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Status Updates posted by Channah&Aaron

  1. ; Dear NOA2.. I think you might be lost. Directions: You have to go South from Vermont, go aaaall the way to Pittsburgh and then heading South-West from Pittsburgh. I am between Bridgeville and Carnegie. I'll be waiting for you...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. dragonlover


      im sure it will come soon, and your grumpy days will be over soon!

    3. Channah&Aaron


      ; thanks dragonlover!!! I hope so too!!

    4. C Med

      C Med

      Look at that! You got your NOA2 the day after you posted the directions. Maybe that's all you needed all along!! LOL I am thrilled for you.

  2. ; Congrats!! you applied a week earlier than I did -I'm still waiting. I bet you are extatic about your NOA2!! Yaaaay!!! Good luck on the rest of your yourney!! :))))

  3. ; Heeey, Aaron and I just received a letter from our Ombudsman :) First reaction ever from whoever. They said that the office provided an analysis of the issue to make USCIS aware of our situation/problem. USCIS commited to providing a response to us within 45 days. And that they will consider the concern we raised... I hope something good will come out of it...

  4. ; ; Jippiee.. we received a letter from the Ombudsman & the Office provided an analysis of the issue to make USCIS aware of our situation related to our inquiry. USCIS commited to providing a respons to us within 45 calender days..... :) atleast it's something!!

    1. monyfer


      That is GREAT news! Hopefully you hear something before those 45 days are up! :)

    2. Channah&Aaron


      ; it's something we already knew, but it's good that the Ombudsman kick them a little bit in their bottom =)

    3. Dumb/Dumber


      If they can approve some in as little as two months, why can't they tell us what the hold up is on ours instead of just putting us off. I just do not get it.

  5. ; YIPPIE!! I looked at the list of Approvals, and it was the best thing to see in a while..I told myself not to look at the list of approvals, because I got jealous and frustrated. I just saw some peeps from sept/october got approved!! It makes me happy that everything can turn out great after all these months, and that there are other couples out there who waited for so long and got their dear NOA2 after all.. Gives me so much more hope :))) w00t w00t

    1. gandacel


      You're going to get your NOA2 soon, I'm sure! My fiance, Matt, called them on Monday and he was finally able to put in a service request. And I was thinking that it's going to take 30 days to get an answer, but on Wednesday we had our approval. Hang in there, don't lose hope!

  6. ; Congrats on your NOA2!! I really thought, me and two others were the only ones left. I looked at the approvals since a month, and I saw some from August/Sept/Oct/Nov got approved.. gave me hope :)))

  7. ; Hi! I just noticed your timeline.. how is everything going this far? I filed a month later than you did, and also haven't received our NOA2. I also saw you received a RFE. What was that about? I wish you two all the luck in the World!!!!

  8. ; Hi!!

    I just read that you also waited 7 months on your NOA2. I am waiting for 7 months at this time, and did you put in a service request? I would really like to hear how your process went. Our Service Request days has come to an end (30days) we called yesterday, and now we need to wait for 30 more extra days :(( how did yours go? Congrats tho on ur NOA2!!

  9. ; OMG!! we just talked to a PIER2 person.. and she said that USCIS got a response from Vermont stating they need more time!! So an other 34 days!!! That month we'll be going towards our 9 months since NOA1. They need time til July 4th!!!!!!!!! Omg, Im pissed :(((

  10. ; OMFGosh!!! Aaron and I just spoke to a TIER2 person, and you know what they said?? We have to wait until 4th of JULY!!! USCIS got a response from Vermont, that they need 30 more extra days!! That would be over 8 months since we received our NOA1!!!!!!!! This is f*cking ridiculous!! Excuse me for my language, I'm just pisssed!!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. RenCor


      By the way we got RFE for about 6 and a half month..

    3. edilene1


      I would reach out to your Senator or Congressman, but drive to the local office that they have in your area. The Assistants to the Congressman have direct contacts to help centers at USCIS that the public does not. It helped us

    4. Channah&Aaron


      ; so Aaron and I can actually drive to the office? Though, Aaron works from Mon-Fri from 8am-6pm :(

  11. ; Only 3 more days to go until the 30 days of Service Request are over... I sooo hope they won't tell us "denied" or wait for another 30 days!! I am a patient person, but my patience is running out.. o_O I'm going to upload a picture in my album right now, which is very TRUE!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Channah&Aaron


      ; thanks Slider!! this is ridiculous.. only 3 more days until Service Request days are over!! How have you been?? :)

    3. T&R


      Channah, I cant believe your process is taking that long. Thanks for your msg! I really hope you get approved soon!

    4. Channah&Aaron


      ; did you see my picture of me and Vermont in my "photos"-album? =) you need to joke around, especially when things aren't going the way you want them to go... :)))

  12. ; crazy, huh?! Ummm.. I didn't receive any info. This friday is the 30th day after our Service Request date. All they told us, is that we need to give them time to make a decision. If not, we have to call them this friday, and God knows what'll happen. I am sooo scared they'll tell us: "you're denied". Scary Scary Scary!! Haven't heard anything back from ...

  13. ; Darn RFE, lol. But atleast you know they have had your case in hands!! I bet you will be approved one these days. Keep in mind that the RFE's don't go in order (dates). Maybe Mr. Snail is having your case in his dusty drawer. He is working, but slow, lol!! Every new day has new chances =)

  14. ; hey!! we have "almost" the same timeline.. My NOA dated on October 28th, 2010.. How is your journey going so far?

  15. ; congrats on your NOA2!!! I can't imagine half how that feeling of relieve must feel like.. I'll have a drink on you tonight!! YIPPIIEE!!! you deserve it!

  16. ; hopefully this will be our week!! Don't you get bummed every friday without hearing anything? Ugh, it ruins the weekend :$ BUUUT, new week, new chances =) Ummm, yeah, our Service Request will end this friday. I pray they can make a decision and decide to give Aaron and I our NOA2. If not, we have to call them again and ask for expedite, since it'll be 7 months. Did you ca...

  17. ; Oohhh!! lol, I thought he was USC and you were in the States with him :$. Awww, since April? I know it's hard to be seperate!! :( I am in the US for almost 3 months now (i decided to wait with him). But trust me, it doesnt make things easy or have less stress!! How does your fiance deal with all this??

  18. ; & where are you now?? Are you in the US??

    I am, but i have to leave on sept.3rd.. hopefully I'll leave with an interview date, if not sooner :) Ill keep us in my prayers!!!!!

  19. ; when did you put in a service request?? and still havent heard anything in 30 days?? I would be so happy with a RFT, sounds weird, but atleast I know they have had my case in hands and working on it. Like you, I am losing hope too.. I'm like.. who has waited so long to get approved? what if it gets denied? :(( and Im so tired of not getting any sleep.. and i need my champagne bottle to op...

  20. ; next week it's going to be 7 months for us!! UGH!!

    Yeah, we put in a service request april 27th, and they told us that a decision will be made within 30 days. So, next week its going to be 30 days.. If a decision isnt be made, then we have to call again.. I bet they will tell us to wait an other 30 days. & we havent heard from Ombudsman yet. They are reviewi...

  21. ; Almost 7 months since NOA1... I'm starting to lose hope :((((

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. C Med

      C Med

      I feel horrible for you! I really hope you hear something soon. You have been so patient, all things considered. Most people in your position would be calling USCIS every single day. Hang in there! It's coming!

    3. Dumb/Dumber


      Yes girl you are doing good. I personally think calling them and have the Senators contact them just tick them off. Hang in there and right in that boat with ya.

    4. Channah&Aaron


      ; thanks C Med!! I know a lot of people are calling USCIS every single day. I did it twice after Aaron&I put in a Service Request.. But they said that even though I call them every day, they can't do much, because I must give them 30 days for them to make process on our case and give them these 30 days to make a decision...

      @ Dumb/Dumber (i love that movie :)). I wished I could call them, but it doesn't help (read message above me). Senetor is still reviewing ou...

  22. ; Nope!!! :( one more week and it's going to be 7 months!!!!

    This is freakin' ridiculous!!!!!!! Like you, I feel frustrated and I can't sleep at night. I feel also sorry for you, since you've been waiting over 7 months already!!! We need to keep our head up girl!!

  23. ; what was the case of your expedition?

  24. ; They also put in our service request after 6 months and one week. Well, atleast they have had your case in hands before a RFE was requested, that must be meaning something good :). Ummm, we also contacted our Ombudsman. He received our forms, and is now reviewing it before he'll contact USCIS.. ugh, soooo nerve-wracking o_O

  25. ; hey, I just noticed your reply on my topic. We are waiting for over 6.5 months now. And I read yall are over 7 months. Do you have any idea why it takes so long in your case??? Did you also put in a Service Request??? Somehow, I'm glad I'm not the only one out there, and I wish us both luck!!

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