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Status Updates posted by Channah&Aaron

  1. ; Just got home from the Driver License Center.. I got myself all the forms I need to fill in as soon as I got back in order to make an appointment & I got this PA Driver's Manual. Ofcourse I already have my drivers license, but ummm.. I did a test online, I freakin' failed because I misread some questions (language barrier) and didn't know what a lot of words meant. Awesome... -_-" Well, I got some studying to do when I'm in the Netherlands for 4 weeks!!

    1. no  more

      no more

      Hey at least you have a heads up what is being asked!

  2. ; Yes, I can re-schedule my interview on an earlier date.. And I do NOT!! You may find it weird, but 2 and @ 2 is my lucky number =)

    1. ms.becca


      That has to be a good sign! Good luck!

    2. no  more

      no more

      i love that you are keeping the date! I love it! So excited for you guys!

  3. ; YAAAY, I got everything for my interview!!! Now I'm busy organizing the folders. I only need to pick up my Dutch/English Birth Certificate and get my medical done and Aaron and I are good to gooooo... Finally done done done, and now we have the time to relax and wait for our interview!!

    1. no  more

      no more

      woot woot!!!!!!!

  4. ; Great, I wanted to make an appointment for my medical and the Dr. decided to go on vacation til July 11th -_-"

  5. ; IIIEEEHH!!! My interview is on August 2 at 2pm.. 2 is my lucky numberrrr!! and 2 times 2, LOL!!!


  7. ; INTERVIEW IS AUGUST 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Channah&Aaron


      ; I am soooo excited yet nervous. Though, I'll bring a big bag of confidence and good thoughts, and I should do fine.. w00tdoopiewiedoopw00pw00t!!

    2. no  more

      no more

      nervous is good!

    3. Mr.Kittles


      congrats channah :) you're almost done. the interview is piece of cake - no need to be nervous. the whole thing takes just a few minutes and it will be even faster when your hubby-to-be will join the appointment :), but the waiting time is long :) happy for you!! enjoy the last days in Holland :)

  8. ; I'm flying back to Holland in 9 days =( The past 4 months with my

    1. no  more

      no more

      I am so happy its going so fast for you guys! You get to go spend time with your sis and mom!! You guys are blessed and when you get back and Bahadir gets here I hope we can all meet up! How long are you going back for?

    2. Channah&Aaron


      ; I AM SOOO EXCITED, I HAVE MY INTERVIEW IN OVER A MONTH!! wh000p wh00p =) I am flying home on July 5th (all hung over because of the 4th LOL), and then Aaron comes to Holland, 3 weeks later on July 30th, and then we have interview 2 days later.. And we fly back as soon as I have my Visa in hand =) I am sooooo nervous!!!!!!!!!!! 3 weeks in Holland without Aaron will suck, but 3 weeks is long enough, I wanna go HOME! <3 How is you and...

  9. ; Gosh, I am sooo impatient.. give me my interview date!! -_-"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. no  more

      no more

      its coming!!!!! Excited for you!

    3. Channah&Aaron


      ; dragonlover, they'll send me an interview date very soon. And it's possible to ask for an earlier interview date if I think it's too far from now. I am soooo happy about that =) I sure hope it'll be end of next month :D

    4. Channah&Aaron


      ; me too Michele!!! Has Bahadir received his packet3 yet?? xoxox

  10. ; Hi Monica!! I hope you are doing OK... I know it's getting more stressful, and although this is taking it's toll on your relationship, try not to let it happen and try to make each other happy by a possitive attitude. Why don't you go to Mexico and wait it out, instead of moving? I gave up my job as well & I'm glad I did!! Keep me posted girl!!

  11. ; uuuwwhuuuww =) has Bahadir received his packet3 yet??

  12. ; how long does it actually take to receive Packet 4 after sending back Packet3 ?? It can't go fast enough,, lol!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr.Kittles


      eindelijk weer thuis haha :) wij gaan 28 augustus trouwen, dus nog een beetje tijd. ik heb je het POE verhaal gemaild ;). helemaal geen probleem en snel. SSN heb ik vandaag aangevraagd, en in juli geef ik les op de kunstacademie :) life is good!

    3. Channah&Aaron


      ; Omg!! op 28 augustus 2010 heeft Aaron mij ten huwelijk gevraagd =) dat is toevallig!! Ja, ik heb net je verhaaltje gelezen.. super dat het lekker snel is gegaan en zonder problemen ^^ Ongelooflijk dat je in juli les mag geven op de kunnstacademie.. maar moet je niet eerst een werkvergunning aanvragen (EAD)?

    4. Mr.Kittles


      als je via new york JFK naar de VS komt kan je de EAD van de immigratie krijgen. het is de enige POE die de EAD uitreikt. je krijgt dan van een officer een "employment authorized" stamp op je I-94 card, en dan mag je 90 dagen werken (dus voor de geldigheid van het visum). het was puur toeval dat ik via JFK naar de VS kwam...anders kost de EAD $380. het is het wel waard als je al werk hebt. heb meteen mijn social security number aangevraagd en nu wacht ik ongeduldig op de eerste s...

  13. ; Waiting for Packet 4 with Interview date!!!!!!

    1. ABandIG


      it's great to see everything is going smooth now hun!

    2. C Med

      C Med

      Wow! Things are moving along so quickly for you now. I'm so happy to see that! :)

    3. Channah&Aaron


      ; I never expected things would go that fast!!! It's crazy... =) but me like, lol!! How is yours journey going??

  14. ; How are you doing girl?? I hope everything is going a little better, and taking it day by day...!! I'm thinking of you the hardest I can, and all my positive thoughts are headed your way...!!!

  15. ; Hi!! How do you like it here this far? :) I bet a lot colder than Egypt! Omg, I was in Egypt a couple of years ago (Cairo and Hurghada), I was boiled alive.. though, the Red Sea is sooo beautiful.. Nice to meet you too :) !!!

  16. ..receive pkt4 in 2 weeks.. Yaaay.. Have you called NVC yet?? =)

  17. ; Woohoooh, received package 3 this morning (my mom sent me the scanned copy of pkt 3!!), it's only one form with a link that directed me to AMS Consulate with instructions I already knew and I filled in my forms a couple of days ago already as well.. And I sent out package 3 just half an hour ago.. PRIORITY MAIl.. pfff 40 dollars, but it's worth it!! :D Hopefully I rece...

  18. ; Received Packag 3 today!!!! And I sent it back - priority mail (lol)- back to the US Consulate in Amsterdam. Omg!! Today is exact 2 weeks since NOA2 and sending back package 3.. can you believe this?? You probably can, but I can't!! =) w000000t.. now I have to wait for package 4 with INTERVIEW DATE!! :))))

    1. M and L

      M and L

      Our file/information is still sitting with customs in China, no P3 yet....... :(

    2. Mr.Kittles


      yaaay so cool :) ik zit nu in duitsland. nog even frieden bezoeken en zondag naar new york!! cool dat je pack 3 al klaar hebt. nu gaat alles zo snel :)

    3. Channah&Aaron


      ; @ M and L: How long ago did NVC send it out?? I hope you'll get it soon!!

      @ Mr. Kittles: Aww, nog even afscheid nemen van je vrienden?? Geniet er dubbel van :) ooeeh, nog maar 2 dagen!! hahaha, spannend, he?! Succes en laat me even weten hoe je POE was, ok? ENJOY and have a safe flight =)


  20. ; received a letter from NVC with my new case number which I already received when I called, and it says it has been forwarded to Amsterdam a couple of days ago =)

  21. ; Too bad I will lose a week since I have to send out Package 3 from the US -_-"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. felo391971


      Cant you e-mail ? My embassy gibe me 3 options .

      1) Mail

      2) Fax

      3) E-mail

      Today i got a confirmation E-mail from the embassy that stay . Thanks for the info .


    3. Channah&Aaron


      ; You can scan the documents and E-mail it =)

    4. Channah&Aaron


      ; @ Michele, true, w00t w00t right back atcha!! :)

  22. ; Package 3 is done =)

    1. otey918


      hi Channa...we got an RFE ...did they actually state n the mail what informations or evidences they need?

    2. Channah&Aaron


      ; yes, you should get a mail stating what documents are missing. You need to gather these documents they need, and send it back a.s.a.p. Do you have an idea of what you guys have missed out? Good luck and keep me posted :) At least you know they are working on your case..!!

    3. otey918


      we're not sure what would it be :( but hopefully just minor information/ evidence.....yes i'll keep u posted ! thanks for the reply Channah! :) goodluck to all of us!

  23. ; Ohmygod, I just called NVC to see if they sent our petition to Amsterdam yet, and they said they sent it out the next day after receiving our petition from Vermont. So, it has been on it's way to Amsterdam since last tuesday!! This is soooo amazing.. Everything goes so fast. Amsterdam might receive it either tormorrow or Monday.. YIKES!! lol

    1. gandacel


      I am really happy for you two! Our petition just got to Bucharest as well, so I definitely know how you're feeling right now..overwhelmed with happiness and impatient :D good luck, and keep us updated :)

    2. Channah&Aaron


      ; thanks gandacel!! It's going really fast.. It's weird that it might be in Amsterdam already.. I am soooooo excited!!! =) I didn't expect it all would go that fast!! LOL!! I wish you also a lot of luck and please keep me posted about everything is going for you, too!! :)))

  24. ; I love Aaron so much... I am not lucky to have him, I am blessed

  25. ; I soooo know what you mean!! I had my NOA2 E-mail on my main screen and looked at it every 5 min!!! =) I'm such a dork. And yes, you are so right.. all the nervous and bumped feelings dissapear like ice for the sun =)

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