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Posts posted by mike411

  1. they said the denied was becaus i did not answer like 3 question but my wife said they only want a reason to denied it

    so how much month it will take after to send all the evidenc and proof to prove our petition

    What is the 3 questions they said you didn't answer? How does your wife know the real reason why they denied you?

    I would think 1-2 month for interview again if they are convinced of your marriage.

  2. What is your goal? Save some strength by not bringing the paper tube? Or pass the interview?

    Why would you even think about not bringing anything that came out of this relationship and the immigration process?

    Bring everything and more! Your future depends on the mood of the interviewer. Don't give him/her a reason to deny you!

  3. You are right! UK would be better!

    The strange thing is that you married the American culture that you don't like! Ironic...

    I don’t live to work nor do my friends! We have personal lives! It's how you make of it!

    Some like to live BIG by getting the best and only making the bare minimum payments. Others are just fine!

    This is America! (Don King)

  4. How did you guys deal with health insurance for the spouse expecting to arrive in a few months?

    I am married on record with HR. Company suggest me to add wife now (open enrollment) and wait for her arrival. I don't want to waste money.

    I can only add her later with qualifying events and within 31 days of those events.

    Here are some events that relates:

    •Marriage or divorce

    •Gain a dependent through marriage

    •Lose a dependent through divorce, death or loss of custody

    •Gain or lose spouse coverage due to a change in employment status

    •Change in spouse coverage due to an open enrollment at your spouse's place of work

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