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Everything posted by Lemonslice

  1. I've found doctors in the US pretty much prescribe you whatever you ask for, unless it's stronger pain medication now, maybe? 🤷‍♀️ I'm always weirded out at my annual exam when I'm asked if I want refills. Uh, you do the labs, check me, and see if I still need the meds, no? I don't need Ozempic, but I'm sure if I asked because my grandma had diabetes, and I want to maintain my healthy BMI, and some other easy lines, I would get some. The ads in magazine sometimes even tell you how to ask your doctor.
  2. Being angry happens, again, it's not an excuse. Respecting myself is something I will not give away. If you feel you can respect yourself while being called names, and that your spouse will improve their behaviour, good. OP's spouse has said they won't change though. Why stay with someone who clearly doesn't care, and who's repeatedly angry? Why? Simply to prevent the divorce statistics from offending you? I'm sorry, you said that marriage is hard work. Maybe yours is, mine isn't. We get along. We get angry at times, but not angry at each other, and we certainly don't call each other names, or disrespect one another in other ways. That's not something I would want in my life, being married isn't an obligation - and, to me, isn't worth losing my self esteem. Everyone is free to set their boundaries, and I'm not sure why it would bad if people in bad marriages divorce. We only have one life to live, there is no medal for being miserable [I'm not young, getting close to retirement 😆 I'm happily married, never divorced. Planning our 15th anniversary celebration. Still, both my husband and myself are very clear on what would be unacceptable behaviours]. I don't think your views are outdated, I think they're dangerous. But, good thing is you live your life how you want, and others do their things. .... OP, sorry for the rambling here.
  3. Ok... They're adults, they should know the basics of life, such as respect. If not, for me, I'm sorry, but they are too far behind. Who knows, maybe OP is into raising unruly children. Communication is good, but there's still no excuse for disrespect.
  4. Short of someone being temporarily intoxicated and willing to get help for their substance abuse problem, or someone behaving erratically and needing medical treatment, no way I would continue to interact with someone calling me names. Nope.
  5. US birth certificate, or Canadian birth certificate, will allow the child to travel back and forth by land.
  6. Misread. The child will be a Canadian citizen and can travel as such if born in Canada. If born in the US, child can travel as a US citizen. Personally, I see many benefits to being born in Canada, but that's up to them.
  7. " Acceptable documents to denote identity and citizenship Upon arrival at a Canadian port of entry, travellers must satisfy a CBSA border services officer (BSO) that they meet the requirements for entry into Canada. For Canadian citizens, permanent residents and persons registered under the Indian Act, this can be done through questioning and through verifying documentation such as a: Canadian passport Canadian birth certificate [...]" https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/td-dv-eng.html Of note, commercial carriers (bus companies, airlines, etc. might ask for more.
  8. Sorry source for first quote https://www.cbp.gov/travel/us-citizens/western-hemisphere-travel-initiative
  9. "When people show you who they are, believe them the first time." ~Maya Angelou ... He is telling you he won't/doesn't want to change. Believe him.
  10. "U.S. and Canadian citizen children under the age of 16 (or under 19, if traveling with a school, religious group, or other youth group) need only present a birth certificate or other proof of citizenship. The birth certificate can be original, photocopy, or certified copy." It won't be long at the border as a Canadian citizen baby. OP might want to fill and print this: https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/children/consent-letter ... Canadian college access is also a nice benefit that can be worth $$$
  11. Keeping her employment until later in the pregnancy/delivery also has the benefit of getting Canadian maternal leave benefits, child benefits at birth, etc. Not a bad deal. Might be a good idea to visit her more often, if you can.
  12. Forgot to say, the SAAQ was able to refund part of my registration and license fees, I am not sure if they still do. Something to look into once you are all set up in NC. I kind of laugh here when I have to renew my license and pay $50 for 5 years
  13. Work? You mean you have been contributing to the economy today?
  14. Please come back and update us - will be useful for the next Canadian moving to NC!
  15. Enjoy! I can't see... I hope it was good!
  16. It looks like North Carolina is one of the states that has you take the tests again, only stating that they might be waived. https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/help/moving/Pages/new-residents.aspx Google results show Canadian having to take the written tests only. Bonne chance!
  17. You need to look up the DMV requirements for that state and Canadian licenses. Usually need to provide driving history/records.
  18. Since you will have to meet again, look up the spousal visa. Might be a better option for you two.
  19. Some might be "unqualified" workers, whatever that means in your opinion... However, a lot of job postings around here are for level entry positions, so, seems like there's a need for workers with all levels of qualification. ... Part of my personal opinion is that I don't think everything has to be seen through economics glasses. Rest of my opinion, I'll keep to myself.
  20. How old is she? You wrote that her aunt is in the US, what about her parents? Siblings?
  21. Since May was a month ago, you can also do nothing at this time, and send your letter that you won't be pursuing the visa/not going to the interview when time comes. That will leave you an extra year to be sure of your decision, you've already paid for that petition...
  22. If they were married in India, acceptable documents will be listed here: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/India.html
  23. For some, 8 months is how long it takes to get the advance parole... Ajustment of status has the benefit of being together, but otherwise a lots of downsides. Just make sure you both realize that.
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