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Posts posted by Hugglebuggles

  1. Awesome news! I was just reading your initial post thinking how horrible it would have been for your wife to take care of twin babies without you. I'm glad it worked out. All the best to you and the family :luv:

  2. I'm going to be completely honest with you- insurance companies screw people everyday for things they have no control over. But like I said, you should be fine until renewal. As long as you represented information correctly, which it sounds like you did, no reason to think they would deny a claim if it happened.

    Hopefully its not a name issue... but if it is, you can fix it. So try not to stress too much... anything can be overcome, and in the meantime your car still has a valid registration and you can drive on your old license.

  3. How is using a credit card in the US any different than using a credit card in Canada? Its pretty much the same thing, no extra fees that I've encountered. Hubby and I have several cards that serve different purposes, points and rewards etc.

    I still have my scotiabank credit card, even though I haven't used it in 3 years. I changed my info with them, and they never said it was an issue.

    Like flames mentioned Capital One has a new resident card designed for people with no credit who just moved to the US. I had no issues getting approved, but I did wait until I had a job. When I moved my husband added me as an authorized user on his cards so It wasn't an urgent need. If that's an option for you, it will at least establish a credit file, and sometimes helps you start building credit... it worked for me.

  4. I've been told that sometimes if you print out your credit info they will consider it? Is that true? If so what kind of info do I show them?

    Who is "them" exactly? If you are planning a big purchase such as a house or a car, sometimes the credit company will look at your Canadian credit. This happens very rarely, since the US company needs to go out of their way and sometimes incur extra costs to do this. I have never heard of someone printing out their credit information and presenting it... this would be really easy to fake, so I'd be surprised if you would get anywhere with it.

    Unfortunately you will need to start from scratch. Your Canadian credit does not follow you. We all went through it, and although it sucks for a little while, it really isn't a huge deal. Three years later I get 3-4 credit card offers in the mail a day and have a better credit score than my husband,

  5. What do you mean ? Whose Database? and which name? Your last name? and what is an info pass appointment.

    10 weeks. Omg jesus christ! I might aswell not even register my car in CT if it takes that long.

    When you apply for a state license they run your information through some verification system USCIS updates. I applied for AOS in my married name, but they never updated their system and it still noted my maiden name, So I had my EAD in my married name, and the system had my maiden name, so I didn't clear. My information was sent for manual verification, I waited 10 weeks and still didn't clear. So I had to make an appointment with the local USCIS and have an immigration officer go into the system and update my name so when I went back to the DMV I finally cleared. It was a huge headache. But this is really rare.

    You will eventually need to register your car in CT. If you go too long and your insurance company finds out, they will cancel you pretty fast. Generally they give you until your next renewal. Of course, if you never put in a claim or tell them, they probably won't find out. (I'm an insurance agent)

  6. Well that's a pain! Now you'll need to turn around and register your car in the US and pay again... when you get everything sorted out of course.

    When I got my state license it took me 10 weeks to clear immigrations. It was a nightmare. I ended up having to make an info pass appointment with USCIS to fix my name in their database, because the first time I didn't clear. Hopefully you have an easier time!

  7. My husband refers to them as MAN POOPING BY A WALL

    :rofl: oh wow! I can never unseen that... every time I merge I will now picture a man pooping by a wall.

    A hell of a lot warmer here in the winter, and we get more snow during our storms than southern Ontario, but our snow will be gone in a day or so usually. In Ontario it would stay for the season. Helps being at almost a mile up and 300+ days of sunshine to help melt that ####### away. Oh and yes we also can get snow storms from Sept to May as well which you don't typically get in Ontario. Hell I've seen it snow in June before and Labor Day weekend as well in the past here...

    Very true. Back home its pretty rare you get a snowstorm that dumps 8 inches in a day, but that's pretty common for Denver. And then its gone! Makes it easier to enjoy when you know it won't sit around for 3 months. Its one of the reasons I want to move back to Denver... CO Springs lacks snow, and a lot of other things...

    Today - I have a big hankering for Canadian Cheetos

    Yes! I love Cheetos, and the ones here just aren't the same. The cheese is different and I find them a little dry.

  8. Is it wrong that I miss Buckley's? It tastes terrible, but it does work! I'm going to have to get my parents to bring down a bottle when they visit next week. It's the best thing for a cough or cold!

    Oh I forgot that one! I love Buckley's, nothing works quite like it. I always make sure to bring some back whenever I'm in Canada.

    Thankfully Colorado is far enough north that I will still get 4 seasons. :) Otherwise I'd say I'd be missing snow! Hahaha!!! (He's originally from Alabama... Oh goodness I love to hear him talk. :D)

    Yay Colorado! :D I don't know the statistics, but it sure feels like Denver gets more snow than Southern Ontario. But it is definitely not as cold!

    Driving sure is a different beast here than back home. That may be because I'm from a smaller town. I hate to admit it, but after 3.5 years, I drive like a local now. Which translates into, I drive like an a-hole :lol:

  9. You guys are making me miss things I didn't even realize I missed!

    The big things for me are:

    - My family and friends

    - Niagara falls... I used to spend a lot of time there

    - Tim Horton's coffee

    - Coffee crisp

    - Poutine

    - Sour Cherry Blasters

    - McCain frozen pizzas and pies


    I didn't put Canadian health care on the list, because I still have mixed thoughts on the topic. In my experiences, the care here is better but I will never get used to the costs. It really comes down to what kind of insurance you have. Having a baby "only" cost me 1,000 for delivery and all prenatal care... the hospital room was like a hotel, it was a little much compared to what I'm used to from back home. But, its a huge mess figuring out what facilities are in network, what doctors are in network... etc. The system is definitely broken.

  10. If you have a local insurance agent, they should have at least 1 notary public on staff. A few of my coworkers at notaries.

    Thanks for posting this, I need to do this for my 1 month old at some point. Looks like the first step will be getting her a US passport.

  11. We crossed every 6-8 weeks for 4 years. I never had an issue visiting him here. Before we found VJ and filled the paperwork we were both pretty naive and didn't consider being denied entry. I crossed several times with no return ticket, and never had any prof of ties. I think we were pretty lucky! I always crossed at the Peace Bridge. My dad always drove me across to the airport, and he's an intimidating looking guy, so maybe that helped! On the other hand, when my husband visited in Canada for the first time he was pulled into secondary, and they called me to confirm his identity. After that, no problems on his end either.

  12. It depends, for my fiances health insurance it was made clear I needed a SSC. I don't think I have to wait after we get married though.

    Usually you can only be added due to a significant life event, like a marriage. So I would definitely verify this. All companies are different, so you might be right. They may consider your move a significant event,

    When I moved down here I went 6 weeks without health insurance. Knowing what I know now about medical costs, I would never have taken that risk. Not that anyone is suggesting that.

  13. You don't necessarily need an SSN or your GC before getting health insurance. My husband added me to his plan the day after our wedding, and I didn't have either one yet. If you are planning on moving and getting married immediately, and you plan on being added to your spouses plan, you can do this right away with a very short period of time with no coverage.

  14. Thanks gals! When I was in labour and she started crowning Bill loudly said "she had your hair!" :lol: It was cute.

    You're right Colleens, I spent all week in the house and felt so confined. The baby is just so consuming I forget about everything else... like eating. Who ever thought I would forget to feed myself?

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