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About jken

  • Birthday 06/26/1963

Profile Information

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Ken and I met in the summer of 2007 on-line. There was some kind of immediate connection, neither one of us denied it. I was newly seperated, Ken was dealing with the loss of his wife and we both shared shoulders so to speak. In the fall of 2007, Ken decided that he had to move on adn that we tried to do for about 4 months. New Years, I rec'd an email from him, that he couldn't stop thinking of me and had to know why. The rest is history, we met in person July of 2008 and it was then that we both knew, it was kismet. We are lucky, considering he is in Maine and I am in New Brunswick and traveling to see each other is possible, frequently! I love him with all my heart, he is my soul mate.
    So, we are now, one week away from sending in the petition for K-1 vISA. sTRESSED! We are hoping to be married this fall in the US, fingers crossed. We just want to start our lives together.

    This site has been God sent. Even reading the experiences of others helps. Good Luck all.

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  1. I immigrated in a k1. Became a U.S. citizen 6 years ago. Long story. > I’ve been estranged from my son for 13 years. From the time I divorced his father. I continued to make attempts to connect over the years, u successfully. The entire time I was emailing my son or texting but it wasn’t really him but my ex. My ex died last year. We have since discovered that my ex was portraying g himself as my son and was telling me he didn’t want a relationship etc. at any rate… my son and I are trying to build a relationship that we were robbed of. Since his Dad died he really has no one in Canada to turn to and is very alone. He came to visit me last year in the US and us now seriously thinking of moving here. Many questions. Can he come here and apply for aos. ( ?) or do I need to apply for him to come while he’s in Canada. We’ve lost a lot of time and heartache so the quicker the better. Being legal of course. Ty everyone for your guidance.
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