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Everything posted by iwannaplay54

  1. You are right to be concerned. Couples have been denied for submitting photos of their engagement parties dressed in traditional outfits. Submitting chats with matching last names? Worse in my view. The petitions get approved, the couples are denied at the visa interview.
  2. Ironic words indeed from a mindless noisy mob whose one single measurable achievement in almost a decade is forcing rape victims to give birth 😂
  3. Since you’ve lost track I’ll remind you once again. Conservative, Republican, Texan, Free, Independent = seat polishers in Washington do NOT determine your outcome. That message will sell. Your message does not.
  4. Y’all stop whining down here. Im going back upstairs to help folks get their immigration cases through. Always a pleasure! Charles - you and Tex keep things straight down here LOL. As MikeE says - I’m out
  5. Republicans don’t sell out to Trans-Canada at the expense of Texans like your partner up there. Nothing spells MAGA like a post quoting TC interests as a reason for his high gas prices to a Texan who spends 100% of 35 years extracting every penny of value possible from bbls of crude oil LOL. What a fail 😂
  6. Your lot always throw in with Putin Difference between you and me is I told you what was coming in summer 2020 when you and your lot were coughing on my groceries and kids. I was dead bang accurate right, and you? Still Gassing Off about the same sad things that benched you away from anything with moving parts. LOL I remember them 😂
  7. “Personally cut my 401k to 201k” sounds like you really have it all together. While I buy my dips with “4” you can buy yours with “2” “False God”? You’re not dealing with a dem here. This is the Republican party who stepped in MAGA then wiped our boots.
  8. mocking “you’re supposed to produce a source” I didnt quote anything but I will now Red hats? OH they dont produce anything. Under red hats rigs go. 😂 Less than 400 is pretty bad 😂
  9. First post. Where did I say “biden” did something again? Nah, I pointed out that red hatters do nothing and produce nothing but memes and slogans. So far you’ve pretty much produced nothing but that here 😂
  10. He personally sets the value of every stock and every company in America? A drooling confused old man? haha You choose to invest in this you begged to have your wallet skimmed. I haven’t lost a single dime. Like everything else MAGA, this was a fake stock market propped by buybacks and margin debt. A blind man could see this correction coming. OK I bought all in March 2020 tho 😂 quick 36% then parked it. About to start throwing a little back in on dips. MAGA bad investment choices are not Washington’s fault either dude. You should have been parked and out by late 2018.
  11. Supply drives the price, the price determines the price of almost everything else. Fool with supply and grit your teeth through the consequences. In silence, not loudly wailing. OH and pay before you pump 😂
  12. You must be really sad that your model president Putin who can just declare what is true and force his people to drink his koolaid is getting beat like a drum. Just think - with a president like that you can just sharpie prosperity without actually doing any work. Mean ole Biden pulled you out of the rabbit hole and like the rabid mindless mob you are you have spent the last two years biting anything in sight, even your own. Funny to watch. Cant wait to watch y’all sinking each other’s boats in a frenzy of worship again 😂
  13. I know why. I was in Dhahran. Fracking was so prolific the floor fell out from under light sweet crude and fracking was in the crosshairs. I counseled otherwise and I was right too. They almost wrecked their own economy and for nothing. In 2020 everything was full. I remember when cargo contracts went negative LOL. Every tanker was full. Every tank. Cheap or high gas prices have nothing to do with Washington and claiming so has gotten old.
  14. No idea. I never missed a day of work. Be a good research project.
  15. Alaska didnt vote for Obama but I’m pretty sure the Continental Army captured the Alaskan airports from the British during the Revolutionary War The story about MAGA will someday be a children’s book called “We Scat in their Hats” Im tired of their whining and empty boasts
  16. You showed a 1.2 mbpd increase in two years to be false when? You showed almost tripling rigs counts to be false when? LOL My first post: we sink rigs not seat polishers in Washington was true then and is true now. I was just pointing out how little you did when you red hats were in charge LOL
  17. Those platforms are boring. Sakhalin was fun. KSA was fun. Alaska was fun. You need a passport. No comment on the Canadian flag you’re waving? Again, Cushing is a bottleneck. No room for Canada. It’s full.
  18. No. We’re booming. There is no combination of words and sentences that say otherwise.
  19. Thats what USC’s have to show to qualify to get their spouses home. Working overseas is specifically listed in the “abandonment” column for LPR’s. So is skipping taxes. You’ll either slip through at the mercy of an IO or face a slam dunk in immigration court. This is the reality of where you are right now. I know for sure it is. We are not misaligned here.
  20. The nasty note said “out 11 months”. I saved it as a USCIS souvenir I think this one is going to go to court though to be honest.
  21. I really do. I filed with foreign earned income using turbotax for several years. Just follow the menus.
  22. As many times as we’ve filed and re-filed this is new. Our case would be DOA if I had to produce this.
  23. Nah we got warned left and flew back a year later with no problem. They usually just leave a nasty note in your passport.
  24. This is tough. An SB1 would be summarily denied. Your ONLY chance is to fly in on the green card, dig your heels in at secondary, and do not under any circumstance sign away your green card. You need to prepare something to show as many maintained US ties as possible and you need to catch up on filing taxes. You can be treated as resident for tax purposes and exclude foreign earned income and likely won’t owe anything anyway. I hope you make it but it’s possibly going to be tough. Good luck.
  25. We’re good at navigating this. Just the list of reasons would be very helpful. As others have said, very sorry to hear your situation and thank you for your service.
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