

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Channah&Aaron


      ;@ RJI. four months, it's crazy, huh?! Good crazy though, lol. We might see the light at the end of the tunnel before we even know it!! :))

    3. Dayana&Luis


      Sound fun enjoy the time with your love :)

    4. Eleonor


      Im doing fine. We are moving to Nashville next thursday =) I have my biometrics on monday 14th and after that I'll be waiting for my Green Card!

  12. ; Heey!! Happy weekend!!

  13. ; please, ignore the members who tells you to "man up". They don't know what they are talking about as they don't know your situation that well. Keep your head up and I hope you get all the emotional support needed. Good luck!

  14. ; I can't wait to fly to the US and see my baby again next week

  15. ; Have a wonderful weekend yall =)

  16. ; I traveled for 8 hours in total today, but it was all worth it!! =) I even went to the shore to catch some fresh air and day dream about stuff =) I am really blessed with all my new made friends on VJ, especially Slider who puts up with an over dramatic unknown woman!! =)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. slider100


      And honestly, quite a few people here wear a Cowboy hat lol...

    3. Channah&Aaron


      ; what kind of a field job are you working in? Like on rigs, since they have a lot of rigs over there!! I'm thinking about going to college and get a degree in TX, because my degree doesn't worth anything.. grrrr, and I studied my bum off for 4 long years!! So, what is Lubbock about??? I should look it up on the map, because I have no idea where it's at lol.

    4. slider100


      Haha, let me PM you, as it might take some space and I don't think I can fit everything on here!!!

  17. Maak je zelf een afspraak voor je medical? Zo ja, wanneer tussen NOA2 en interview moet dit gebeuren? En hoe ging je interview? Wat vroegen ze, wat hadden ze nodig van je? Hahaha.. ik heb zat te vragen dus ;). Ben blij dat er een Nederlandse is die verder in het proces is dan ik, en ik dus hierdoor meer te weten kan komen.. Nice!! ALSNOG GEFELICITEEEERD!!!!!!...

  18. ; Awwww, dank je wel!!!! Ik zal het zeker in mijn gedachten houden, en ik heb ook een paar vragen.

    Op de website staat dat onze politiecertificaten (benificiary) worden verstrekt door de Ambassade zelf. Wordt dit automatisch gedaan, nadat zij onze I-129f pakket uit de VS hebben ontvangen? En hoe gaat het precies met medical? Maak je zelf een afspraak, zo ja, in welk t...

  19. ; YES, you CAN travel to the US while K-1 is pending and having a B2 Visum. I am, among thousands of others, living proof :). Unfortunately you have been misinformed! Btw, CONGRATS with your NOA2....woooohooh!!

  20. ; Hey!! How is your process going? I can't wait til they start working on October filers, w000t w00t ^_^

  21. ; We'll definately stay in touch. It's good to hear -hopefully- good news from other October filers!! :)))

  22. ; Pfffffeeuwww, after a hard night of sleep, I called The-Hague and I can re-new my passport tomorrow!! I can breathe again :]

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. slider100


      Lol, I hear ya! You might wanna take a look at your post in a few since I am about to drop a knowledge bomb on the person the advised you not to visit the US! lol

    3. Channah&Aaron


      ; Hahaha, I just read your post + links. They are very helpful!! -almost- everybody knows you can travel during the K-1 process when you can show strong ties, but scaring other members that it's like 50-50 to get in is false. Why not sending possitive comments to encurage other members to travel =) pffff! Where are you located in the US, again?

    4. slider100


      Exactly, try to motivate people rather than scare them! And you have already been troubled a lot by the Dutch authorities lol... just kidding! I am in the good ole State of Texas!!!

  23. ; Are they freakin' kidding me?!?! Please, read my last topic/post and help me out :(((((

    1. Eleonor


      I don't know anything about a B2 visa but I hope you will get the help that you need!!

    2. Channah&Aaron


      ; awww, thanks Eleonor!! I'm glad things are working out well at the moment :) how have you been?

  24. ; Hey!! I just saw you viewed my profile..

    Where in Texas are you from?

  25. ;October filer here as well!! =))

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